Sumter County School System’s

Response to Instruction

Ensuring Student Success

Central Office Response to Instruction Team:

·  Major contact: Grace Hall-King, School Improvement Specialist

·  Aslean Jones, Special Education Coordinator

·  Hermania Little, Reading Coordinator

·  Katie Jones- Powell, Federal Programs Director

·  Bobbie Pope-Dubose, Testing Coordinator

·  Melissa Woods, Assistant Principal

School Teams:

Kinterbish Jr. High School

Chairperson: Mrs. Rita Ertha, Principal

Ms. Ella Gibbs, Counselor

Ms. Courtney Waters, Reading Coach

Mrs. Cathy Taylor, Kindergarten teacher

Ms. Natasha Hutchins, Librarian

Livingston Jr. High School

Chairperson: Ms. Cynthia Jemison

Mrs. Lawanda McVay

Mrs. Ernestine Thomas

Mrs. Kenyetta Jones

Mrs. Shelia Harris-smith

Mrs. Cassandra Diggins

Mrs. Beverly Wade

Mrs. Robin Harrison

Mrs. Jennifer Allen

Mrs. Cynthia Sparkman

North Sumter Jr. High

Mrs. Jo Ann Brown

Ms. Cassandra Compton

Ms. Kimberly Pace

Mrs. Valeria Burrell


1.  All students in grades K – 3 shall be screened in the academic areas of math and reading as well as behavior by the last day of August.

2.  All students in grades 4 – 12 will begin the process with a screening through records review where the following are reviewed:

a.  Standardized/High Stakes Tests (ARMT, AHSGE, etc.)

b.  Attendance

c.  Course Failures

d.  Behavior Referrals

Areas of suspected difficulty will require screening. (When difficulties in math/reading are noted vision/hearing screenings should be completed also and those results carefully considered)

3.  Administrators shall collect and maintain information through walkthroughs and observations used to evaluate the classroom environment, use of research based instruction and effective intervention (see appendix)

4.  All PST’s must adhere to the System’s Criteria for initial intervention, movement into more or less intensive interventions and dismissal from intervention.

Phase I: Working on Core Instruction Ensuring Success of the 80%

Part I: A focus on Leadership

The Sumter County School System recognizes the importance of having strong, competent, well trained instructional leaders guiding the schools to provide quality instruction to all students. During the past three years principals have received training to strengthen their leadership skills. This training offered from the Central Office Leadership team has included, but not been limited to the following:

In preparation for full implementation our first focus was to strengthen our core instruction…

Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites / Using Strategic Teaching / Curriculum Alignment / Forming Professional Learning Communities / Using Effective Small Group Instruction / Differentiated instruction / JBHM/Principal Mentoring / PASS Consultant Services/Teacher Coach / ALSDE Peer Mentor / K – 8 ARI Reading Coaches
System-wide / 2006 to present
System-wide / 2006 to present
System-wide / 2009 to present
System-wide / 2006 to present
System-wide / 2009 to present
System-wide / Jan. – May 2011
NSJHS / Oct. 2010 – May 2011
SCHS / 2010-2011
LHS / 2010-2011

Focusing on the Core Program

The Sumter County School System shall require that all teachers receive continued training to implement strategic teaching with fidelity. Going forward, all teachers shall participate in not less than 25 hours of training. Principals shall be responsible for documenting this training. In addition, principals must ensure daily implementation of strategic teaching.

All Principals shall review data from walk-throughs and determine the need for professional development in the following areas;

·  Effective use of Small group Instruction

·  Effective use of curriculum alignment

·  Effective use of technology to provide instruction

·  Use of differentiated Instruction

·  Implementation of Strategic Teaching

In instances where schools do not receive 100% implementation in all areas during walk-through visits, principals shall secure additional professional development for teachers. All schools shall become Professional Learning Communities. Principals shall ensure that these best practices are a part of daily instruction. We believe that to do this will ensure that the needs of all students are met.

Identifying Tier I, II, III Students: K-8:


K-8 Response to Instruction: All principals must focus on critical areas such as Scheduling, Group Size and Instructional Goals linked to assessment to ensure the most effective RTI framework

All students in K-3 must participate in not less than 90 minutes of reading each day for all Tier I students.

All students in K-3 who have been identified as Tier II students must participate in not less than 90 minutes of reading instruction within the core program, and must receive an additional 30 minutes of reading instruction within the classroom.

All students in K-3 who have been identified as Tier III students must receive not less than 90 minutes of reading instruction within the core program, and must receive an additional 30 minutes of reading instruction within the classroom provided by the classroom teacher, and must receive an additional 60 minutes of instruction, which may include instruction from the special education teacher.

