Group Name / Date of Assessment / Ongoing Assessment
Pole Fitness / July 2015 /
- A trained first aider will always be present at every training session/ Match
- A first aid kit will be taken to every training session/ match by the club or team captain
- When an incident arises it is reported to the activities staff by telephone on 0151 231 4900 and submitting an accident form
Date of Review
September 2017
Hazard / What are the risks and potential Injuries? / Who is at risk? / What are the controls and actions? / Severity / Likelihood / Risk Rating / Who is responsible for the control?
Not warming up/cooling down properly / Pulled muscles, sprains and strains / Participants, committee members and teacher / Warm up and cool down properly / 2 / 4 / 8 / Participants
Code of practice / Before starting the session it is the responsibility of each member to ensure that they participate fully in the warm up and cool down.
It is the responsibility of the teacher to provide a sufficient warm up and cool down routine, and to actively encourage everyone to participate.
Lifting and setting up Poles / Lifting and setting up Poles / Lifting and setting up Poles / Provide manual handling advice to teacher and participants / 2 / 2 / 4 / Teacher and committee members
Code of practice / It is the responsibility of the teacher and the committee members to ensure that all participants have adequate manual handling training/advice given.
Proximity of poles and people / Broken bones, bruising, injuries to others / Teacher, committee members, participants / Ensure that there is adequate space between each pole
Make sure participants and spectators are standing a safe distance away from a person using the pole / 3 / 3 / 9 / Teacher and participants
Code of practice / It is the responsibility of every participant to be aware of those around them and their surroundings
It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that the poles are set up with sufficient distance between them
Not spotting / Potential falls, spinal injuries, broken/severely injured neck, bruising, sprains, broken bones / Participants / Use of mats when attempting high risk or new moves
Actively encourage members to spot others properly / 5 / 2 / 10 / Teacher, participants
and committee members
Code of practice / It is the responsibility of members to use the mats when they feel the need or advised by the teacher
It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that participants are not attempting moves that exceed their skill level
It is the responsibility of the committee members to actively encourage spotting in each lesson
It is the responsibility of members to ensure that they are paying attention to those around
Participating / Burns and bruises / Participants / First aider present in all classes
Encourage correct technique to minimise risk of injury / 1 / 5 / 5 / Teacher and committee members
Code of practice / The committee members and teacher should pre warn participants of the risk of bruising and friction burns
Teacher should teach correct technique
Floor or surface used / Injuries caused by the slips, tripping, falls, cuts from the surface such as glass / Members (participants), teacher / Arrange for floor surface to be cleaned by university professionally
Check floor for spillages, uneven surface, unwanted objects at start of each session
Give floor extra sweep or clean if necessary
Ensure participants wear appropriate footwear when necessary
If surface is inappropriate then no activity will take place / 2 / 3 / 6 / Committee members, teacher and participants.
Code of practice / Before the session it is the responsibility of the teacher and the members to check the floor of the venue
If the venue still contains hazardous items the committee members will make an additional sweep or mop of the area
All members will be told to wear appropriate footwear when necessary
If the teacher and the president agree that the surface is not suitable or unsafe for use then the activity will be cancelled
Dehydration / Nausea, injury to others through collapse, fainting / Players / The Committee members will ensure that water breaks are being taken during training
The Committee members will inform all members if water fountains are available in the Sports Centre / 1 / 1 / 1 / Committee members
Code of practice / The Committee members will ensure that members all are aware of the location of any water fountains; this will be highlighted at a players’ first session.
All members are advised before their first session to bring water bottles with them for each session.
The Committee members will ensure there are regular breaks in training to allow players to take a drink; these will be planned into each training session.
Rating Risk Guide
Risk = Severity x Likelihood
Sign off
The following signatories understand their responsibilities that fall under this risk assessment and accept that it covers all significant risks associated with this activity.
Position / Print name / Sign / DateDate communicated to Members / Method of communication