Play Therapy Continuing Education Test for:


General Information

Citation:Karla D. Carmichael (2006: Upper Sadler, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.)


# Pages:329

# Credit Hours:8


Test Fee:$80.00


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  2. Click on only one response for each question. If you click on more than one response or fail to respond to any question, the question will be scored as incorrect.
  3. Finally print and mail this completed test form with processing fee payment for scoring to (or, if you have questions, contact): Carol Guerrero, E-Learning Center, Association for Play Therapy, 3198 Willow Avenue, Suite 110, Clovis, CA 93612 USA, (559) 294-2128 ext 1,

Learning Objectives:

Based on the content of the workshop, I am able to:

1.Explain the multiple interpretations of the definition of play therapy.

2.Discuss the history of the development of play therapy.

3.Identify the importance of having a professional identity.

4.Explain the importance and purpose of a theory of play therapy.

5. Apply the professional intake, disclosure and documentation necessary in conducting play therapy.

6.Compare and contrast the elements of play therapy.

7.Describe informal and formal assessment, research supported interventions, and cultural influences on successful play therapy interventions.

8.Identify thee basic legal and ethical issues surrounding the treatment and care of children in play therapy.


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1.The person considered to be the first play therapist:

a. Sigmund Freud

b. Anna Freud

c. Hermine Hug-Hellmuth

d. Melanie Klein

2."Limits are therapy" was written by:

a. Landreth

b. Bixler

c. O'Connor

d. Ginott

3.The eight basic principles of play therapy that became the "credo of the approach" were written by

a. Axline

b. Landreth

c. Allan

d. Dorfman

4.Toys selected for the play room need to be those that are open to interpretation and not mechanical or electronic.

a. True

b. False

5.Which of the following is not part of a well set limit?

a. Reflection of feelings

b. Statement of the limit

c. Provide an alternative behavior or choice

d. Tell the child to stop that immediately

6.Power struggles often occur with manipulative children. Which of the following is not the thing to do in a power struggle?

a. Have prearranged rules about nonintervention from colleagues

b. Placate the child by distracting him or her with a reward.

c. Repeat the limit in a matter of fact way.

d. In extreme cases, one can restrain a child, according to the laws and policy of one's agency.

7.Melanie Klein was the "mother" of attachment theory with her observations about the adjustment of children according to the responsiveness of their mothers.

a. True

b. False

8.The treatment stages of psychoanalytic play therapy consist of the therapeutic alliance, resistance, transference, and interventions.

a. True

b. False

9.The person known for operationalized Adlerian play therapy was

a. Garry Landreth

b. Afred Adler

c. Barry Williams

d. Terry Kottman

10.Techniques that Adlerians may use include all but:

a. Diagnostic drawings

b. Style of Life Interview

c. Parent Training

d. Systematic Desensitization

11.Adlerian play therapists believe that children misbehave for which of the following reasons:

a. Evilness

b. Lack of attentiveness to details

c. Low intelligence

d. The child has become discouraged

12.The person who is credited with operationaling Jungian play therapy is

a. Dora Kalff

b. J.P. Lilly

c. John Allan

d. None of these

13.Jimmy has written a story. The Jungian therapist might ask the child to do which of the following:

a. read the story aloud or retell the story

b. take the role of each character and tell me how they feel

c. to listen to the therapist's interpretation of the story

d. help the child explore alternative problem solutions to the problem presented in the story

14.Jackie enters the play room and carefully arranges every item in the play room before starting her play. The therapist will know the child is getting better when:

a. The child complains about how poorly the other children keep the play room

b. Jackie spends less time in arranging the play room

c. The child is referred for medication

d. The child tells the therapist about need of control in her life

15.Becky draws a picture. The Jungian therapist may ask the child to:

a. Tell a story about the picture

b. Draw a picture of what happened before this picture and after this picture

c. Tell a moral about this picture or give it a title

d. All of the above

16.In 1947, which individual took the work of Carl Rogers and published its application to play therapy

a. Clark Moustakas

b. Garry Landreth

c. Viola Ashvatamas

d. Virginia Axline

17.Child centered play therapists:

a. Never play with the child

b. Believe a child seeks good mental health

c. Allow children to bring their own toys into the playroom

d. Interpret the child's play to the child

18.The parenting program that is associated with child centered play therapy is

a. Filial therapy

b. Positive Parenting

c. Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP)

d. Parent Effectiveness Training (PET)

19.Gestalt play therapists believe children have a difficult time expressing their field of awareness with their limited vocabularies.

a. True

b. False

20.The role of the Gestalt play therapist is to make the child aware of what causes life's difficulties.

a. True

b. False

21.The relationship therapist actively enters the child's world by invitation.

a. True

b. False

22.Relationship therapy unlike psychoanalytic play therapy fosters independence.