Tier I Student / Tier II Student / Tier III Student
·  Students must score a minimum of 80% on lesson assessments,
·  Benchmark on DIBELS Benchmark Assessments, and meet target progress monitoring scores
·  Score III or IV on ARMT Reading
·  Score 7-9 Stanine on SAT Total Reading / ·  Students scoring 79% or below on weekly assessments
·  Score in the strategic level on DIBELS Benchmark Assessments and/or progress monitoring
·  Score level II on ARMT Reading
·  Score 4-6 Stanine on SAT Total Reading / ·  Students must score intensive on Spring Benchmark 3 and Fall Benchmark1
·  Score in the intensive level on DIBELS Benchmark Assessments and progress monitoring
·  Score level I on ARMT Reading
·  Score in 1-3 Stanine on SAT Total Reading
Screening Procedures / Progress Monitoring / Outcome / Instruction/Intervention
K-6 / v  Dibels
v  Imagine It Benchmark Assessment
v  Open Court
v  Pre-Test (4-6)
v  Standardized Test Results(3-6)
v  Star Reading
v  easyCBM comprehension passages / v  Tier I students will be assessed once a month.
v  Tier II students will be assessed twice a month.
v  Tier III students will be assessed weekly.
v  Lesson assessments / v  DIBELS Benchmark Assessment
v  Core Benchmark Assessment
v  End of the Month Test / Tier I / Tier II / Tier III
v  90 minutes daily
v  Imagine It! Core Program
v  Teacher delivered / v  Pre-teach Imagine It Core Green Section
v  Additional 30 Minutes Daily
v  Teacher Delivered / v  Pre-teach Imagine It Core Green Section (teacher delivered)
v  Additional 30 minutes using Voyager Passport
(A minimum of one group delivered by the reading coach. Other groups delivered by the Special Education Teacher)
Screening Procedures / Progress Monitoring / Outcome / Instruction/Intervention
7-8 / v  easyCBM median accuracy score on Passage Reading Fluency for 7th and 8th grade
v  Core Entry-Level Test / v  easyCBM fluency passages
v  grade level appropriate
Fluency passages / easyCBM median score on Passage


Kindergarten will be using the following criteria:

·  Tier I: Students scoring 80% or above mastery as a result of the kindergarten readiness math test.

·  Tier II: Students scoring 70%-79% mastery as a result of the kindergarten readiness math test

·  Tier III: Students scoring below 70% mastery as a result of the kindergarten readiness math test.

1st grade students will be using the following criteria:

·  Tier I: Students scoring 80% or above on end-of-year kindergarten screening, Kindergarten Readiness Test, and Saxon Math.

·  Tier II: Students scoring 70% -79% mastery as a result of end-of-year kindergarten screening, Kindergarten Readiness Test, and Saxon Math.

·  Tier III: Students scoring 60% or below on end-of-year kindergarten screening, Kindergarten Readiness Test, Saxon Math.

·  Students consistently scoring below 60% will be recommended for Special Education Services.

2nd grade students will be using the following criteria:

·  Tier: I: Students scoring 80% or above on Saxon Math Assessments and 80% mastery of core subject. Yearly average of 80% or above.

·  Tier: II: Students scoring 70%-79% on Saxon Math Assessments and 70% -79% mastery of core subject. Yearly average of 70% or below.

·  Tier: III: Students scoring 60% or below on Saxon Math Assessments and 60% mastery of core subject. Yearly average of 60% or below.

·  Students consistently scoring below 60% will be recommended for Special Education Services.

3rd grade students will be using the following criteria:

·  Tier I: Students scoring 80% or above on Saxon Math Assessments and 80% mastery on core subject. Yearly average of 80% or above.

·  Tier II: Students scoring 70%-79% on Saxon Math Assessments and 70%-79% mastery on core subject. Yearly average of 70% or below.

·  Tier III: Student scoring 60% or less on Saxon Math Assessments and 60% mastery on core subject. Yearly average of 60% or below.

Students consistently scoring below 60% will be recommended for Special Education Services.

4th Grade students will be screened using the following criteria:

·  3rd Grade ARMT Scores

·  3rd Grade SAT Scores

·  Tier I: Students scoring in Levels III and IV and in the 40-99 percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier II: Students scoring in Level I on the ARMT and in the 21-39 Percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier III: Students scoring in Level I on the ARMT and in the less than 20 Percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier I students with a yearly average of 75% and above

·  Tier II students with a yearly average of 74% to 66%

·  Tier III students with a yearly average less than 65%

·  Students scores are based on Easy CBM criteria

·  Students scores are based on Corrective Math criteria

5th Grade students will be screened using the following criteria:

·  4th Grade ARMT Scores

·  4th Grade SAT Scores

·  Tier I: Students scoring in Levels III and IV and in the 40-99 percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier II: Students scoring in Level I on the ARMT and in the 21-39 Percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier III: Students scoring in Level I on the ARMT and in the less than 20 Percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier I students with a yearly average of 75% and above

·  Tier II students with a yearly average of 74% to 66%

·  Tier III students with a yearly average less than 65%

·  Students scores are based on Easy CBM criteria

·  Students scores are based on Corrective Math criteria

6th Grade students will be screened using the following criteria:

·  5th Grade ARMT Scores

·  5th Grade SAT Scores

·  Tier I: Students scoring in Levels III and IV and in the 40-99 percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier II: Students scoring in Level I on the ARMT and in the 21-39 Percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier III: Students scoring in Level I on the ARMT and in the less than 20 Percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier I students with a yearly average of 75% and above

