Select the appropriate Script below(modify for your personality, and for A/B/C contact approach--or use these as springboard ideas to come up with your own approach.)
Contacting In Person:
Script #1--Approach Professionals, Entrepreneurs (A) with a sample
“You are one of themost important people Iknow. I value yourinfluence. There’s awellness product I am trying to get out there. Would you be willing touse it for a week andtell me what youthink?”
Script #2 -- Approach Family/Close Friends (B) with a sample
- “Hey, I am trying a new wellnessproduct, let me give yousome and you tell mewhat you think!”
- "Have you ever used essential oils? I've been using some, and I love them. (You could add a brief story here). Could I give you a sample or two to try in the next few days? What area of health do you want to support/improve?" (Help them narrow)
- (Lead by sharing an experience) "We went camping a couple weeks ago, and we tried a “natural” insect repellent – we used an essential oil called arborvitae. Not one bite! And everyone was in a great mood too!... Then I got to thinking that you like natural solutions--Could I give you a sample or two to try in the next few days? What area of health do you want to support/improve?" (Help them narrow)
- (Lead with an oil) "Hold out your hand, I want you to try something." (put a drop of Wild Orange, Peppermint, Breathe, etc. in the palm of their hand) "Now rub your hands together, cup your nose, and inhale...What do you think?" (Let them know what just happened, start talking about your experiences).
- (Lead with a recipe) "Have you ever used essential oils? They are aromatic extracts from plants. And I found some essential oils that are so pure you can drink them...or cook with them. This is my favorite treat -- spray some of this lime oil on the piece of watermelon. I feel like I'm in Mexico!"
- (Lead with an experience) "Do you have about 10 minutes? I just learned how to do this hand application of essential oils--I think it's better than a massage. Can I gift you one? I just about melted when I received one. Let's just sit down over here...." (this is a great time to give a mini class about essential oils while you give them a Hand Aromatouch Technique, share stories, etc.)
Script #3 -- Approach people you have influence with (C) with a sample
- "You have to try this -- hold out your hand..."
- "Have you ever used essential oils? I've been using them and I love them. (You could add a brief story here). Could I give you a sample or two to try in the next few days? What area of health do you want to support/improve?" (Help them narrow)
- Most of the approaches that work for Category B will work for Category C.
Script #4 -- Approach people you meet out and about with a sample
- "I couldn't help but overhear that your head is hurting. Are you open to trying an all-natural essential oil to see if it will help relieve the tension? We love how these help us feel in our family."
- (after brief interaction, such as with a server in a restaurant etc.) "You have a great personality! I have loved talking to you! I’d like to give you a gift. (This is an abrupt change of conversation, and it works very well). "Have you ever used essential oils? Have you ever tried an oil from doTERRA? Would you be willing to try one out?"
Contacting On the Phone(do this for long distance approach, or for people you need to set an appointment with):
Script #5 -- Approach Professionals, Entrepreneurs(A) that you know
- Someone you know who likes natural solutions: "This is ______, do you have just a minute? I have been using some all natural essential oils that are incredible, and I have thought about you. I only started using them because of the influence you had on me in the past. Have you tried oils from doTERRA before? I'd love to send you some samples and hear your feedback about them. Which oils can I send to you?"
- A wellness professional you don't know: Use the spa approach, see the letter approach and alter to meet your needs.
- For a professional of a different kind that you know: "You are one of the most important people I know. I value your influence. There's a wellness product I'm trying to get out there. Would you be willing to use it for a week and tell me what you think?"
Script #5 -- Long distance friend/family member
- "Have you ever used essential oils? Essential oils are aromatic extracts from plants. I've been using some, and I love them. (You could add a brief story here). Could I give you a sample or two to try in the next few days? What area of health do you want to support/improve?" (Help them narrow that down)
- Send 3+ oils, all-oils bi-fold pamphlet or usage guide (see below).Call back approximately 1 day after you estimate they’ve received the package. “I forgot to tell you ...," and then tell them you'll check back in 2 days
- A great alternative to going to the post office, is to use the shipping labels available on utilize this service, you will need a paypal account (set up by following directions on and a digital scale that measures by ounces. You can ship media rate, parcel post, priority mail--and will give you atracking number for your package or envelope, so you know exactlywhenyour samples arrive.
- Invite your contacts to participate in an online class.
Contacting via Facebook/Social Media/Email (if you don't have their other contact information)
Script #6 -- Private Facebook/Social Media Message or email to a more distant acquaintance(Intention: Lead with a Sample)
- Your first message should just be a re-connecting message. Read through their recent posts to see if they have posted anything about health concerns or stress (educate yourself so you're not redundant). Ask how they are doing, how their family is, what they are doing.
- When they get back with you, gauge whether the relationship needs more "deposits" or whether it's appropriate to tell them about what you do. Say something like "Hey, I was just thinking....Our family has been using these pure essential oils to support healthy body functions, and they've been amazing! I really value your friendship, and I'd love for you to be able to experience these. If I sent you a few samples, would you try them out?
