ACE Women’s Network Kentucky
Strategic Plan Discussion Notes
June 3, 2016
Five-year Goals with notes on associated action steps
1. Develop programs that provide specific leadership development.
- Solid programming at conferences will be key to success; provide professional development, resources, skill development activities, etc.
- Dovetail on other state conferences; perhaps plan to meet at EKU next year in conjunction with Pedigogicon
- Instead of a single central meeting, consider three meetings in different parts of the state, perhaps with involvement from other regional partners in the Ohio Valley.
- Plan a one or two day conference that could be a kickoff for events across the state; the conference could initiate a central program that could model the activities for smaller regional meetings across the state
- Appoint regional coordinators/directors who can work with these regional events and develop cross-state partnerships with institutions outside the state that are in their geographic region.
- Involve faculty in the program as presenters, particularly on women/gender studies
- Present something about the host institution at each meeting
- Coordinate programs and collaborate to strengthen the entire state
2. Recognize and support excellence among women leaders.
- Nominate women leaders for awards; the Network could develop a way to deliver “random acts of recognition” to support and empower women who lead
- Give awards, and encourage through communication (including social media)
3. Develop an advocacy program to move the needle forward for women leaders in education.
- Communicate through networks; get all Presidents to sign the national list of Presidents supporting the initiative.
- Connect with various campus advocacy efforts
4. Expand networking opportunities for women leaders and leaders who support women.
- Communicate the message of the organization, using such venues as LinkedIn
- Send out a press release about this meeting
- Send out a list of participants to all who were there to facilitate networking
- Connect with the national network
- Develop mentorship opportunities, perhaps on a regional basis? Suggestions included such things as meeting for structured topic discussions, or a rotation of receptions at the homes of institution Presidents
- Connect with women’s leadership organizations in other sectors (such as Women Leading Kentucky)
5. Expand ACE Women’s Network membership.
- Move from institutional-level recruitment to individual member recruitment, perhaps encouraging institutions to form institutional chapters
- Solve the budget issue, probably through event fees rather than large membership fees (giving direct value for the investment)
- Do something intentional to involve men (cited He for She Campaign as an example)
- Be sure to maintain a succession plan
- Disseminate the bylaws