NWLoginForm.VB Listing

'* Enable SQL Server database connectivity

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

PublicClass NWLoginForm

PrivateSub NWLoginForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load


'* Populates combo box of employees

'* Positions form on the screen


'* Declare variables

'* Programming note: Because this form has only one DB operation that

'* will not be repeated these items are declared inside the form

'* load event. In other cases some objects might be declared at the

'* form or module level.

Dim sqlConNW AsNew SqlConnection

Dim sqlComEmployees AsNew SqlCommand

Dim dsNW AsNew DataSet

Dim sqlDANW AsNew SqlDataAdapter

'* Position form on the screen

With System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds

Me.Top = (.Height - Me.Height) / 3 '* Set top of window 1/3 down

Me.Left = (.Width - Me.Width) / 2 '* Center left to right



'* Populate combo box


'* Configure and open connection

sqlConNW.ConnectionString = _


IfNot sqlConNW.State = ConnectionState.Open Then



'* Configure command object

With sqlComEmployees

.Connection = sqlConNW

.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

.CommandText = "up_Fill_Employee_Combo"


'* Load dataset

sqlDANW.SelectCommand = sqlComEmployees

sqlDANW.Fill(dsNW, "Employees")

'* Configure combo box

cboEmployees.DataSource = dsNW.Tables("Employees")

cboEmployees.ValueMember = "EmployeeID"

cboEmployees.DisplayMember = "EmployeeName"

'* Disable sales button if there are no employees

If cboEmployees.Items.Count = 0 Then

cmdSales.Enabled = False

MsgBox("There are no employees available to process sales. Contact" _

& " Human Resources to hire somebody.", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, _




PrivateSub cmdExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdExit.Click


'* Exits the entire application




PrivateSub cmdSales_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSales.Click


'* Opens sales form and passes selected employee information to

'* controls on the sales form.

'* Closes the current form.


Dim myNWSalesForm AsNew NWSalesForm

'* Pass employee information to the lblEmployees control on the newly

'* created sales form instance

With myNWSalesForm

.lblEmployee.Text = cboEmployees.Text

.lblEmployee.Tag = CStr(cboEmployees.SelectedValue)



'* Close current form





NWSalesForm.vb Listing

'* Enable use of SQL Server connectivity

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

PublicClass NWSalesForm

'* Declare form-level variables and objects

Dim sqlConNW AsNew SqlConnection

Dim dsNW AsNew DataSet

Dim sqlDANW AsNew SqlDataAdapter

Dim dvProducts As DataView

'* Declare form-level variable to indicate whether combo boxes

'* are in the process of being populated. Used to control

'* execution of SelectedIndexChanged events for the controls.

Dim blnIsLoading AsBoolean = False

PrivateSub NWSalesForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) HandlesMyBase.Load


'* Positions form on the screen

'* Performs many set up activities to prepare the form for use. Uses

'* subroutine calls to:

'* - Load available products into the products gridview

'* - Perform one-time configuration of the products gridview control

'* - Load the Shippers combo box

'* - Load the Categories combo box

'* - Load the Customers combo box


'* Declare variables

'* Programming note: Because this form has only one DB operation that

'* will not be repeated these items are declared inside the form

'* load event. In other cases some objects might be declared at the

'* form or module level.

Dim sqlComEmployees AsNew SqlCommand

'* Position form on the screen

With System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds

Me.Top = (.Height - Me.Height) / 3 '* Set top of window 1/3 down

Me.Left = (.Width - Me.Width) / 2 '* Center left to right


'* Configure connection object connection string to be used

'* thrhoughout the form.

sqlConNW.ConnectionString = _


'* Open the connection to be used for several operations during

'* form load

IfNot sqlConNW.State = ConnectionState.Open Then




'* Load various combo boxes used throughout the form


'* Set blnIsLoading variable to indicate that combo boxes are in the

'* process of being loaded

blnIsLoading = True

'* Load products dataset table and configure products

'* data grid view control

'* This code must be run before the LoadCategories() sub as that

'* procedure relies on the existence of a data view established

'* in GetProducts().

