Minutes of the 171st meeting of the Committee Constituted for Deciding the Consent under Orange Category, held on 13.10.2011 in the Conference Room of Chairman, DPCC.
The following persons attended the meeting:
Sh. Keshav Chandra, Chairman, DPCC
Sh. Sandeep Mishra, Member Secretary, DPCC
Sh. M. Dwarakanth, SSO, Dept. of Env., GNCTD.
SEEs of CMC – I, II, III & IV.
EEs of CMC – I, II, III & IV.
Prof. S. K. Gupta, IIT-Delhi and Sh. B. Kumar, Addl. Director, DPCC could not attend the meeting.
Following are the minutes of the meeting:-
Agenda Item No. 1- Cases processed administratively for putting up in CMC, considered by Scrutinizing Committee on 18.08.2011(28 cases).
Decisions recommended with respect to this agenda are tabulated and annexed as Annexure – 1.
Agenda Item No. 2- Inspection cases in compliance of earlier CMC's decisions, considered by Scrutinizing Committee on 09.09.2011/ 12.09.2011(07 cases).
Decisions recommended with respect to this agenda are tabulated and annexed as Annexure – 2.
Agenda Item No. 3- Cases processed administratively for putting up in CMC, considered by Scrutinizing Committee on 09.09.2011/ 12.09.2011(04 cases).
Decisions recommended with respect to this agenda are tabulated and annexed as Annexure – 3.
Agenda Item No. 4 Consent to Operate(Renewal) cases under Orange category of redevelopment areas from 12.08.2009 to 22.03.2011, considered by Scrutinizing Committee on 09.09.2011/ 12.09.2011(70 cases).
This agenda could not be taken up by the Committee, due to paucity of time, and it was decided to take up the same in the next meeting.
Agenda Item No. 5- Cases in which closure directions u/s 31(A) of the Air Act/ 33(A) of the Water Act / 5 of EPA are in force, considered by Scrutinizing Committee on 22.09.2011/ 23.09.2011 / 26.09.2011 (145 cases).
This agenda could not be taken up by the Committee, due to paucity of time, and it was decided to take up the same in the next meeting.
Agenda Item No. 6- Inspection cases in compliance of earlier CMC's decisions, considered by Scrutinizing Committee on 22.09.2011/ 23.09.2011 / 26.09.2011 (39 cases).
This agenda could not be taken up by the Committee, due to paucity of time, and it was decided to take up the same in the next meeting.
Agenda Item No 7 - Table Agenda Item No. 1 w.r.t. status of the cases of Udyog Nagar Indl. Area in which action was taken in pursuance of the complaint received Sh. Ramesh Kumar, Member of Parliament, considered by Scrutinizing Committee on 22.09.2011/ 23.09.2011 / 26.09.2011 (35 cases).
This agenda could not be taken up by the Committee, due to paucity of time, and it was decided to take up the same in the next meeting.
Agenda Item No 8 - Tale Agenda Item No. 2 w.r.t. the cases covered in negative list as per MPD-2021 which were forwarded to MCD, DDA & COI, considered by Scrutinizing Committee on 22.09.2011/ 23.09.2011 / 26.09.2011 (05 cases).
Decisions recommended with respect to this agenda are tabulated and annexed as Annexure – 4.
Meeting ended with thanks to the chair.
S. No. / I.D. No / appl_dt / Industry Name / Industry Address / Industrial Area / Category / Activitiy / Product / Consent Status / Earlier Committee Decision / Remarks / Action Taken / ATR / Recommendations of Scrutinizing Committee on 18.08.2011 / Decision recommended by CMC(Orange) on 13.10.20111 / 22283 / 10.07.2007 / Parsvnath Developers Ltd (Construction at commercial mall at Azadpur metro station / 6th floor, arunachal building, 19, Barakhamba road / NC-NW / Orange Establish / Shopp Mall cum Metro Station / Pending / 21.01.2011
Ask the unit to apply for environmental clearance within 15 days, failing which, action will be initiated. / Letter was sent on 24.02.2010.
Letter received from the unit 20.07.2011.
The premises was inspected and the following was observed and the following were observed:
1. No new construction or finish work observed and only earlier constructed & unfinished work see.
2. As per the total area reported by unit is 24384.22 m.sq. and out of this the exact area to be used by PDL is 14599 m.sq.
3. The unit has also submiteed a representation wherein a request has been made for grant of CTE. / Call for pesonal hearing before CMC. / Call for pesonal hearing in next CMC.
2 / 29249 / 16.03.2009 / Britannia industries Ltd. / 33 / Lawerence Road Industrial Area / Orange Renewal / Biscuit Manufacturing. / Pending / CTO (Y) issued on 07.05.2003 and valid upto 14.02.2006 Vide C.No.4649.
