Applicant/Company: Applicant #:
SECTION 1: General InformationNOP Rule §205.201, §205.204
Certified operations must use organic seed, annual seedlings, and planting stock. Annual seedlings must be produced according to organic standards. Use of non-organic planting stock is subject to commercial availability. If planting stock is from a non-organic source and is used to produce perennial crops, then that planting stock may be sold, labeled or represented as organic planting stock after 12 months of organic management.Seedlings are produced for:Sale only
On-farm use only
Sale & on-farm use / If sales are made from your greenhouse operation, when do you anticipate your first sale?
Do you produce seedlings:
At the main farm address? Yes No
At a location other than the main farm address? Yes No
If yes, list address:
Do you have seedlings grown for you? Yes No
If yes, provide grower’s name, address, and organic certifier.
Collect receipt and organic certificate from each grower and have them available at inspection.
SECTION 2: FacilityDescriptionNOP Rule §205.201
Please provide a description of all facilities being used for organic and non-organic production. Each facility must be shown on the Field Map and listed on the Field History Sheet. (Please use additional sheets as needed).Facility ID
Must match map / Type of Structure
Greenhouse, hoophouse, etc. / Location / Dimensions / Type of Production
(Check all that apply)
Above GroundMicrogreens
Above Ground Microgreens
Above Ground Microgreens
Above Ground Microgreens
Above Ground Microgreens
Above Ground Microgreens
SECTION 3: Facility Production ManagementNOP Rule §205.200,§205.205, §205.206
Operations are required to have production practices that maintain or improve the natural resources of the operation, including soil and water quality. A producer must implement a crop rotation including but not limited to sod, cover crops, green manure crops, and catch crops. Operations must implement management practices to prevent crop pests, weeds, and diseases.A. In-Ground Production If no in-ground production, skip to section 3.B.
Describe your crop rotation plan, including cover crops and plow downs.
Describe how you preventa build-up of salts in greenhouse soil.
B. Seedling Management
Describe how you prevent seedling diseases and/or insect problems?
List all inputs on your Materials List and Review Request.Have all input product labels, receipts, and records of use available at inspection.
C. Water Use
What equipment is used in your watering system(s)?
What is the source of water used in your watering system(s)?
Are input products applied through the watering system(s)? Yes No
If yes, list all inputs on your Materials List and Review Request. Have all input product labels, receipts, and records of use available at inspection.
Are products used to clean watering system(s)lines/nozzles? Yes No
If yes, list all inputs on your Materials List and Review Request. Have all input product labels, receipts, and records of use available at inspection.
D. Natural Resources
How is growing media/substrate/planting mix disposed of at the end of the growing cycle?
Reused/Recycled onsiteComposted onsite Other (explain):
Spent growing media must be managed in a way that does not contribute to contamination or degradation of natural resources.
SECTION 4: Commingling and ContaminationNOP Rule §205.201, §205.272
Operations must implement measures necessary to prevent commingling of organic and non-organic products and protect organic products from contact with prohibited substances.Is treated lumber used in any part of the facility (posts, tables, benches, etc.)? Yes No
If yes, where is the treated lumber located and what is it treated with?
Describe how you prevent contamination of the soil and plants from the treated lumber.
Describe how you clean reused seedling containers, equipment, irrigation system, and facility (building)?
Do you grow both organic and non-organic plants in your greenhouse? Yes NoIf no, Go to Additional Comments
How do you separate and identify organic and non-organic growing areas?
How do you label organic and non-organic seedlings/plants?
Describe how you prevent commingling of organic and non-organic soil mixes during mixing and storage?
Where do you store inputs, including soil mixes, used for non-organic production?
Describe how you prevent drift of prohibited materials through ventilation and/or watering systems?
Additional Comments: Add any additional comments or complete your answers from above (if you did not have enough room).
Greenhouse and Seedling Supplemental Information / Organic / Print Date: 11/8/2018
Controlled Version:3/1/2018 / Page 1 of 3 / © 2018 Minnesota Crop Improvement Association