Computer Applicationsand Keyboarding

Instructor: Mrs. Loren Becraft

School Phone: 410-758-0883 (EXT 276)


410-758-0883 Ext 276

Course Description:

In this class, students will develop a foundation of essential computer skills necessary to become a power user of software in an ever-changing technological society.


  • Planners
  • Either a sharpened pencil or pen.
  • A positive attitude toward learning.
Care for Equipment:
Each student will be assigned to a computer at the beginning of the marking period.
It is the student’s responsibility to use the equipment with care.
Individual students will be financially responsible for any damage
they cause to any equipment in the lab due to careless usage.
Food, drink, and gum are not permitted in the computer lab.

Students will

  • review touch-typing to become more proficient
  • extend knowledge of word processing focusing on content integration
  • introduction to using data to create basic spreadsheets & graphs
  • introduction to creating multimedia


1st – Warning

2nd – Think/Reflect

  • Behavior worksheet and/or Level 1 Referral/Phone Call Home

3rd - Lunch Detention

Section E of Middle School Grading Policy:


  1. Mastery assessments are not eligible to be retaken/revised. However, if a student demonstrates mastery of previous standards on subsequent Mastery Assessments,

teachers will have the discretion to change the Mastery Assessment grade throughouttheyearifthestudents’performancereflects


  1. A Progress Assessment can be redone one time up until the Mastery Assessment.

Redo Policy:

Step 1: Student must email teacher with 1) the request 2) outlined plan of whatthey will do to improve and whenthey will complete corrections.


Before school 8 a.m.

During Homeroom - Check in with homeroom teacher.

After school - Until 4:30

Step 2: Email Mrs. Becraft when turned in (google classroom).

7th Grade

7th Grade Keyboarding and Computer Apps
Topics/Unit of Study / Time Frame
(Number of Days/Weeks) / Assessment(s)
Keyboarding / Ongoing throughout semester / Progress will be kept on a chart. Timed Typed will be given bi-weekly.
Digital Citizenship / Ongoing throughout semester / Various strategies for appropriate online behavior will be explored.
Microsoft Word / 6 weeks / Various products will be produced including tables, paragraphs, calendars, business cards, and newsletter.
Microsoft Excel / 6 weeks / Various Spreadsheets will be created using formulas.
Microsoft PowerPoint / 6 weeks / Slide shows will be created demonstrating required skills
(not included in final grade) / Progress(50%) / Mastery(50%)
Proper hand positioning and posture / Proper hand positioning and posture / Assessments
Daily Warm up Drills / Warm up Drills / Announced Projects
Exit Cards / Exit Cards / Final Exam
Codes used in gradebook:
NTI – Not Handed In (40% until turned in)
CR – Correct and Return (50% until corrected)
ULA – Unlawful Absence (cannot make up assignment)
ABS – Assignment needs to be completed

7th Grade