DISTRICT DATES (Subject to Change)
Mar 11 / District Council / Homer City / 5:30
Mar 19 / District Clergy Dialog North / Punxsy First / 12:00
Mar 20 / LP North Mentoring Group / Knox Dale UMC / 9:00
Mar 27 / District Clergy Dialog South / Indiana Trinity / 8:00
Apr 10 / Superintendency / Marion Center / 6:00
Apr 9 / LP South Mentoring Group / Brush Valley / 10:00
Apr 10 / OMG Mentoring Group / District Office / 9:30
Apr 21 / Youth Committee Meeting / Mt. Zion DuBois / 2:00
Apr 24 / Regional Clergy Breakfast - Indiana / Eat-N-Park / 8:00
Apr 24 / LP North Mentoring Group / Knox Dale UMC / 9:00
Apr 24 / Regional Clergy Lunch - Kittanning / Thee Log Cabin / 12:00
Apr 25 / Regional Clergy Lunch - Punxsy / Anchor Inn / 12:00
Apr 26 / Regional Clergy Breakfast - DuBois / Eat-N-Park / 8:00
Apr 26 / Regional Clergy Lunch - Brookville / Denny’s / 12:00
May 3 / Ramps / District Office / 4:00
May 6 / District Conference / Marion Center / 2:30
May 14 / Trustee, Location and Building / District Office / 6:30
May 15 / Retired Pastor’s Luncheon / Marion Center First / 12:00
May 21 / District Clergy Dialog North / Punxsy First / 12:00
May 22 / District Clergy Dialog South / Indiana Trinity / 8:00
June 12 / OMG Mentoring Group / District Office / 9:30
June 18 / District Clergy Dialog North / Punxsy First / 12:00
June 26 / District Clergy Dialog South / Indiana Trinity / 8:00

New news

District Youth Committee Meeting

We are going to have a District Youth meeting on Saturday, April 21stat 2:00 pm at the Mt. Zion UMC in Dubois. Please come and join us as we discuss possible summer events and plan a fall event.

Camp Allegheny

Contact the camp for more information or toRSVP your group! (; 814-754-5122)

Annual Celebration of Ministry– guest speaker Bishop Moore-Koikoi

April 15th, 20185pm appetizers, 5:30pm meal and program

Camp Allegheny’s annual celebration of ministry and booster dinner will be a wonderful opportunity for current and potential supporters of this wonderful ministry to hear about the amazing work that god has done in the past year and also to hear some of the improvement planned for 2018! Enjoy entertainment by Somerset’s own “Apostle’s Creed”. The night will include recognition of our “volunteer of the year” and will be highlighted by our guest speaker, Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi.

Spring Service Opportunity – Camp Allegheny work week & day

April 22-28, 2018

Supporting Camp Allegheny can be more than donating dollars. Our spring workweek and work day are a great opportunity for youth groups, men’s and women’s groups, and service organizations to work with their hands and make a difference in the lives of hundreds of campers. Camp has projects for groups of varied skills and interests. Groups are welcome to come for the day or stay overnight all week long. Lunch is provided for day groups and meals are provided for the duration of an overnight group’s stay.

Adult Wrangler Weekend

May 18-20, 2018

Arrival: starts 4:30pm Friday; departure: 1:00pm Sunday

Adults can enjoy a weekend in god’s creation on one of god’s most noble creatures! Trail rides, spiritual formation, other camp activities, and free time to enjoy rest, relaxation, and recreation are all a part of this wonderful weekend. Renewal, refreshment, and a whole lot of fun are what you can expect!

Cost is $150 per person and includes 2 nights, 4 meals, and at least 6 hours of horse time. Guests are welcome to stay for our open house, which will starts at 2pm on the 20th.

Open House and Alumni Picnic

May 20, 20182:00pm – 6:00pm

Music, fun camp activities, reconnecting with friends, a picnic dinner, or information about our summer camp programs; whichever it is that brings you out to open house, you’ll get to experience them all! This completely free event will also feature an alumni tent, including photos from across the decades in our Camp Allegheny “Memory Lane”. Camper and staff alumni can reconnect with old friends and remember how blessed they were by their time at Camp Allegheny!

