



Annual report on engagement with professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRBs) in 2012-13

1University PSRB list 2012-13

1.1The University has a significant number of professional and vocationally oriented awards and as a result, has extensive engagement with a wide range of professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRBs). Management of PSRB relationships is delegated to Faculty Academic Board as part of course approval, monitoring and review, with responsibility for liaison with individual bodies lying with schools at subject and course level. Academic Standards Committee receives two annual reports offering an overview of the range, scope and type of PSRB activity across academic provision. This report provides an overview of the University list of PSRB engagement as compiled from faculty records. A second report, to be received in Spring Term, will consider the nature of engagements with PSRBs during 2012-13.

1.2The PSRB list is available to colleagues through the Course development, approval and review[1] page on the Quality Assurance and Enhancement website on staffcentral. The rest of this report provides some headline figures on the nature and volume of engagements with PSRBs in the period 2010-13.

1.3Definitions used in both the University PSRB list, and in this report, can be found in Appendix 1 at the end of this paper along with a list of abbreviations.

2Volume of Activity

2.1In 2012-13, there were 285 courses which were listed as having had an engagement with 65 PSRBs over the period covered by the list (2010-13). These activities were spread across the faculties and include engagements with courses in the Brighton and Sussex Medical School.

2.2In addition, 11 modules were accredited by, or had statutory approval from, four PSRBs allowing graduating students to register for professional practice. These include seven modules with statutory approval from the Nursing and Midwifery Council, one with offers statutory approval from the General Pharmaceutical Council, two with statutory approval from the Health and Care Professions Council and one module accredited by the Higher Education Academy. The number of students registered for these modules during 2010-13 is not provided in the list.

2.3The number of students affected by PSRB engagements varies depending on the size of the course. Across the University, over 50% of students were registered on a course that had an engagement with at least one professional, statutory or regulatory body in 2012-13. The number of students affected by faculty is reflected in the table below.

Faculty / Total courses / Total students 2012-13 / Courses with PSRB engagement / Students affected by PSRBs 2012-13
Brighton and Sussex Medical School / 47 / 1214 / 1 / 704
Brighton Business School / 61 / 2161 / 35 / 1898
Faculty of Arts / 121 / 3884 / 11 / 512
Faculty of Education and Sport / 131 / 3783 / 57 / 2216
Faculty of Health and Social Science / 134 / 5225 / 57 / 2970
Faculty of Science and Engineering / 153 / 4196 / 67 / 2707
University wide courses (including Hastings campus)[2] / 39 / 632 / 3 / 92
TOTAL / 686 / 21095 / 231 / 11099

2.4While the figures reflect the sum of PSRB engagements, they do not capture the nature or frequency of interactions with individual PSRBs, each of which has unique demands. Some PSRBs require multiple interactions in a single year, while others are satisfied with a single activity organised once every few years. In 2012-13, 18 PSRBs across 47 courses either renewed their accreditation, approval or endorsement of a course, or offered it for the first time. In 2013-14, it is anticipated there will be 20 engagements on 93 courses for the purposes of renewing accreditation, approval, endorsement or recognition. Full details of engagements expected in the 2013-14 academic session can be found at Appendix 2.

2.5In the period 2010-13, the University engaged with 66 PSRBs. A full list, together with the number of students affected by engagements in the last three academic sessions, can be found in the table below.

Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body list / No. of courses / Students enrolled 2010-11 / Student enrolled 2011-12 / Students enrolled 2012-13
ACCA: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants / 12 / 1450 / 1486 / 1244
Architects Registration Board (statutory body) / 4 / 419 / 413 / 390
Association of Building Engineers / 4 / 34 / 37 / 19
British Acupuncture Accreditation Board / 1 / 9 / 0 / 0
British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies / 2 / 38 / 0 / 0
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy / 3 / 56 / 62 / 69
British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES) / 4 / 297 / 298 / 322
British Computer Society / 17 / 479 / 509 / 445
British Council / 9 / 78 / 29 / 122
British Journalism Training Council / 1 / 8 / 29 / 43
British Psychological Society / 2 / 218 / 279 / 367
Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists / 1 / 87 / 75 / 69
Chartered Institute of Building / 5 / 25 / 16 / 15
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals / 2 / 43 / 40 / 46
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy / 15 / 410 / 368 / 362
CII: Chartered Insurance Institute / 4 / 594 / 579 / 495
CIM: The Chartered Institute of Marketing / 4 / 89 / 84 / 86
CIMA: Chartered Institute of Management Accountants / 11 / 1579 / 1536 / 1171
CIPD: Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development / 1 / 100 / 68 / 55
CIPFA: Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants / 2 / 191 / 203 / 246
CIPS: Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply / 4 / 575 / 567 / 400
CMI: Chartered Management Institute / 12 / 154 / 97 / 369
College of Occupational Therapists / 4 / 208 / 195 / 188
Department of Education / 1 / 113 / 5 / 0
Engineering Council / 1 / 12 / 9 / 7
Federation of Drug & Alcohol Professions / 1 / 0 / 13 / 7
General Medical Council / 1 / 659 / 705 / 704
General Pharmaceutical Council / 3 / 549 / 546 / 594
Geological Society of London / 2 / 78 / 95 / 107
Health & Care Professions Council / 20 / 821 / 824 / 771
Higher Education Academy / 7 / 47 / 46 / 29
HM Inspectorate of Police (HMIC) / 1 / 48 / 0 / 0
IAI:Association of International Accountants / 8 / 1073 / 1064 / 849
ICAEW: Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales / 2 / 191 / 203 / 246
Institute for Learning - Learning and Skills Improvement Service / 4 / 190 / 206 / 14
Institute of Biomedical Science / 4 / 7 / 4 / 0
Institute of Change Management / 5 / 111 / 39 / 39
Institute of Environmental Assessment and Management / 1 / 0 / 1 / 0
Institute of Mathematics and its Applications / 3 / 133 / 155 / 177
Institute of Travel and Meetings / 2 / 64 / 51 / 56
Institution of Engineering and Technology / 16 / 279 / 318 / 318
Institution of Engineering Designers / 8 / 180 / 190 / 182
Institution of Mechanical Engineers / 15 / 455 / 380 / 372
Joint Board of Moderators (Institution of Civil Engineers, Institution of Structural Engineers, Institution of Highways and Transportation, Institute of Highway Incorporated Engineers) / 6 / 319 / 317 / 324
Learning and Skills Council and HEFCE in association with Ofsted / 3 / 113 / 126 / 14
Learning and Skills Improvement Service / 1 / 77 / 80 / 0
Manipulation Association of Chartered Physiotherapists / 4 / 45 / 46 / 52
Nursing & Midwifery Council / 19 / 1515 / 1430 / 1558
National College for Teaching and Leadership / 8 / 198 / 171 / 154
National College for Teaching and Leadership in association with Ofsted / 43 / 1651 / 1613 / 1493
National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) / 1 / 175 / 155 / 124
National Youth Agency / 2 / 41 / 36 / 37
NPIA: National Policing Improvement Agency / 1 / 48 / 0 / 0
Royal Institute of British Architects (professional body) / 4 / 419 / 413 / 390
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors / 12 / 316 / 259 / 225
Royal Town Planning Institute / 2 / 34 / 26 / 26
SkillsActive / 1 / 19 / 15 / 12
Society of Biology / 1 / 121 / 119 / 134
Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists / 12 / 163 / 175 / 179
SRA: Solicitors Regulation Authority (Joint Academic Stage Board) / 2 / 253 / 235 / 243
The College of Social Work / 2 / 67 / 93 / 107
Training and Development Agency for Schools in Association with Ofsted / 2 / 4 / 0 / 0
UK Council for Psychotherapy / 1 / 0 / 0 / 11
United Nations World Tourism Organisation / 2 / 34 / 28 / 24
University Psychotherapy and Counselling Association / 1 / 8 / 0 / 0

3Nature of Involvement

3.1The University characterises its engagement under five categories which are detailed below. The nature of involvement with individual PSRBs determines the level of engagement schools and faculties have with individual bodies. Statutory approval generally requires significantly more preparation and interaction than endorsement which could involve no more than an exchange of correspondence. The implications of not gaining approval are key to understanding the type of engagement with a PSRB and these are specified in the University’s list.

  1. Accreditationgenerally confers membership to professional bodies on graduates of the course. On several courses, failing to gain accreditation would result in graduates being unable to register as a practitioner in their specialist area.
  2. Professional Approval does not present legal difficulties for students but generally facilitates further study or career progression and/ or training in particular areas.
  3. Statutory Approval confers recognition that a course meets the demands of the statutory framework for a particular profession. Statutory approval is required by law in several areas and courses which fail to secure approval cannot be offered.
  4. Endorsement confers on graduates additional recognition by professional bodies and may help in the recruitment of students or the development of the curriculum.
  5. Recognition reflects the confidence that a particular PSRB has in the quality of a course, and may help in the recruitment of students.