CTR(Y) issued on 22.06.2006 and valid upto 14.02.2009 Vide C.No. 15871.
Letter received from the unit on 27.04.2011 stating that they have applied forn CTR dated 16.03.2009 Vide ID.No.29249 but still not received Consent. / Recommended for grant of renewal of consent. Subsequently, inspection be conducted. Inform to DJB regarding ground water extraction. / Issue renewal of consent. Subsequently, inspection be conducted. Inform to DJB regarding ground water extraction.
3 / 35972 / 16.12.2010 / Unique Power Solutions / C-12 / S.M.A Industrial Area / Orange Establish / Assembling of Electrical goods. / Pending / 16.03.2011 Inspection be conducted in view of gazette notification of D.G. Set. / Inspection of the premises was done on 10.05.2011 and the following were observed:
1. Unit found operating, engaged in assembling of D.G. Sets with inbuilt acoustic enclosure of capacity 5 KVA to 40 KVA.
2. Certificateof confirmity of production on the behalf of ARAI for issuing type approval certificate no. provided.
3. DG Set of capacity 82.5 KVA found installed with acoustic enclosure adequate stack height. / Recommended for grant of consent to establish. / Issue consent to establish.
4 / 28547 / 31.12.2008 / Concord Electoceramic Industries / 102, DSIDC Complex / Wazirpur Industrial Area / Orange Renewal / Mfg. of piezoelectric ceramics and devices. / Pending / CTR (Y) issued on 19.06.2006 and valid upto 30.09.2008 Vide C.No. 15621.
Letter received from the unit on 15.06.2011 stating that they have applied for CTR. They have not received Consent till date. / Recommended for grant of renewal of consent. / Inspection be conducted to ascertain the categorization of the activity of the unit and proper categorization be included in the list of categorization of industries.
5 / 36312 / 25.01.2011 / Wenger & Co. / A-16, Connaught Place / NC-ND / Orange Renewal / Bakery & Confectionery. / Pending / In response to our SCN and letter dated 29.06.2011 unit has submitted their reply on 14.07.2001 stating that they have rectified all those discrepancies and submitted fresh valid NDMC license. / Ask the unit to submit bank guarantee of Rs. 50,000 under Water Act valid for one year. If unit submits the bank guarantee, renewal of consent be issued. / Ask the unit to submit bank guarantee of Rs. 50,000 under Water Act valid for one year. If unit submits the bank guarantee, renewal of consent be issued.
6 / Laxmi Plastic / B-34 (basement) / Lawerence Road Industrial Area / Mfg. of PVC footwear. / 21.01.2011 Issue SCN u/s 31(A) of the Air Act. / SCN was sent on 01.03.2011.
No reply received.
Inspection of the unit was done on 03.06.2011 and the premises found vacant and no activity is going on. / Surprise inspection be conducted after three months. / Issue closure directions u/s 31(A) of the Air Act.
7 / 30341 / 16.06.2009 / Bright Cables (P) Ltd. / A-5 / Wazirpur Industrial Area / Orange Renewal / Mfg. of Insulated electric wires and cables of various conductors / Pending /
Letter received from the unit on 07.06.2011 stating that they have applied for CTR on 16.06.2009 Vide Id.No.30341 stating that please issue the pollution certificate as soon as possible. / Recommended for renewal of consent. / Decision of CMC(Orange) dated 14.09.2011implemented regading issuance of renewa lof consent. No action at this stage.
8 / 35974 / 16.12.2010 / Prominent Hotels Ltd. / 37, Sheed Baghat Singh Marg / Central / Orange Renewal / Hotel (4 Star) / Pending / 16.03.2011 Ask the unit to raise the stack height of hot water generators atleast upto 11 meter above ground level and well above the roof, whichever is more. Inspection may also be conducted. / Letter was sent on 21.04.2011.
Reply was received on 09.05.2011.
Inspection of your unit was conducted on 08.07.2011 and the following were observed:
1. Hotel is operational having 76 rooms with 25% occupancy approx.
2. STP is operational to treat kitchen, loundary + sewage effluent.
3. Hotel is having PNG fired boiler (2 Lac Kilo calorie/hr)=01no beside one oil fired as standby- not in use.
4. DG Sets (380+ 500) KVA in common accoustic room at basement with stack height about 11 mtr from G.F 30' far from main building.