  • Algonquin Canoe Trip 2018
July 22-31 AND July 30 - August 8, 2018
Join us for a week of wilderness canoeing and camping in the north woods of Ontario’s Algonquin Provincial Park. We will travel through a rugged and beautiful land of lakes, rivers, and forests. Along the way, we look for wildlife and camp on the shore. Around the campfire, we learn about God, the wonders of his creation, and what it means to follow Jesus in community. While previous canoeing and camping experience is helpful, it is not necessary. The cost of the trip includes equipment and transportation. Open to adults and teens at least 15 years old. If you are 19 or older, you must have a passport.
2018 Trip Dates: July 22-31, led by Revs. Scott Hamley, Craig Lindahl and Doug Burns.
July 30 to August 8, led by Rev. Dave Coul, Rev. Drew Myers and Lindsey Myers.
For information, contact: Rev. Scott Hamley,, 724.859.6745, Rev. Dave Coul,, 814.229.2641
  • Jumonville
Jumonville, nestled on the outskirts of Hopwood, PA, is a place where your life will be changed by the power of God. The Cross of Christ will greet you before you even get here.Summer Camp Listing
  • Wesley Woods
This isWesley Woods: rustic adventure with the comforts of home, located in Grand Valley, PA. Wesley Woods deepens your spiritual connection as you encounter God through fellowship and worship.
Summer Camp Listing
  • Olmsted Manor Retreat Center
Surrounded by the forests of northwestern Pennsylvania,Olmsted Manor Retreat Center,located in Ludlow, PA, provides the great place for private and group retreats.
  • Camp Allegheny
Camp Allegheny, near Somerset, PA, offers campers excitement, energy and experience in the outdoors. Come to a camp where faith is lived out!
Summer Camp Listing
See 2016 Summer Camp Summary Report
Jessica Gamache', Camping Coordinator
800.886.3382 ext. 231
Birthdays THIS wEEK
13 Paula Detar
14 Rev. Dale Livermore
15 Rev. Ruth Moore
Anniversaries THIS wEEK
D.S. Rev. James N. Pond ell # (724) 322-1718
Admin. Sherry Meterko ffice Closed Fridays
Office # (814) 938-1742 Fax # (814) 938-6457
Lay Leader: Corona McKee
Lay Servant Ministries: Jennifer Gordon or check out this link:
Treasurer: Don Shaffer Please send all monies to him at:
4765 Ramsaytown Rd. Brookville, Pa. 15825
GBHEM Scholarship application
The Fall 2018 Application closes March 7, 2018. See information. For other scholarship opportunities within The United Methodist Church, visit thescholarship portal.

"Protect, Sustain, Grow: Best Practices for Handling Your Church's Money"
Conference and Livestream on Saturday, March 10, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Eastern Time. Managing church finances requires skill, dedication, and know-how, but also the heart of a steward. Protect, Sustain, Grow: Best Practices for Handling Your Church's Money provides practical advice, best practices, and resources for pastors, finance committee members, church treasurers, financial secretaries, and bookkeepers - all those charged with the sacred trust of protecting, sustaining, and growing the resources God has entrusted to your church.Save with early-bird registration through February 12. Learn more and register now.

UMCOR Sunday
March11: In the wake of disasters, UMCOR is present among the devastation to provide relief and hope. Brand new resources are available to encourage generosity (videos, bulletin inserts, etc.) Formerly known as “One Great Hour of Sharing”. Give in support of theUnited Methodist Committee on Relief. Now you can text 'umcorsunday' to 91999 and give from your cellphone.Thank you for your continued support of UMCOR, where every dollar you give makes a world of difference.

Establishing an Endowment?
A UM Foundation webinar on Tuesday, March 13 at 10 a.m. will lead you through the 11 necessary steps for establishing an endowment for your church or agency. Details/Register

Church Planting Residency
Kim Griffith from Discipleship Ministries’ Path1 will be at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary on March 15 to speak with students and other United Methodists who are interested in church planting, specifically the church planting residency through Path 1. We will begin at roughly 12:15pm and meet for about an hour. For more information or to request a one-on-one interview, contact Rev. Susan Moudry at . Learn more about Church Planter Residency.

UMC Day of Health
8 am – 5 pm on Saturday, March 17, at Dunwoody UM Church, in Atlanta, Georgia. At UMC Day of Health, you’ll find the tools and resources needed to implement health programs and ministries in your congregation and community. Organizations promoting health and well-being in their local communities will offer engaging breakout sessions including health information, HIV testing, fun fitness activities, and healthy cooking demonstrations.We will also be introducing Hulapalooza, a multi-faceted event with on a hula-hoop theme that includes activities forall-ages.
Early bird registration: January 31, 2018.