Call GetProducts()

Call ConfigureProductsGrid()

'* Load Shippers combo box

Call LoadShippers()

'* Load Categories combo box

Call LoadCategories()

'* Load Customers combo box

Call LoadCustomers()

blnIsLoading = False


PrivateSub cmdExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdExit.Click


'* Exits the entire application





PrivateSub GetProducts()


'* Loads the products data table from a SP into a dataset table

'* Sets the form-level dataview object dvProducts to be the default

'* view of the Products dataset table


Dim sqlCmd AsNew SqlCommand

'* Open the data connection if not already open

IfNot sqlConNW.State = ConnectionState.Open Then



'* Set SQL command specifics to fill the products grid

sqlCmd.Connection = sqlConNW

sqlCmd.CommandText = "up_Fill_Product_Grid" '* Point to SP

sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

'* Clear existing records from the Products dataset table

If dsNW.Tables.Contains("Products") Then



'* Configure data adaptor and fill data set

sqlDANW.SelectCommand = sqlCmd

sqlDANW.Fill(dsNW, "Products")

'* Set the data view object to a data source

'* Note: A dataview can stand between data in a dataset and

'* controls that may otherwise be bound to that data. A

'* dataview can have filters and sorts applied to it to

'* determine which data is displayed to the user without

'* requerying the source DB to control data display. Also,

'* changes to data in the local dataset persist even if a

'* dataview filter does not display changed rows.

'* Look in the Sub ConfigureProductsGrid() to see that the

'* .datasource property of the dgvProducts data grid view

'* is the dataview dvProducts and not the dataset table

'* Products. Also look at the cboCategories_SelectedIndexChanged

'* event to see how filters are applied to the dataview

dvProducts = dsNW.Tables("Products").DefaultView


PrivateSub ConfigureProductsGrid()


'* Performs one-time configuration of dgvProducts data grid view

'* - Sets data source

'* - Configures header row

'* - Configures column widths and column header text

'* - Sets some formatting

'* Loads the following columns in order:

'* ProductID, ProductName, UnitPrice, UnitsInStock, CategoryID



'* LOADED INTO THE DATASET (GetProducts() sub).



'* Configure data grid view

With dgvProducts

'* Configure data bindings. Automatically generates

'* columns and rows based on query contents

.DataSource = dvProducts

'* Configure headers and other grid properties

.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Alignment = _


.RowHeadersWidth = 25 '* Sets width of selection row


'* Configure columns


'* First column (0) ProductID

.Columns(0).Width = 50

.Columns(0).HeaderText = "ID"

.Columns(0).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = _


'* Second column (1) ProductName

.Columns(1).Width = 224

.Columns(1).HeaderText = "Product"

.Columns(1).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = _


'* Third column (2) UnitPrice

.Columns(2).Width = 77

.Columns(2).HeaderText = "Price"

.Columns(2).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "#,##0.00"

.Columns(2).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = _


'* Fourth column (3) UnitsInStock

.Columns(3).Width = 77

.Columns(3).HeaderText = "On Hand"

.Columns(3).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = _


'* Fifth column (4) CategoryID (invisible)

.Columns(4).Visible = False



PrivateSub cboCategories_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboCategories.SelectedIndexChanged


'* Responds to customer selection of a category in the cboCategories

'* control. Applies a filter to the dvProducts data view to limit

'* which records in the dataset Products table are actually visible

'* in the data grid view control dgvProducts.

'* cboCategories.SelectedValue = 0 equates to the "All Categories"

'* choice that is loaded into the cboCategories data source by the

'* SQL SP up_Fill_Category_Combo. Modifying this SP to eliminate

'* this choice will destroy this logic.

'* Tests to see if IsLoading is True in which case it is assumed that

'* the form is loading initially and the DevaultView established in

'* GetProducts() is applied.


'* Test to see if event is being called while combo box is being

'* loaded and exit sub without action if it is.

If blnIsLoading = TrueThen '* Combo box is being loaded



'* Remove or apply a row filter depending on user choice

If cboCategories.SelectedValue = 0 Then'* All Categories selected

dvProducts.RowFilter = ""

Else '* One category selected

dvProducts.RowFilter = "CategoryID = " & _






'* Repositiory of code to load various combo boxes in the form

'* Use #Region "RegionName"...#End Region blocks to group related

'* code in the editor and be able to hide it is a block.

'* Regions have no effect on code execution.

PrivateSub LoadCustomers()


'* Retrieves data and populates the cboCustomers combo box with the

'* CompanyName and CustomerID values

'* Configures the combo box to have no customer initially selected

'* and disables the order tab control.


Dim sqlComCustomers AsNew SqlCommand

'* Open connection if it is not already open

IfNot sqlConNW.State = ConnectionState.Open Then



'* Configure command object

With sqlComCustomers

.Connection = sqlConNW

.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

.CommandText = "up_Fill_Cust_Combo"


'* Clear existing records if present and loads dataset table

If dsNW.Tables.Contains("Customers") Then



sqlDANW.SelectCommand = sqlComCustomers

sqlDANW.Fill(dsNW, "Customers")

'* Configure combo box

cboCustomers.DataSource = dsNW.Tables("Customers")

cboCustomers.ValueMember = "CustomerID"

cboCustomers.DisplayMember = "CompanyName"

'* Set combo box to have no customer currently selected

If cboCustomers.Items.Count > 0 Then

cboCustomers.SelectedIndex = -1


'* Disable tab control

tabOrder.Enabled = False


PrivateSub LoadShippers()


'* Retrieves data and populates the cboShippers combo box with the

'* CompanyName and ShipperID values


Dim sqlComShippers AsNew SqlCommand

'* Open connection if it is not already open

IfNot sqlConNW.State = ConnectionState.Open Then



'* Configure command object

With sqlComShippers

.Connection = sqlConNW

.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

.CommandText = "up_Fill_Ship_Combo"


'* Load dataset

sqlDANW.SelectCommand = sqlComShippers

sqlDANW.Fill(dsNW, "Shippers")

'* Configure combo box

cboShippers.DataSource = dsNW.Tables("Shippers")

cboShippers.ValueMember = "ShipperID"

cboShippers.DisplayMember = "CompanyName"


PrivateSub LoadCategories()


'* Populates combo box of categories

'* Uses a parameterized SP that will return either all rows in the

'* Categories table (CategoryID, CategoryName) or append the stored

'* data with a row with (0, 'All Categories') in it. We want the

'* latter version so we will use the parameter value of 1 to

'* make this happen.


Dim sqlComNW AsNew SqlCommand

'* Empty existing records from Categories Table

If dsNW.Tables.Contains("Categories") Then



'* Configure command object and add parameter

sqlComNW.Connection = sqlConNW

sqlComNW.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

sqlComNW.CommandText = "up_Fill_Category_Combo"

sqlComNW.Parameters.Add("@ReturnAllRow", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 1

'* Open connection if needed

If sqlConNW.State > ConnectionState.Open Then



'* Configure data adapter and load table

sqlDANW.SelectCommand = sqlComNW

sqlDANW.Fill(dsNW, "Categories")

'* Bind combo box to data table

cboCategories.DataSource = dsNW.Tables("Categories")

cboCategories.DisplayMember = "CategoryName"

cboCategories.ValueMember = "CategoryID"




PrivateSub cmdNewOrder_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdNewOrder.Click


'* Configures the form to enable a new order to be processed

'* - Clears shopping cart (lstvwOrderDetails)

'* - Zeros the total labels

'* - Resets the order text information controls and puts focus on

'* shipping information page of order tab control

'* - Disables this button


'* Clear shopping card


'* Update running total information

lblSubTotal.Text = "0.00"

lblShipping.Text = "0.00"

lblTotal.Text = "0.00"

'* Move to other tab control page


'* Clear order input fields

Call ClearOrderInputs()

'* Disable this button and invoice button

cmdNewOrder.Enabled = False

cmdInvoice.Enabled = False

'* Set focus back to customer combo box



PrivateSub ClearOrderInputs()


'* Clears the input controls on the order information page in the

'* tabOrder control.


txtShipTo.Text = ""

txtAddress.Text = ""

txtCity.Text = ""

txtRegion.Text = ""

txtPostalCode.Text = ""

txtCountry.Text = ""

'* Reset combo boxes

blnIsLoading = True

cboShippers.SelectedIndex = -1

cboCustomers.SelectedIndex = -1

blnIsLoading = False




PrivateSub cmdRefresh_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdRefresh.Click


'* Repopulates combo box of customers (initially populated during

'* form load

'* Must toggle the blnIsLoading to suppress execution of the

'* cboCustomers SelectedIndexChanged event


blnIsLoading = True

Call LoadCustomers()

blnIsLoading = False


PrivateSub cboCustomers_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboCustomers.SelectedIndexChanged


'* Responds to customer selection of a customer from the customer

'* combo list.

