Computer Applicationsand Keyboarding
Instructor: Mrs. Loren Becraft
School Phone: 410-758-0883 (EXT 276)
410-758-0883 Ext 276
Course Description:
In this class, students will develop a foundation of essential computer skills necessary to become a power user of software in an ever-changing technological society.
- Planners
- Either a sharpened pencil or pen.
- A positive attitude toward learning.
Care for Equipment:
Each student will be assigned to a computer at the beginning of the marking period.
It is the student’s responsibility to use the equipment with care.
Individual students will be financially responsible for any damage
they cause to any equipment in the lab due to careless usage.
Food, drink, and gum are not permitted in the computer lab.
Students will
- review touch-typing to become more proficient
- extend knowledge of word processing focusing on content integration
- introduction to using data to create basic spreadsheets & graphs
- introduction to creating multimedia
1st – Warning
2nd – Think/Reflect
- Behavior worksheet and/or Level 1 Referral/Phone Call Home
3rd - Lunch Detention
Section E of Middle School Grading Policy:
- Mastery assessments are not eligible to be retaken/revised. However, if a student demonstrates mastery of previous standards on subsequent Mastery Assessments,
teachers will have the discretion to change the Mastery Assessment grade throughouttheyearifthestudents’performancereflects
- A Progress Assessment can be redone one time up until the Mastery Assessment.
Redo Policy:
Step 1: Student must email teacher with 1) the request 2) outlined plan of whatthey will do to improve and whenthey will complete corrections.
Before school 8 a.m.
During Homeroom - Check in with homeroom teacher.
After school - Until 4:30
Step 2: Email Mrs. Becraft when turned in (google classroom).
7th Grade
7th Grade Keyboarding and Computer AppsTopics/Unit of Study / Time Frame
(Number of Days/Weeks) / Assessment(s)
Keyboarding / Ongoing throughout semester / Progress will be kept on a chart. Timed Typed will be given bi-weekly.
Digital Citizenship / Ongoing throughout semester / Various strategies for appropriate online behavior will be explored.
Microsoft Word / 6 weeks / Various products will be produced including tables, paragraphs, calendars, business cards, and newsletter.
Microsoft Excel / 6 weeks / Various Spreadsheets will be created using formulas.
Microsoft PowerPoint / 6 weeks / Slide shows will be created demonstrating required skills
(not included in final grade) / Progress(50%) / Mastery(50%)
Proper hand positioning and posture / Proper hand positioning and posture / Assessments
Daily Warm up Drills / Warm up Drills / Announced Projects
Exit Cards / Exit Cards / Final Exam
Codes used in gradebook:
NTI – Not Handed In (40% until turned in)
CR – Correct and Return (50% until corrected)
ULA – Unlawful Absence (cannot make up assignment)
ABS – Assignment needs to be completed
7th Grade