a. True

b. False

23.Relationship therapy has some of the most permissive limitations on the child's behavior.

a. True

b. False

24.One of the major premises of cognitive behavioral therapy is that a child's thoughts influence


a. True

b. False

25.CPBT has a very clear behavioral objective and designs treatment around that objective.

a. True

b. False

26.Developmental theories are based on attachment theory.

a. True

b. False

27.Brody says that limit setting b y the parent is essential to therapy.

a. True

b. False

28.Theraplay's focus is the casual disturbance in the parent-child bonding experience.

a. True

b. False

29.The Marschak Interaction method (MIM) originated with theraplay.

a. True

b. False

30.The ecosystems therapist focuses on the impact that various systems have on the child.

a. True

b. False

31.Ecosystems play is unique from many other play therapy models in that a specific and explicit treatment contract is negotiated.

a. True

b. False

32.Ecosystems limits the toy selection to a maximum of 5 toys.

a. True

b. False

33.Filial therapy was developed by Guerney and Guerney to train parents in child-centered play therapy with their own children.

a. True

b. False

34.Van Fleet states that only the "problem child" should be the focus of filial therapy.

a. True

b. False

35.The puppet interview is intended to provide the play therapists with a snapshot of

a. The creativity of the family

b. The problem presented as the problem that the child is experiencing

c. The family's concerns

d. The balance of power in the relationships within the family

36.In story telling assessments, Teglasi suggests that there are some pitfalls to assuming or predicting aggressive behavior from stories. Which of the following is not one of those pitfalls?

a. The child may simply be telling a story seen on television

b. Children who exhibit aggressive behavior may not do so in storytelling

c. The stimulus of the story may not be one that accesses the necessary social stimulus that

precedes aggression

d. Nonaggressive children may be pulled toward an aggressive response because of the

aggressive nature of the stimulus

37.Treatment for ADHD through play therapy has significant limit setting in the play room and a more controlled environment.

a. True

b. False

38.Anxiety disorders in children include

a. post traumatic stress disorder

b. depression

c. cyclothymia

d. hypersexuality

39.Conduct disorder in children includes:

a. school refusal

b. oppositional defiant disorder

c. panic attack

d. post traumatic stress

40.Children can suffer from mood disorders. These include

a. social phobia

b. bipolar disorder

c. panic disorder

d. obsessive-compulsive disorder

41.The landmark case that solidified the protection of minors under the Fourteenth Amendmentwas

a. Tinker vs. Des MoinesIndependentCommunitySchool District

b. Parham vs .J.R.

c. In re Gault

d. New Jersey v. T.L.O.

42.The primary guideline for ethical behavior is

a. Always get the money up front

b. Do not harm

c. Only do what you are competent to do

d. Make no assumptions in writing

43.The most common reason for losing a license or being sued is

a. Malpractice

b. Fraud

c. Dual relationships

d. Slander

44.One of the first questions that the therapist may ask to determine the child's degree of acculturation is to determine how traditional the family considers itself to be

a. True

b. False

45.Views of discipline for children are consistent across cultures.

a. True

b. False


Home Study Evaluation Form for:



  1. Please indicate your rating of the following statements by circling the appropriate number for each statement.
  2. Return completed form to APT 559-294-2129(fax), or 3198 Willow Avenue, Suite 110, Clovis, CA 93612.

Strongly Neutral Strongly

Learning Objectives: Agree Disagree

Based on the content of the workshop, I am able to:

1. Explain the multiple interpretations of the definition

of play therapy.54321

2. Discuss the history of the development of play therapy.54321

3. Identify the importance of having a professional identity.54321

4. Explain the importance and purpose of a theory of play therapy.54321

5. Apply the professional intake, disclosure anddocumentation

necessary in conducting play therapy.54321

6. Compare and contrast the elements of play therapy.54321

7. Describe informal and formal assessment, research

supported interventions, and cultural influences on

successful play therapy interventions.54321

8. Identify thee basic legal and ethical issues surrounding the

treatment and care of children in play therapy.54321

Content / Relevancy:

1. The information presented will enhance my practice.54321

2. The content of this session was relevant to my practice

and/or professional expertise.54321

3. The teaching learning strategies used during this session were

effective for content presented.54321

4. This program is appropriate to my education, experience,

and skills level.54321

5. Cultural, racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender

differences were considered.54321

6. I would recommend this program to others. 54321

7. This activity was free of commercial bias.54321

8. How much did you learn as a result of this CE program?a great deal some very little

9. Overall Rating: This session met or exceed my expectations54321

Participant Information:

Please circle your designation:Psychologist / Counselor / MFT / Social Work / Other______



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Page 1 of7

Introduction to Play Therapy

2007 Copyright Association for Play Therapy