PURPOSE:To encourage the study and performance of solo and ensemble literature. That through students’ practice, performance, and review of adjudicators’ constructive comments, improved individual and group performance may result.
1. Any student attending West Virginia Schools in grades 4-12 is eligible. Elementary level is grade 4,Middle school is 5-8, and Senior High is 9-12. Students may enter through a private or school instructor. The teacher must be a current and up to date member of WVMEA at the time of application.Teachers must submit a current copy of their NAfME membership card with both their regional applications and honors recital submissions.
2. Fees are due with the application. If the Festival is postponed, fees will not be returned. If it iscancelled, fees will be returned minus expenses. The fee schedule is solos $6, 2-6 students (duos through sextets) $9, 7-18 students $12. Application dates and dates of Festivals will be announced by each Region Chair.
3. Ensembles may not have more than 18 students. Instrumental ensembles are urged to follow the guide of 1 player per part. Ensembles of 6 or less should not be conducted; ensembles of 7 or more may be conducted if desired. Elementary or middle school ensembles may be conducted if desired.
4. Students receiving a “1” or superior rating and recommended by a judge, may submit a tape or CD recording to the State Honors Recital Committee for consideration. Students in grades 4-12 are eligible. If the music calls for a piano accompaniment, it must be used to qualify for selection in the Honors Recital.Live accompaniments must be used for consideration in the Honors Recital.
5. Conference pre-registration policy:All teachers must be pre-registered in order to bring students to the In-Service Conference for participation in any conference activity. Failure to comply will result in an increased registration fee and students will be removed from conference activities until proof of conference registration is confirmed with the chair of respective affiliate.
1. Memorization of solos is encouraged but not required. Ensemble music does not need to be memorized.There is no required music list.
2. If the music calls for a piano accompaniment, you are urged to use it. If this is not possible, the rating will not be affected by the lack of accompaniment. Use live accompaniment whenever possible.
3. Eight minutes will be allowed for each performance. If the time is exceeded, it will be up to the judge’sdiscretion to stop the performance. The judge is not permitted to coach any student or ensemble.
4. Entries will receive a rating unless the judge is notified that you want COMMENTS ONLY. In thiscase the judge must be notified before the student(s) perform
5. The judge must be furnished with a copy of the music with measures numbered. Because of copyrightlaws, photocopies should not be used.
6 Judges will adjust rating levels as follows: elementary (4th grade), middle school (5-8), and senior high(9-12). All soloists will be judged elementary (4th grade), middle school (5-8) and senior high (9-12)regardless of the grade level in the county. An ensemble that has a mixture of 8th and 9th graders or below will be judged at the middle school level. Any ensemble that has 9th graders or above will be considered senior high level. This applies to Region and State Festivals. The rating scale is 1-4,1=superior, 2=good, 3=acceptable, 4=fair.
7. Certificates should be awarded for “1” ratings.
8. Judges are urged to make their comments as constructive as possible. Judges must sign the rating sheets. Region chairs should collect the rating sheets and notify students about the results.
9. Students, parents, and others are encouraged to listen to performances of others.
10. Judges may choose as many exemplary solos or ensembles for possible inclusion in the State Solo and Ensemble Honors Recital as they deem worthy. Only those with “1” ratings are eligible.