Supplementary material for Conservation Genetics manuscript ‘Dispersal in a plain landscape: short-distance genetic differentiation in southwestern Manitoba wolves, Canada’ (Stronen et al).
Figure S1. Satellite image of Riding Mountain National Park (RMNP) and surrounding areas, including the southern portion of Duck Mountain Provincial Park and Forest, in southwestern Manitoba, Canada. Forested lands are outlined in red and developed lands are shown in white. Dauphin Lake is outlined in black in the upper right corner of the image. The distance between RMNP and the southern edge of the Duck Mountains is approximately 30 km.
Figure S2. Estimated population membership for STRUCTURE with K = 3 wolf population clusters in southwestern Manitoba, Canada. The number 1 indicates individuals sampled in Duck Mountain Provincial Park and Forest, 2 in Central Manitoba (outside Duck and Riding Mountain), and 3 in Riding Mountain National Park.
Figure S3. Factorial Correspondence Analysis (FCA) showing two-dimensional structure of allele frequencies in southwestern Manitoba, Canada. Blue: samples collected from Riding Mountain National Park (RMNP); White: samples from Duck Mountain Provincial Park and Forest; Yellow: samples collected outside the two parks, primarily in Central Manitoba. One wolf with highly divergent allele frequencies sampled in RMNP was excluded to allow better resolution of the data. The sample on the far left is a wolf collared and tracked in RMNP, and Structure analyses (see text) assigned the wolf to cluster 1. The sample in the upper right corner shows a male wolf found dead on the RMNP boundary (see text), and the RMNP sample near 0.5 on the 1st axis was found just south of the RMNP boundary. Structure analyses assigned both wolves to cluster 2. The two Central Manitoba samples at the bottom were sampled in Sherridon about 600 km north of RMNP (bottom) and in Lac de Bonnet 400 km east of RMNP (2nd from bottom) and Structure assigned both to cluster 2. The Central Manitoba sample near -0.2 on the 1st axis was sampled near Amaranth 55 km east of RMNP, and assigned by Structure to cluster 1. For the two Duck Mountain samples near -0.2 on the 1st axis, Structure assigned the uppermost to cluster 1 and identified the lower as admixed. Structure also identified the two Central Manitoba samples closest to zero on the 1st axis as admixed.