·  Tier II students with a yearly average of 74% to 66%

·  Tier III students with a yearly average less than 65%

·  Students scores are based on Easy CBM criteria

·  Students scores are based on Corrective Math criteria

7th Grade students will be screened using the following criteria:

·  6th Grade ARMT Scores

·  6th Grade SAT Scores

·  Tier I: Students scoring in Levels III and IV and in the 40-99 percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier II: Students scoring in Level I on the ARMT and in the 21-39 Percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier III: Students scoring in Level I on the ARMT and in the less than 20 Percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier I students with a yearly average of 75% and above

·  Tier II students with a yearly average of 74% to 66%

·  Tier III students with a yearly average less than 65%

·  Students scores are based on Easy CBM criteria

·  Students scores are based on Corrective Math criteria

8th Grade students will be screened using the following criteria:

·  7th Grade ARMT Scores

·  7th Grade SAT Scores

·  Tier I: Students scoring in Levels III and IV and in the 40-99 percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier II: Students scoring in Level I on the ARMT and in the 21-39 Percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier III: Students scoring in Level I on the ARMT and in the less than 20 Percentile Band on Stanford 10

·  Tier I students with a yearly average of 75% and above

·  Tier II students with a yearly average of 74% to 66%

·  Tier III students with a yearly average less than 65%

·  Students scores are based on Easy CBM criteria

·  Students scores are based on Corrective Math criteria

Intervention: Tier II

·  Small group Instructions using AMSTI strategies

·  Progress monitoring on a two-week basis

·  Lessons using Study Island

·  Custom Lesson Paths from New Century Lab

·  Lessons used in Corrective Math and Easy CBM

·  Students consistently scoring below 69% will be recommended for Tier III

·  Differentiated Instructions

Intervention: Tier III

·  Small group instructions

·  Progress monitoring on a two-week basis

·  Lessons using Study Island

·  Custom Lesson Paths from New Century Lab

·  Lessons used in Corrective Math and Easy CBM

·  Students consistently scoring below 65% will be recommended for Special Education Services

·  Progress monitoring reports on a two-week basis

·  Differentiated Instructions

Screening Tools / Progress Monitoring/Benchmark Testing / Outcome Assessment / Intervention
Kindergarten / Kindergarten Readiness Test
Star Math
Easy CBM
Pretest (core program) / STAR Math
End of Month Test / Weekly Assessment
End of Month Test / Saxon Math
1st Grade / Star Math
Easy CBM
Pretest (Core program)
New Century Lab / End of Month Test
New Century Lab
STAR Math / Weekly Assessment
End of Month Test / Saxon Math
New Century Lab
2nd Grade / Star Math
Easy CBM
Pretest (Core program)
New Century Lab
Previous years average / End of Month Test
New Century Lab
STAR Math / Weekly Assessment
End of Month Test / Saxon Math
New Century Lab
3rd Grade / Star Math
Easy CBM
Pretest (Core program)
Corrective Math
Screening Test
New Century Lab
Previous year average / End of Month Test
New Century Lab
Corrective Math / Weekly Assessment
End of Month Test
Corrective Math / Saxon Math
New Century Lab
4th / ARMT
SAT 10
Yearly Averages
Easy CBM
Corrective Math / Weekly Data
EOM Data
Study Island
New Century Lab
Corrective Math
Easy CBM
Number Nuts / EOM Data
Study Island
New Century Lab
Corrective Math
Easy CBM
Number Nuts / Study Island
New Century
Easy CBM
Corrective Math
5th / ARMT
SAT 10
Yearly Averages
Easy CBM
Corrective Math / Weekly Data
EOM Data
Study Island
New Century Lab
Corrective Math
Easy CBM
Number Nut / EOM Data
Study Island
New Century Lab
Corrective Math
Easy CBM
Number Nuts / Study Island
New Century
Easy CBM
Corrective Math
6th / ARMT
SAT 10
Yearly Averages
Easy CBM
Corrective Math / Weekly Data
EOM Data
Study Island
New Century Lab
Corrective Math
Easy CBM
Number Nuts / EOM Data
Study Island
New Century Lab
Corrective Math
Easy CBM
Number Nuts / Study Island
New Century
Easy CBM
Corrective Math
7th / ARMT
SAT 10
Yearly Averages
Easy CBM
Corrective Math / Weekly Data
EOM Data
Study Island
New Century Lab
Corrective Math
Easy CBM
Number Nuts / EOM Data
Study Island
New Century Lab
Corrective Math
Easy CBM
Number Nuts / Study Island
New Century
Easy CBM
Corrective Math
8th / ARMT
SAT 10
Yearly Averages
Easy CBM
Corrective Math / Weekly Data
EOM Data
Study Island
New Century Lab
Corrective Math
Easy CBM
Number Nuts / Study Island
New Century
Easy CBM
Corrective Math

Identifying Tier I, II, III Students: 9-12: