Governance Meeting of September 27, 2016, 1:00PM
Little Theater, Roosevelt Hall
- Approval of Minutes
The minutes of April 8, 2016 were approved as amended.
- Report of the President: Dr. John Nader
- Dr. Nader thanked the campus for the warm welcome.
- There will be several aesthetic improvements made to the campus, including the addition of international flags in Bunche Plaza, with a ceremony set for October 25, 2016.
- The plans for the new Building for Applied Social Sciences have been received in time for Dr. Nader to share them with legislators.
- The campus Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan is being developed, and is due to SUNY by November 1, 2016. Dr. Nader thanked Dr. Veronica Henry and others for their work on this, and stressed the need to celebrate diversity and inclusion.
- The DIFR committee has been joined by others to form a committee to look into residence life issues. They will report to the campus in late Fall.
- A strategic enrollment management committee is being formed.
- Dr. Nader will increase outreach to groups such as the SGA Executive Board and Foundation.
- There is a plan to hang student artwork in the President’s House.
- Dr. Nader will send a monthly update email to the campus.
- A newly composed CPRA will be formed to draft a strategic plan that will bring us to 2020.
- Report of the Acting Provost: Dr. Laura Joseph
- An implementation committee chaired by Dr. Lucia Cepriano is working on tasks necessary to launch the graduate program in Engineering Technology Management.
- The Dental Hygiene bachelors degree has been approved by SUNY and NY State Education Department, and a Fall 2017 cohort is expected.
- A number of new bachelors programs are under by review by SUNY.
- Strategic planning will focuson linking budgeting, planning, and assessment. New forms have been introduced to inform the budget planning process. Dr. Joseph has been meeting with departments to discuss budget planning. Allocation of resources will reflect the strategic plan.
- The closed captioned video policy was discussed, and will be required by Spring 2017. Courses should meet ADA requirements and follow universal design principles.
- The College will submit an applied learning plan to SUNY in Spring, 2017. This will include a study of the feasibility of including applied learning as a graduation requirement. The applied learning plan will be brought to governance at a later date.
- Dr. Michael Goodstone will be introducing a new faculty mentoring program.
- The Celebration of Scholarship will be held on November 10, 2016.
- The CTLT will be hosting brown bag lunches and a workshop on OERs on October 28, 2016.
- Reports of Standing Committees
- FEC: Dr. Lloyd Makarowitz
- Dr. Makarowitz reported that the Governance website lists the new committee members. Committees were asked to notify Dr. Makarowitz of the chairs’ and secretaries’ names.
- Bylaw 10.15.12.b was brought to the floor for amendment. There was discussion of whether CAFPC membership should be restricted to those with Full Professor status, or whether the rank restriction should be removed and all with continuing appointment should be eligible. The motion to amend 10.15.12.b passed with two-thirds majority. The new language reads: “The seven-member committee will include one faculty member each, holding Continuing Appointment, from Engineering Technology, Business, Health Sciences, Arts, Science, and the Library for a total of six members. The seventh member must be of Associate or Full Professor rank elected At-Large. No department may have more than one member on the committee.”
- Bylaw 10.8.2 was brought to the floor for amendment. Language was added to clarify that “Individuals who are in acting positions at or above the level of Assistant Dean are not eligible to serve on standing committees.” The motion was passed unanimously.
- The College is submitting an application for the SUNY Shared Governance Award. The body voted to unanimously support the application.
- Curriculum Committee: Dr. Serdar Elgun
- Dr. Elgun discussed the forms and deadlines for CCPs and GEPs, and stressed that CCPs must be submitted a year before the course runs. He also clarified that when proposing a new course that has both lab and theory with one grade, the description must specify that there is a lab.
- Old Business—none
- New Business—none
- Reports of Other Committees and Organizations
- Academic Support and Access Programs (ASAP): Ms. Janice Rivera
- A presentation was made describing the various programs that make up ASAP, including TRIO, EOP, CSTEP, LSAMP, STEP, Liberty Partnership Program, Gear Up, Smart Scholars, College Prep Programs, and Academic Camps.
- Title III: Dr. Beverly Kahn
- The Title III grant from the USDOE ended in September, 2016. It featured enhanced orientation activities, the creation of the AAIC, Students First Grants, and Professional Development support such as FRN membership and conference attendance funding. Title III administrative coordinator Denise Letterl was thanked.
- A video created to highlight the Title III program was showed.
- University Faculty Senate
- Senator Lou Scala reported on the recent UFS activities and Spring Plenary meeting.
- Bargaining Unit: Dr. Vicki Janik.
- The UUPF bargaining unit is the second largest of the 18 technical and comprehensive colleges.
- The Fall Unifier was published.
- There are upcoming new member meetings and voter registration drive.
- Negotiations are ongoing.
- From the floor: none.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:20PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Gelles, Secretary