Hughesville BoroughCouncil
August 28, 2017 -7:00, PM
President Jeff Berger called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Council Members present: Jerry Daugherty, Don Breneisen and Brenda Smith. Also present were Mayor Walter Reed, Cliff Hoffman and Secretary Gail Kocher.
Approve Agenda: Motion by Ms. Smith to approve the Agenda; second by Mr. Breneisen. Motion carried.
Guests and Visitors: Pat Crossley of the Sun-Gazette, Frances McJunkin, Lycoming County Planning.
Please note the following: Council requests that questions and opinions be limited to no longer than 2 minutes per Hughesville Resident. When Council moves on to business the general public is requested to remain respectful of council in allowing them the same courtesy shown to them.
Approve Minutes: Motion by Mr. Daughertyto approve minutesof August 14, 2017; second by Ms. Smith. Motion carried.
Mayor’s Report: nothing– request executive for personnel
Public Works Report:in the process of raising storm sewer manhole on Main Sreet 2 ½” so it is assessable - asked if wanted to purchase insulation for building at cost of $470, tabled until next meeting - discussed crosswalks at school, issue is that sidewalks are 4 ft wide and crosswalk 6 ft wide so leads into the curb, noted it was PennDot specifications – also one crosswalk leads into a telephone pole, suggestion made to paint curb yellow – also mentioned that new sidewalk on Water Street was constructed with telephone pole in middle of sidewalk also a PennDot design
Water Report:Richard Smith- absent
Zoning/Codes Report:reports forwarded to council when received– noted various fines imposed on 4th Street property – asked to check weeds on 4th and Walnut Street
Hughesville-Wolf Authority: still need someone for sewer authority board
Fran McJunkin of Lycoming County Planning and Community Development conducted a public hearing for the Muncy Creek Comprehensive Plan. The plan highlights 6 issues – water quality, flooding, multi-model transportation, fragmentation of local government, downtown and village center areas and current land use regulations. The plan details projects to address the 6 issues. The plan is available online and at the borough office and will be voted on after 45 days.
Old Business
1.resolution – sidewalk ordinance – still working on
New Business
1.approval of salt purchase for $1739.00 application for County Aid – Motion made by Mr. Daugherty to approve application for county aid of salt purchase; second by Ms. Smith. Motion carried.
2.public hearing – Muncy Creek Multi-Municipal Comprehensive plan – see above
3.annual 9-11 ride rates - same
5.fireworks permit for ELSD September 8, 2017 – Motion made by Mr. Daugherty to approve fireworks permit for 9/8/17 with rain date of 9/22/17; second by Ms. Smith. Motion carried.
Water authority has requested a meeting with council, council agreed to a meeting September 12, 2017 during their council meeting.
Committee Reports: * First name on each Committee serves as Chairman
WATER – R Smith/MookFINANCE – Daugherty/B Smith
STREETS –Mook/R Smith PUBLIC SAFETY – Mook/Breneisen
PROPERTIES – Breneisen/R SmithPERSONNEL – Mook/Daugherty/B Smith
Executive Session Motion by Ms. Smith to enter into an Executive Session at 7:55 p.m.; second by Mr. Breneisen. Motion carried.
The executive session was closed at 9:13 pm with the regular meeting reopened. Motion was made by Ms. Smithfor the personnel committee to offer a full-time public works position to an applicant; second by Mr. Daugherty. Motion carried.
Adjournment. Motion by Ms. Smith to adjourn at 9:14p.m; second by Mr. Daugherty. Motion carried.
Gail E Kocher, Secretary