'* - Fills in customer information including customer address as

'* default ShipTo address info

'* - Sets current date as order date and sets default Required

'* date to be five days later

'* - Enables frames on rest of the form to enable order processing


With cboCustomers

IfNot blnIsLoading Then '* Supresses execution if form is being loaded

Call GetCustomer() '* Retrieve and load customer data

Call LoadDates() '* Load default ship and required dates

'* Enable tab control for further processing

tabOrder.Enabled = True




PrivateSub GetCustomer()


'* Uses ValueMember of customer combo box to retrieve customer

'* record. Fills in default customer information in Order area


Dim sqlCmd As SqlCommand

'* Open database connection

If sqlConNW.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then



'* Set up SQL Command used to populate all recordsets

sqlCmd = New SqlCommand

sqlCmd.Connection = sqlConNW

sqlCmd.CommandText = "up_Find_Cust_by_ID" '* Point to SP

sqlCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

'* Load stored procedure parameter. See parameter code to see

'* how this code works with the parameter

Dim sqlParam AsNew SqlParameter

sqlParam.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NChar

sqlParam.ParameterName = "@CustomerID"

sqlParam.Size = 5


'* Set SQL parameter value from the combo box of customers.

'* This value can be set repeatedly, if necessary, after the

'* parameter has been added to the Parameters collection.

sqlParam.Value = cboCustomers.SelectedValue

'* Configure data adaptor and fill data set

'* Clear the dataset table for customer if it already exists

If dsNW.Tables.Contains("Customer") Then



'* Set data adapter and fill the dataset table Customer

sqlDANW.SelectCommand = sqlCmd

sqlDANW.Fill(dsNW, "Customer")

'* Test for successful read and populate Customer controls

'* in Order frame

'* The CheckNull function is in a module and ensures that a Null

'* database value is not written to the .Text property of a

'* control

With dsNW.Tables("Customer")

If .Rows.Count = 1 Then

txtShipTo.Text = CheckNull(.Rows(0)("CompanyName"))

txtAddress.Text = CheckNull(.Rows(0)("Address"))

txtCity.Text = CheckNull(.Rows(0)("City"))

txtRegion.Text = CheckNull(.Rows(0)("Region"))

txtPostalCode.Text = CheckNull(.Rows(0)("PostalCode"))

txtCountry.Text = CheckNull(.Rows(0)("Country"))




PrivateSub LoadDates()


'* Loads date pickers with current date for Order Date and

'* a default value five days from now for the Required By date


dtpOrderDate.Value = Now.Date

dtpReqDate.Value = Now.Date.AddDays(5)


PrivateSub TextBox_GotFocus(ByVal sender AsObject, _

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtShipTo.GotFocus, _

txtAddress.GotFocus, txtCity.GotFocus, txtCountry.GotFocus, _

txtPostalCode.GotFocus, txtRegion.GotFocus, txtShipTo.Click, _

txtAddress.Click, txtCity.Click, txtCountry.Click, _

txtPostalCode.Click, txtRegion.Click


'* Handles the GotFocus and Click events for all text boxes on the

'* Order(TAB). Note that selecting a text box with the mouse does

'* not initiate the GotFocus event so the Handles expression for

'* this event must cover two events. This is possible because no

'* sepearte code is needed for either event in this case.

'* Selects all text contents when focus occurs.

'* Sender, the object initiating the event, will not be recognized

'* by the editor as being a text box and therefore will not be

'* recognized as supporting the .SelectAll event. This will result

'* in build error messages whenever the program is run.

'* Specifically typing myTextBox as a TextBox and setting it equal

'* to sender overcomes this issue.


Dim myTextBox As TextBox

myTextBox = sender





PrivateSub dgvProducts_CellClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, _

ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvProducts.CellClick


'* Responds to clicking a row in the grid containing the available products.

'* Checks to ensure that there are products available (quantity is not zero). If so,

'* initializes the quantity selected to one, sets the focus to the quantity text box

'* (which prepares the current entry to be overwritten by selecting it in the GotFocus

'* event), and enables the Add button.

'* e.RowIndex gives the row address of the row containing the cell that was clicked

'* The actual column clicked is immaterial.


'* Reset selected row to be currenc clicked row.


dgvProducts.Rows(e.RowIndex).Selected = True

'* Clear help label

lblHelp.Text = ""

'* Test to ensure that there are products available

IfCInt(dgvProducts.Item(3, e.RowIndex).Value) > 0 Then

txtQty.Text = "1"


cmdAdd.Enabled = True

Else '* No products available


lblHelp.Text = "Not enough on hand to order."

txtQty.Text = "0"

cmdAdd.Enabled = False



PrivateSub txtQty_TextChanged(ByVal sender AsObject, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

Handles txtQty.TextChanged


'* Validates text entered by user in the Quantity text box to ensure that values are

'* valid integers and also to ensure that quantity entered does not exceed the