A Way Forward
Scripture, Justice and Wesley on Saturday, March 17, 2018 from 8:30 am – 3:30 pm at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church 1965 Ferguson Road Allison Park, PA 15101. This annual seminar will invite participants to boldly address the issues facing our denomination. This will be a great opportunity to discuss with national leaders the various proposals. This seminar is open to all persons who want to learn how the issues related to human sexuality are affecting the future of our church. Keynote Speaker: Bishop Charlene Kammerer. Cost is $25 until March 1 and $30 after March 2. Includes salad smorgasbord lunch. (Gluten-free and vegetarian available) Brochure. Sponsored by the WPA Core Team. Register now.

New People/New Places Grants
The Conference’s Parish & Community Development Committee is implementing a new process for awarding its “New Places/New People.” Two grant application deadlines have been set for 2018 -- March 23 and September 28. Decisions on grants will be made as soon as possible after each deadline. Get details and grant application.

SS-MR-SNS-AST Training
Safe Sanctuary-Mandated Reporting-Security and Safety-Active Situation Training
This training is very important training for the church and its people.
This training that is a quadrennial requirement by the church for all clergy and paid staff of the church and also expected of leadership and volunteer staff such as, Sunday school teachers, youth ministry teams, ushers, greeters, safety walkers, kitchen workers, VBS volunteers, Etc.
March 24, 2018 / 8 AM – 12 Noon
1st United Methodist Church
100 W. Long Ave.
DuBois, PA
Office: 814-371-5150
Please signup or contact the office of the
1st United Methodist Church DuBois
So we may have material for all of those attending.

Disciple Making Training
from9am-12pm on Saturday, March 24, 2018 at Crossroads UMC-Boyce Road Campus, 1120 Boyce Rd, Upper St. Clair, PA 15241. Learn to help others begin a relationship with Jesus Christ through sharing the Gospel in a natural way. Led by Pastor Steve Cordle. ALL Conference clergy and laity, including youth, are welcome! No Cost. Registration deadline is March 21, 2018. Register via the Washington District office at or

Men's Retreat
March 24th from 9 until 2
Mt Pleasant Church.
There is no cost
To pre-register call Don Shaffer at 814-221-2161
Youth Information
  • Youth Leader Skill Day-Saturday, April 28th from 9-3 at Dutihl UMC (I have attached the flyer with all the other info) Registration is open!
  • Annual Conference-to sign up to be a page or youth delegate, fill out the Youth Caucus application. It is due April1!
  • Applications for The Timothy Award This award is for youth who embody the characteristics of 1 Tim 4:11-12. Applications due April 1.
  • Know a youth leader who is outstanding? Nominate them for the Youth Worker of the Year Award! Also due April 1.
  • Uth 4 Missions (a missions event for youth groups) is July 16-20 at Jumonville (new location). Both work sites and outreach sites will be available. Cost is $220/person. Registration will open this Spring.

Man Campat Wesley Woods
April 6-8, 2018. Join guest speaker, John Royer of Leatherwood Outdoors, local pastor, Rick Hamrick, and Wesley Woods’ staff as they dig deeper into God’s calling of leadership on the lives of men. Register online at:
  • Stay at Wesley Woods:$86/Personincludes lodging Friday and Saturday, 3 meals Saturday and breakfast Sunday, and activities and sessions with guest speakers.
  • Live Local Stay at Home:$65/Personincludes 3 meals Saturday, Breakfast Sunday, and activities and sessions with guest speakers.