- Wait until they get back with you, then clarify which oils they'd like. Get a phone number to have an in-person conversation before you send the samples, you'll want to be able to follow up in person.
Script #7 -- Private Facebook/Social Media Message or email to a more distant acquaintance (Intention: Invite to do Business)
- Your first message should just be a re-connecting message. Read through their recent posts to see if they have posted anything about health concerns or stress (educate yourself so you're not redundant). Ask how they are doing, how their family is, what they are doing.
- When they get back with you, gauge whether the relationship needs more "deposits" or whether it's appropriate to tell them about what you do. Say something like, "Hey -- I know you have always been successful and that you are well connected. I've been running my own business based on all-natural essential oils and other products that target health and wellness, and things have been exploding. The company I'm working with became the largest company in their field within 4 years of starting, within 6 years of starting they were double the size of their nearest competitor! Since the business is growing so quickly, I'm looking for some capable and motivated individuals to partner with. Do you know anyone who might be interested in learning more about this business opportunity? You'd probably want to see and try some samples of what I do -- but if you or anyone you know actually joins up with me, I'm willing to pay a finder's fee. I'll pay $______when they say yes and meet some initial criteria, and the balance within 90 days when they achieve an initial Leadership Level in my company. Could I send you some samples so you can feel good about referring me to some people who might be interested?
Script #8 -- Messaging someone you don't even know after reviewing their page/account(ie on Facebook or Linked In) --intention: ask to be connected to a builder. "Hi, I was reading through your profile; you have an impressive resume! You seem to be the type of person my business partner and I like to align with. We work well with capable and motivated people. We have been running our own natural health and wellness business, and things have been exploding; we have been very successful and we know how to help others do the same. The company we're working with (doTERRA Essential Oils) became the largest company in our field within 4 years of starting, and within 6 years of starting we were double the size of our nearest competitor! We are on schedule to do a billion dollars in business this year--the majority of that in the United States, although we are rapidly expanding globally.
Since the business is growing so quickly, we are looking for some capable and motivated individuals to partner with. We are specifically looking for people who have global contacts since there are still Founders Positions available –A limited number of individuals who help start doTERRA in new markets become Founders, and earn a percentage of that country's profits every year in the future. Are you, or do you know anyone who might be interested in learning more about this business opportunity? If you aren't interested, but if you connect us with someone who achieves our company's initial leadership level within 90 days, we are willing to pay you a portion of a finder's fee up front, and the balance when the leadership level is achieved. My business partner and I would love to set up a time to talk to you on the phone, answer any questions you may have, and also send you some samples so you can get a better feel for what we do. If you'd like to check out some resources, you can visit ______(your replicated website). We look forward to hearing back from you!
Script #9--Messaging someone you don't even know after reviewing their page/account -- intention: ask them to partner with you
"Hi, I was reading through your profile; you have an impressive resume! You seem to be the type of person my business partner and I like to align with. We work well with capable and motivated people. We have been running our own natural health and wellness business, and things have been exploding; we have been very successful and we know how to help others do the same. The company we're working with (doTERRA Essential Oils) became the largest company in our field within 4 years of starting, and within 6 years of starting we were double the size of our nearest competitor! We are on schedule to do a billion dollars in business this year.
Since the business is growing so quickly, we are looking for some capable and motivated individuals to partner with. We are specifically looking for people who have contacts in (country of choice) since there are still Founders Positions available -- A limited number of individuals who help start doTERRA in new markets become Founders, anda percentage of that country's profits every year in the future. Are you, or do you know anyone who might be interested in learning more about this business opportunity? My business partner and I would love to set up a time to talk to you on the phone, answer any questions you may have, and also send you some samples so you can get a better feel for what we do. If you'd like to check out some resources, you can visit ______(your replicated website). We look forward to hearing back from you!
Script #10--Approaching individuals with large blog followings or large internet influence.(Note: for someone like this, you want to SERVE THEM FIRST. These individuals are used to being approached and asked to market to their lists over and over and over again. They aren't used to being served. Start by developing a relationship. People do business with people who do business with them):
- Step 1--I have been very impressed with your posts; I really resonate with the principles and information you promote. I'd love to do something to help promote you. How can I serve you best? (Make sure they are aware of all your efforts on their behalf, keep coming back and asking for more. This type of relationship can take some time to nurture -- but start now by making a list of the people you would like to have on your inner circle!
- Step 2--Once you have a relationship going, you can say something like this if your chosen inner circle member asks you what you do: "I'm a Wellness Advocate and Educator; I teach people how to use all natural essential oils to support health and wellness, and I also teach people how to to do a gentle and effective cleanse."
- Step 3--(you can put three dots....and then make your offer, or send the message and add this next thought in the next message, as an afterthought -- this message is your offer/call to action. Are you going to offer a special? Are you going to offer a free class that corresponds with whatever your inner circle member does.Find a way to add value -- this time through what you do. Contact your upline if you need help brainstorming what your offer will be.
If you have scripts that you use that have been effective, please contact us on the home page and share so we can post them for your teams and others to benefit from.