I am looking forward to an exciting and fun-filled year and I hope that you are too! In order to ensure that it will be a good year, there will be classroom rules that you will be expected to follow!
- 3-Ring Binder (preferably just for biology class)
- Notebook Paper
- Pen/Pencil
- Be Prompt: Be in your seat when the bell rings (not in seat = tardy).
- Be Prepared: Bring supplies, completed HW and a positive attitude every day.
- Be Productive: Pay attention and stay focused on your work during activities and labs. Follow teacher instructions. No heads down on desks. No personal electronic devices visible.
- Be Polite: RESPECT all people, organisms, equipment and materials in the classroom. Language and actions must be appropriate and respectful. Listen quietly when anyone is speaking to the class.
- Be Proud: Only your own original work is acceptable.
- Grading: Letter grades are assigned in accordance with the BVHS Student Handbook.
- Not all assignments will be taken for points – some things will simply serve as practice for your learning.
- Graded assignments will either count as “practice points” or as “game points.” Practice point assignments will be graded, but the score will not count toward your final grade in the class. Only game point assignments will count toward your final grade. Tests, quizzes, and labs are guaranteed to be game points. Homework assignments, class work and class participation will vary on a case-by-case basis.
- Cell phones will be collected prior to any assessment and will be returned when the assessment is completed.
- Safety: You must follow all laboratory safety rules. Failure to do so may result in being removed from the lab and/or receiving a failing grade for the lab assignment.
- Substitutes: Ensure that you act appropriately with substitutes. Anyone negatively mentioned in a report from a substitute will receive two to five detentions depending on the severity of the action, no questions asked!
- Late Assignments: Work must be turned in the day that it is due. No late assignments will be accepted (unless you have an excused absence). Any work not turned in on the due date (without an excused absence) will result in a failing grade.
- Absences:
- Unexcused Absences: will result in a failing grade on any work done or turned in during that day. This is in accordance with the policy in the school’s handbook.
- Excused Absences/Make-Up Work: On the day you return from your absence, check with a responsible classmate to see what you missed. If there was an assignment, obtain it from the teacher. Make-up work must be completed in the same amount of time that you were absent. Beware that excessive absences will greatly affect your grade
- Cheating: My policy is in accordance with the academic honesty policy in the school’s handbook. However, I may choose further consequences beyond the school’s policy.
I will expect you to follow the rules. If you CHOOSE to break a rule there will be consequences.
I have read this document and understand its content. I understand the reasons for the policies outlined above and agree to abide by the rules or deal with the consequences.
Student Signature: ______
Parent Signature: ______