MATH 4140 - Modern Algebra I

Fall 2017

Instructor: Gene Abrams

Contact Info: Office: EAS 288 Phone: 255-3182

Email: (I read this constantly)


All information about the course (homework assignments, practice exams, etc …) will be posted at that site. There is NO Blackboard component associated with this course.

Office hours: M 3:00 - 3:30, W 1:00 – 1:30 and every day by appointment.

PASSessions: These will be led by Veronica Marth. Times for these sessions will be determined during the first week of the semester.

Text: A First Course in Abstract Algebra, by Fraleigh, 7th edition.

Exams: There will be three 75-minute exams throughout the semester. Here is a pretty good idea of when exams will happen; their exact dates, and the exact material which they will cover, will be announced well in advance. Each of these is of equal weight, and together comprise 85% of your course grade.

Exam I: Wednesday September 27 Sections 1 through 9

Exam II: Wednesday October 25 Sections 10 through 14

Exam III: Monday December 11 Sections 18 through 24 (& 26, 27?)

Missed exams: No makeup exams will be given unless arrangements have been made prior to the date of the exam. Missed exams will be scored as a zero.

Homework / Short Quizzes: Homework and quizzes together comprise the remaining 15% of your course grade. Homework will generally be assigned every Monday, and will be due the Wednesday of the following week. Homework will be graded on a 10 point scale. I will grade the homework. You are allowed to work together in groups of up to three students. More information about homework can be found in the ‘Guidelines … Regarding Homework’ document, please read that document carefully and take that information to heart. There will be four or five short quizzes throughout the semester. These will be announced one class session in advance. Quizzes will consist of one question, and you will be told the question in advance. Quizzes will be given during the first five minutes of the class session. Each quiz will be weighted as half of one homework assignment.

Grading system: “Guaranteed minimum grading”. If you get at least 90% of the total points in this course, you are guaranteed of earning AT LEAST an A-. Similarly, at least 80% guarantees you of AT LEAST a B-, at least 70% guarantees you of at least a C-, and at least 60% guarantees you of not getting an F. This system is meant to remove any worry that any of your group work, or appropriate out-of-class cooperation on work, could in any way jeopardize your own grade.

Video Archive of previous course: The version of the Math 4140 course that I taught in Fall 2007 is likely quite similar (but not equal) to this semester's course. The video archive might be useful for you in case you miss a class session. There is an index of topics listed on that website which should be helpful to find the lecture you need.

Important administrative dates: Last date to disenroll from the course without any mention of it on your permanent transcript is Thursday, September 7. The last date to Withdraw from this course is Friday, October 27 (my signature and the LAS dean’s signature is required). There will be no classes on Monday September 4 (Labor Day), nor on Wednesday November 22 (Thanksgiving).