Miklós Antal

Personal details

Place and date of birth: Pécs, Hungary, July 8, 1983.

Address: 12 Telepy u. 1096 Budapest, Hungary.


Education& research

2011-2012: Energy modeling researcher, Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy, Central European University.Research for the Global Buildings Performance Network (http://www.globalbuildings.org/).

2011PhD: economics and management, Department of Environmental Economics,Budapest University of Technology and Economics.Research area: environmental decision making. Thesis: Strategic management of environmental decisions: the role of social, policy, and cognitive networks (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011).

2007MSc: engineering physics (4.89/5), Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Specialization: nuclear techniques. Thesis: Particular questions of nuclear reactor safety.

Additional research experience& trainings

2005-2011 Member of the LINK network research group (http://linkgroup.hu/).

2008Complex Systems and Social Simulations Summer School, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary (letter of appreciation for outstanding work).

2005-2006 Student research at the Department of Physical Chemistry, Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

2004 Get new energies in your life: be renewable!!! (BEST Summer School), Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

2003Wind, Waves and Water - an introduction to renewable energy (BEST Summer School), Uppsala University, Sweden.


2008-2011 Courses in environmental economics (comprehensive curriculum development).

Prizes and Fellowships

2009 CIMO Fellowship to the University of Helsinki, Finland – environmental policy research with Professor Janne Hukkinen (from March to October).

2002 Metropolis prize from the Loránd Eötvös Physical Society (for outstanding results in national competitions, e.g. 1st place in the most prestigious yearlong KöMaL competition).

Public activities

2006-2012 Numerous articles about environmental and political issues in various media.

2006-2008 Volunteer assistant of Peter Olajos (MP, European Parliament) – co-organizer of a state-wide cooperationto mitigate avian power line interactions.

2005-2009 Founder and leader of the Student Environmental Organization at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2009-2011: member).

Language skills

English:proficient, German:intermediate, Hungarian: native speaker.


Peer-reviewed articles (social sciences):

Antal, M. (submitted) Structural and dynamical reasons to use human relationships as analogies and metaphors in human-environment interactions.Submitted to SAGE Open.

Antal, M, Mikecz D. (accepted) Answer or Publish – An Online Tool to Bring Down the Barriers to Participation in Modern Democracies, International Journal of Electronic Democracy.

Antal, M, Hukkinen J. (2010) The Art of the Cognitive War to Save the Planet, Ecological Economics, 69(5), 937-943.

Antal, M. (2010) Applications for official support – an innovative way to promote grassroots initiatives, The Innovation Journal, 15(2), article 6.

Antal M. (2010) Policy Measures to Address Bird Interactions with Power Lines – A Comparative Case Study of Four Countries, Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology, 81(3), 217-223.

Antal, M. (2010) Crisis communication – thoughts on the communication strategies of environmental crises, Magyar Tudomány (Hungarian Science), 2010/6, 674-684 (in Hungarian).

Antal, M, Balogh, L. (2009) Modeling belief systems with scale-free networks, Neural Networks, 22(10), 1359-1371.

Antal, M. (2009) Democracy of responsibility, De iurisprudentiaetiurepublico, 3(2), 1-17 (in Hungarian).

Antal M. (2008) Diversification of strategic uncertainties in the business of environmental policy, PeriodicaPolytechnica, 16(2), 81-88.

Peer-reviewed articles (natural sciences):

Antal, M, Böde, Cs, Csermely P. (2009) Perturbation waves in proteins and protein networks: Applications of percolation and game theories in signaling and drug design, Current Protein and Peptide Science, 10(2), 161-172.

Antal, M, Makai M. (2009) Equispectrality and transplantation, Oriental Journal of Mathematics, 1(2), 73-100.

Makai, M, Antal, M. (2009) Applications of Finite Groups to Iterative Problems in Reactor Physics, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 59, 1237-57.

Makai, M, Antal M. (2008) Exact Code Scaling, International Journal of Multiphysics, 2(3), 279-90.

Antal, M, Filipcsei, G, Zrínyi M. (2007) Direct observation of Quincke rotation of disk shaped polymer composites in a uniform DC electric field, Composites Science and Technology, 67, 2884-5.