3.2Figure 1 below provides an overview of the number of courses and the number of students affected by each type of engagement. As the figures relate to the nature of engagement with PSRBs, where a course has more than one type of engagement, both the course and the number of students involved have been counted for each instance of engagement, and therefore may be represented more than once.

Figure 1: Courses by type of engagement

3.3There are 34 bodies providing accreditation to courses, five providing professional approval, five providing statutory approval, 12 providing endorsement (one of which is statutory endorsement), and threeproviding recognition. Engagement with one PSRB was not categorised and one PSRB was affiliated with a course. The percentage of students affected by particular types of engagement can be found in Figure 2 below.

Figure2: Percentage of students by nature of engagement

3.4The type of engagement with each PSRB is listed below, together with the number of courses affected by each.

PSRB accreditation / No. of courses / PSRB approval (professional) / No. of courses
ACCA: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants / 12 / Chartered Society of Physiotherapy / 4
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy / 2 / Health & Care Professions Council / 1
British Computer Society / 14 / Institute of Mathematics and its Applications / 3
British Council / 9 / Royal Institute of British Architects (professional body) / 2
British Journalism Training Council / 1 / Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists / 9
British Psychological Society / 2 / Total / 19
Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists / 1
Chartered Institute of Building / 5 / PSRB approval (statutory) / No. of courses
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals / 1 / Architects Registration Board (statutory body) / 2
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy / 6 / Health & Care Professions Council / 15
CII: Chartered Insurance Institute / 4 / Learning and Skills Council and HEFCE in association with Ofsted / 1
CIM: The Chartered Institute of Marketing / 4 / Nursing and Midwifery Council / 18
CIMA: Chartered Institute of Management Accountants / 11 / National College for Teaching and Leadership in association with Ofsted / 35
CIPD: Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development / 1 / Total / 71
CIPFA: Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountants / 2
CIPS: Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply / 4 / PSRB endorsement / No. of courses
CMI: Chartered Management Institute / 11 / British Association of Sport and Exercise Science (BASES) / 4
College of Occupational Therapists / 3 / Chartered Society of Physiotherapy / 1
General Pharmaceutical Council / 2 / College of Occupational Therapists / 1
Geological Society of London / 2 / General Medical Council (statutory endorsement) / 1
Higher Education Academy / 4 / Institute for Learning - Learning and Skills Improvement Service / 1
IAI:Association of International Accountants / 8 / Institute of Travel and Meetings / 2
ICAEW: Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales / 2 / Manipulation Association of Chartered Physiotherapists / 4
Institution of Engineering and Technology / 14 / National College for Teaching and Leadership / 7
Institution of Engineering Designers / 6 / National College for Teaching and Leadership in association with Ofsted / 2
Institution of Mechanical Engineers / 12 / National Youth Agency / 1
Joint Board of Moderators (Institution of Civil Engineers, Institution of Structural Engineers, Institution of Highways and Transportation, Institute of Highway Incorporated Engineers) / 6 / SkillsActive / 1
National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) / 1 / The College of Social Work / 2
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors / 12 / Total / 27
Royal Town Planning Institute / 2
Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists / 1 / PSRB recognition / No. of courses
SRA: Solicitors Regulation Authority (Joint Academic Stage Board) / 2 / Association of Building Engineers / 4
UK Council for Psychotherapy / 1 / Engineering Council / 1
United Nations World Tourism Organisation / 2 / Society of Biology / 1
Total / 170 / Total / 6
PSRB affiliation / No. of courses / PSRB (type not provided) / No. of courses
Federation of Drug & Alcohol Professions / 1 / Institute of Change Management / 2
Total / 1 / Total / 2

4Course details

4.1The total number of courses with a PSRB engagement is 231 of the 686 courses listed in the University list.

4.2Figure 3 reflects the percentage of courses within each faculty that have relationships with at least one PSRB, while Figure 4 shows the spread across faculties of students affected by PSRB engagement. Where student numbers for a course have been assigned to more than one faculty for planning purposes, each instance is included.

Figure 3: Proportion of courses with PSRB engagement by faculty

Figure 4: Students affected by PSRB engagement in 2012-13 by faculty

4.3The overall percentage of students within each faculty who are registered for a course that is accredited, approved, endorsed or recognised by a PSRB is reflected in Figure 5. In most faculties, this exceeds the percentage of students on courses with no PSRB engagement. The spread of engagement with professional, statutory and regulatory bodies across faculties reflects the distribution of professional and vocational provision across the University.