5. One rain water harvesting system [5.6 m x 5.6 m x 2.5 m] approx.
6. Two nos. of pannel for solar water heating system at roof.
7. Cooling tower with recycle system.
8. Treated STP effluent is not re-used. / Recommended for grant of renewal of consent. / Issue renewal of consent.
9 / 36350 / 31.01.2011 / Maha Gauri Steel / A-14, Group / Wazirpur Industrial Area / Orange Operate / Mfg. of Stainless Steel Kitchen Utensils (With Buffing) / Pending / 08.04.2011 Issue reminder for submission of Bank Guarantee asked earlier. Inform to DJB regarding ground water extraction. / Letter was sent on 16.06.2011.
Bank Guarantee was submitted on 28.07.2011. / Recommened for grant of consent to operate. Inspection be conducted within 03 months after issuance of consent. / Issue consent to operate. Inspection be conducted within 03 months after issuance of consent.
10 / 36159 / 06.01.2011 / Standard Plastic / B-104 / GTK Road Industrial Area / Orange Establish / Mfg. of Plastic Auto Parts job works, / Pending / 31.03.2011
Link the case with the committee constituted for the purpose of inclusion of land cost. / Ask the unit to submit the balance consent fee after incorporating the land & building cost in the capital investment with due indication of the fresh capital investment. If unit submits the requisite documents along with the consent fee, consent to establish be issued.
Regarding the conclusion of the Committee, CMC may consider to instruct AEE, Enquiry Counter to put up a note to the higher up for further necessary action. / AEE, Enquiry Counter has already been instructed to put up a note regarding the conclusion of the committee constituted on the issue. Ask the unit to submit the balance consent fee after incorporating the land & building cost in the capital investment with due indication of the fresh capital investment. If unit submits the requisite documents along with the consent fee, consent to establish be issued.
11 / 29414 / 01.04.2009 / Sree Adinath Works / A-124 (IIIrd Floor) / Wazirpur Industrial Area / Orange Operate / Mfg. of S.S. Utensils with buffing and polishing. / CTE(Y) issued on 04.12.2009 and valid upto 03.12.2010. / 27.08.2010
Issue SCN fir refusal of consent and SCN u/s 31 (A) of the Air Act for closure of the unit. / CTO (P) applied on 01.04.2009 Vide Id.No.29414.
SCN for refusal and SCN for closure issued on 17.02.2011.
Reply rceceived on 01.03.2011.
Agin letter issued on 16.05.2011 for submitting reply on affidavit and Bank Guarantee of Rs. 50,000/- under Air Act.
Unit has submitted the same on 24.06.2011. / Recommened for grant of consent to operate. Inspection be conducted within 03 months after issuance of consent. / Issue consent to operate. Inspection be conducted within 03 months after issuance of consent.
12 / 36301 / 21.01.2011 / Pratap Metal industries / A-136 / Wazirpur Industrial Area / Orange Operate / Mfg. of S.S. Utensils and Pressure Cookers. / Pending / 08.04.2011
The Consent to establish applied under orange category 0n 20.06.2008 be made infructous.
Ask the unit to submit Bank Guarantee of 1 lakh under Air Act valid for one year and to apply a fresh for consent to establish under Orange Category andd to revoke the consent under Green category. / CTO (Y) issued on 25.09.2003 and valid upto 28.07.2007 Vide C.No.7721.
CTE (P) applied on 11.07.2011 Vide Id.No.37580.
Letters were sent to the unit on 21.06.2011.
Reply along with bank guarantee received on 08.07.2011. / Consent under Green category be processed for revocation by the CMC(Green) and subsequent to the revocation of green category consent. Recommened for grant of consent to operate and consent to establish. Inspection be conducted within 03 months after issuance of consent. / Consent under green category be revoked. Issue consent to operate and consent to establish. Inspection be conducted within 03 months after issuance of consent.
13 / 30320 / 15.06.2009 / Delhi Metro Rail Corporation / Delhi High Court / NC-ND / Orange Establish / Construction of multilevel parking. / Pending / 05.08.2010 Ask the unit to submit environmental clearance and to submit an affidavit for date of start of construction & date of completion.
Take opinion from Standing Council / Letter was sent to the unit on 01.09.2010.
reply was received on 15.11.2010. / Standing Council opinion be discussed during CMC. / File be put up administratively.
14 / 22961 / 01.08.2007 / Colour Printing Works / C-2/1 / Wazirpur Industrial Area / Green Operate / Corrougated/ Paper Boxes (Without Printing Work) / Pending / 07.10.2010 File be put up administratively in view of the court order submitted by the unit.
3012.2010 Case be put up before Scrutinizing Committee.
23.05.2011 implement the earlier CMC (Green)'s decision. / CTO (Green) issued on 09.05.2003 and valid upto 23.07.2007 Vide C.No.4716.
CTE (Green) issued on 31.08.2009 and valid upto 30.08.2010 Vide C.No.21227.