Royal Society of New Zealand, Wellington Branch Inc
2012 Annual General Meeting Minutes
23 October 2012, Carter Observatory, commencing at 7:30pm
The meeting was preceded by a presentation by Lydia Hingston, winner of the Branch Prize at the 2012 Science Fair. Her subject was “Antibiotics versus Probiotics” and was warmly received by members. A lively discussion followed on aspects of the experimental technique and the classification of gram negativity and positivity. The discussion supported the technique decisions made by the presenter and the gram negativity and positivity results revealed by the experimental work.
The President, David Lillis, welcomed Lydia Hingston, her parents and science teacher, and members.
ATTENDANCE: President and 24 Members
APOLOGIES: Brian Jones, Helen Hughes, Denis Fairfax. Gretchen & Ross Moore, Yvonne Curtis, David Heath, Bruce McFadgen, Vince Gray, Bruce Miller, L.D. Swindale. Apologies were sustained.
MINUTES of the 2011 AGM were circulated and approved. (Moved David Lillis, Seconded: Margaret Gordon)
David Lillis spoke to his President’s report. He spoke particularly of the contributions of Sir Paul Callaghan, Dr Des Hurley, Phillip Alve and Gregor Yeates, all of whom have died in the last year.
The meeting expressed their thanks to Dr Lillis. He retires as President at this meeting.
The Financial Statements were received and adopted. (Moved President, Seconded John Harper)
Thanks were expressed to the Treasurer and to Ross Moore as the Accounts Reviewer.
An emeritus presentation was made to Fred Knox. Fred has actually been a member for more than 50 years. Prof Leslie Swindale was also made an Emeritus Member in absentia. A presentation of Emeritus Membership was made before the meeting to Dr Alex Malahoff.
George Jones received a Presentation of Honorary Membership, the membership having been conferred at the 2011 AGM.
Ross Moore was elected to Honorary Membership. Ross was formerly CEO of RSNZ and has a long history of service to the Branch.
Prof Phil Lester received a presentation for the Hudson Lecture. Congratulations were also expressed for his elevation to full Professor at Victoria University of Wellington.
The proposed changes had been previously circulated. It was resolved to accept the new By-Laws as circulated (Moved: The President; Seconded George Jones)
President: Elf Eldridge (Nominated David Lillis, Seconded Margaret Gordon). Agreed
Vice Presidents:
Frank Andrews (Nominated Margaret Gordon, Seconded John Harper) Agreed
Dr David Lillis (Nominated George Jones, Seconded Ian West) Agreed
Treasurer: Left for Council appointment.
The meeting agreed that this could be a paid appointment (Moved John Harper, Seconded George Jones)
Secretary: Left for Council appointment.
Council Members:
Lucy Forde (Nominated Ian West, Seconded George Jones) Agreed
Yvonne Curtis (Nominated Ian West, Seconded Frank Andrews) Agreed.
Ian West (Nominated Robert Persse, Seconded David Lillis)
NOTE: Robert Persse will work on Oral History matters but not be on Council
Financial Reviewer: Ross Moore (Nominated Ian West, Seconded John Harper) Agreed
The meeting concluded at 8:30pm and was followed by an address by Prof Louise Starkey, Professor of Education, Victoria University on “Education for a Digital Age.”