Figure 5: Percentage of students affected by PSRB engagement in 2012-13 by faculty

4.4Figures 6 and 7 provide a breakdown of PSRB engagement by level of study. Records for accreditation, approval, endorsement and recognition of courses are predominantly held for taught courses only. In most faculties, PSRB engagement predominantly affects undergraduate (UGT) students.

Figure 6: Courses with PSRB engagements in 2012-13 by level

Figure 7: Students affected by PSRB engagements in 2012-13 by level

Registry (Quality and Standards)/TG/SP/ Nov 2013

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Appendix 1: Definitions

1The format for recording PSRB relationships and engagements was approved by a sub-committee[3] of Academic Standards Committee and covers the type of engagement, date at which accreditation, approval, endorsement or recognition began, the date of the last visit by the PSRB, the anticipated date of the next visit, and consideration of reports from engagement by Board of Study or Faculty Academic Board. Faculty records also note any implications for a course which fails to secure accreditation, approval, endorsement or recognition and any requirements that external examiners should be aware of.

2For the purposes of monitoring engagements, details of interactions with individual PSRBs are maintained in faculty lists which are collated into an institutional list annually in October. This is published on staffcentral by the end of the first term of the following academic session and records PSRB interactions against a list of registered students, organised by course, as reflected in the Institutional Data Set[4] which is published annually on 31 August.

3The Institutional Data Set reflects the student profile across three academic sessions as drawn from the Student Record System in SITS in late August and covers all provision (undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research). As it reflects student registration records, which may include registration on intermediate awards or courses which while not leading to an award of the University, support student progression towards such awards (see 1.4 below), the list should not be viewed as a definitive list of courses at the University. Rather, it is a reflection of the number of students affected by engagements with PSRBs, their distribution across faculties and schools, and the range of courses which professional, statutory and regulatory bodies accredit, approve, endorse, or recognise.

4In using the University list, the following is of note:

  • The Institutional Data Set includes EMAs (extended master awards comprising a standard Masters award with integrated pre-sessional language provision). Before 2011-12, EMA courses were listed alongside the linked standard Masters award in the institutional PSRB list. From 2011-12, reporting of EMAs in the PSRB list was amended: the language component was grouped under short courses monitored by the Faculty of Arts (which has responsibility for quality assurance of this provision) and the remainder of the EMA provision was reported under the linked standard Masters course. This affects the number of courses which are listed as accredited by the British Council. Students may also be counted twice: once against the standard Masters course and a second time against the short language course.
  • Intermediate awards for which students are registered directly are listed as separate courses rather than being collated into programmes of study. This often has implications for PSRB engagement, particularly where statutory approval may be linked to an intermediate award from which students may progress should they wish to attain the higher award.
  • Provision which does not lead to an award of the University is included (e.g. pre-sessional language courses used on EMA courses, Erasmus courses and continuing professional development programmes).
  • Individual modules which offer accreditation or statutory approval for professional practice are included in the institutional list although student numbers are reflected against the courses for which students are registered rather than against the individual modules concerned. The modules are noted in this report but are not included separately in the count of courses or students affected by PSRB engagement.
  • In some instances, courses may be counted more than once if students registered for them have been assigned to different faculties for planning purposes. In these instances, students are only counted once (against the course and faculty to which they are assigned).
  • Although postgraduate research awards are listed, PSRB accreditation, approval, endorsement and accreditation is usually of taught provision only.
  • As of 2012-13, with the move of a majority of partner college courses to a directly funded model, accreditation, approval, endorsement or recognition of University courses taught in partner institutions is not reflected in the University’s PSRB list.

5List of abbreviations used

BBS – Brighton Business School

BSMS – Brighton and Sussex Medical School

FoA – Faculty of Arts

FoES – Faculty of Education and Sport

FoHSS – Faculty of Health and Social Science

FoSE – Faculty of Science and Engineering

UoBHC – University of Brighton, Hastings Campus

UoB courses – University-wide courses

PSRB(s) – professional, statutory and regulatory body/ bodies

UGT – undergraduate taught

PGT – postgraduate taught

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Appendix2: Expected engagements with PSRBs during 2013-14

BBS / Brighton Business School / ACCA FULL TIME / UGT / ACCA: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants / Accreditation / 2013
BBS / Brighton Business School / BA HONS ACCOUNTANCY STUDIES (ACCA) / UGT / ACCA: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants / Accreditation / 2013