2018 Father/Son Retreat
Friday, April 6th with registration at 6pm in the Welcome Center through Sunday, April 8th at 10 am. We will be staying in either the Inn or Washington Lodge.Craig Meeder and Rev. Jude Urso will lead this fun-filled weekend retreat for fathers and sons. Pastor Jude will be teaching on Joseph and Jesus and the relationship they had with one another. Craig will be taking care of all the fun activities likelearning to usea compass out in the woods, archery, tomahawk throwing, hikes, campfires, and a variety of challenges in our adventure center. The cost is $125 for dadand $65 per son. This includes lodging, food, and program supplies. If you have questions please callus at 724-439-4912 or email Pastor Jude . Register Here For The Father/Son Retreat

2018 Confirmation Program Reboot
After more years than we can count (on two hands), the Conference is revamping its programming for Confirmation Class visits. To emphasize programming related to youth and allow for more significant time with our Bishop, leaders can choose one of five dates to bring their group to one of four locations around Western PA from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (lunch included). Online registration opens Monday at wpaumc.org/Confirmation2018. Choices include:
  • 4/6 and 4/7 - UM Conference Center, Cranberry
  • 4/14 - Wesley Woods.

Clergy Retirement Seminar
For Clergy retiring in 2018 on Tuesday, April 10 from 9 am – 4 pm at the United Methodist Center - Hickman Room, 1204 Freedom Rd, Cranberry Twp., Pa. 16066. Contact Alexis Soohy .

The 2018 NEJ UMVIM Academy
Which brings together mission leaders and instructors from UMCOR, Global Ministries, and more will be held April 11 - 14, 2018at Pecometh Camp in Centreville, MD. Registration will open in January. Among the courses will be specific preparation to serve in Puerto Rico, how to welcome those displaced by disasters of all kinds into your community, UMCOR courses, and possible chainsaw certification. CEUs. Contact or Calvin Cook if interested.

50 Career in Ministry Scholarships
CM CARES, the Church Mutual Insurance Company Foundation, has announced that it is now accepting applications for its second annual Religious Scholarship Program, offering up to $250,000 in scholarships to graduate and doctoral students who are committed to a career in ministry. Scholars who wish to apply must be enrolled full-time in an advanced degree program in theology, ministry, or other field of religious study at an accredited theological seminary, college, or university during the 2018-19 academic year.Complete detailsDeadline: April 14, 2018

mini Mission u
from Sunday, April 15 to Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at Olmsted Manor, 17 E Main St, Ludlow, PA 16333. Spiritual Growth Theme – Living as a Covenant Community. Leader: Rev. Lisa Grant. Contact Diane r Dara . Details to be announced.

Nuts And Bolts Of Boomer And Older Adult Ministries
Sunday - April 15 from 2:30 - 9 p.m.
Monday - April 16 from 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Cost: $60/person
RSVP Deadline: April 2, 2018
This practical time will be led by Rev. Dr. Will Randolph. Formerly of WPA, Rev. Will Randolph is the Director of Aging and Older Adult Ministries for the United Methodist Church. Toregister online, pleaseclickhereto be directed to the district website. The registration link is under “Announcements”, located along the left side of the page.Todownload a brochure and print out a registration form,click here(or see attachment at bottom of this email newsletter)
(More information is in the "green folder" that has been distributed to the SPRC committees prior to church conferences.)
Upcoming Older Adult Ministry Webinars
Click herefor a list of upcoming webinars related to older adult ministers. Take advantage of these informative and practical resources to enhance your ministry to and with older adults. To learn more information, download materials or to sign up for the webinars,click here.

Christian Unity Workshop
The annual National Workshop on Christian Unity is scheduled for April 16-19 in Silver Spring, MD. The workshop has brought together people from various Christian communities for more than 50 years and is the only national gathering of its kind. Laity and clergy interested in ecumenical ministry are encouraged to attend. Get details. Young adult scholarships available-see below.

Voice for Life
Lakeside UMC
Apr. 21st 9:30am – 12:30pm
Lunch provided
Brochure attached to email

The Congregational Care Ministry Seminar
April 19 - 21at The Church of the Resurrection,Leawood, KS campus. It is designed to train volunteers to become partners in ministry with pastors and staff to provide care for a congregation.Registration is limited. Early bird pricing of $159 for the Seminar and $25 for the Pre-Conference is available through March 8. A Pre-Conference is offered Thursday, April 19 from 9:30-11:30 am as an opportunity to dig deeper into particular topics. Choose from 3 class options. For more information, please visit our webpage, cor.org/ccm-seminar. Contact Kathy Carter at or 913-544-0272

Poverty Summit
The Many Faces of Poverty: will be Saturday, April 21 from 9 am-3 pm, in the Covenant Center of Kittanning First UMC, 301 N Jefferson St, Kittanning, PA 16201. To learn more about how to effectively be in ministry with the poor, bring a team from your church. Get details and register