Survey to support the preparation of the ANEC Work Programme 2013
& the ANEC Strategy 2014 to 2020
1.Involvement of national consumer representatives in standardisation:
a)Please state the technical bodies atthe national level in whose work national consumer representativesparticipate (i.e. attend meetings and/or make written comments) or monitor (e.g. are on a mailing list). If possible, please provide the name of the expert and contact details (email or telephone). Please add more rows as needed:
Title of committee – Number code of the Czech Standardization Committee / Field of activity / Name of expert / Organisation / Contact details / Participate (P) or Monitor (M)1 / Technical Documentation / Josef Rýmus / Czech Consumer Association (SCS) / Cabinet for Standardization (Cabinet) /
tel: +420261263574 / P
3 / Personal protective equipment / Ing. Miroslava Dostálová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
22 / Electrotechnical regulation / Josef Rýmus / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
26 / Gas, Liquid and solid Appliances / Ing. Ivana Petrášová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
31 / Textile / Ing. Hana Pařilová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
33 / Electrical appliance and electrical hand tools / Josef Rýmus / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
48 / water turbine and storage pump / Prof. Ing. Jan Melichar, CSc. / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
67 / Light sources, lights and accessories / Josef Rýmus / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574
tel: +420602561856 / P
76 / Lighting / Prof. Ing. Jiří Habel, DrSc. / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
78 / Wrappings and packaging / Bambousková Magdalena / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
90 / Boilers / Ing. Ivana Petrášová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
104 / Water quality / Ing. Lenka Fremrová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
107 / Elevators, escalators and moving walkways / Ing. Jaroslav Matuška PhD. / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
124 / EPS and security systems / Ing. Petr Koktan / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
135 / Wood and wood based products / Ing. Bohuslava Fořtová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
137 / Children´s products / Ing. Libor Dupal / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
142 / Explosives and pyrotechnics / Ing. Eva Štejfová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
144 / Nanotechnology / Ing. David Pešek / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
Xxx (New, no code yet) / Furniture / Ing. Bohuslava Fořtová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
900 / Social responsibility / Tomáš Nejedlo / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / P
NOTE: The extent of our representation in standardization is not final, we work on looking for other external experts to help us in the work in broader scope of product and service sectors.
b)Please state the technical bodies(i.e. TC or WG) atEuropean level (e.g. CEN/CENELEC/ETSI) in whose work national consumer representatives participate, as members of the national delegations (e.g. in CEN & CENELEC),direct members (e.g. in ETSI) or on behalf of ANEC. If possible, please provide the name of the expert and contact details (email or telephone). Please add more rows as needed:
NOTE: The consumer representatives for all sectors bellow are not direct members of national delegations, but they MONITORthe development in EU standardization committees, being members of the national mirror committees (see above).
Title (Code) of committee / Field of activity / Name of expert / Organisation / Contact details / √ if he or she participates on behalf of ANECCEN/SS F16, CLC/SR 3, CLC/SR 3C, CLC/SR 3D / Technical Documentation / Josef Rýmus / Czech Consumer Association (SCS) / Cabinet for Standardization (Cabinet) /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CEN/TC 79, CEN/TC 85, CEN/TC 158, CEN/TC 159, CEN/TC 160, CEN/TC 161, CEN/TC 162 / Personal protective equipment / Ing. Miroslava Dostálová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CLC/TC 44X, CLC/TC 64, CLC/SC 64A, CLC/SC 64B, CLC/SR 16, CLC/SR 28, CLC/SR 70, CLC/SR 109, CLC/BTTF 62-3 / Electrotechnical regulation / Josef Rýmus / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CEN/TC 47, CEN/TC 48, CEN/TC 49, CEN/TC 58, CEN/TC 106, CEN/TC 131, CEN/TC 180, CEN/TC 181, CEN/TC 238, CEN/TC 281, CEN/TC 295, CEN/TC 299 / Gas, Liquid and Solid Fuel Appliances / Ing. Ivana Petrášová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CEN/TC 99, CEN/TC 134, CEN/TC 189, CEN/TC 248 / Textile / Ing. Hana Pařilová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CLC/TC 59X, CLC/TC 61, CLC/TC 72, CLC/TC 116, CLC/SR 59K, CLC/BTTF 76-3 / Electrical appliance and electrical hand tools / Josef Rýmus / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CLC/SR 4 / Water turbine and storage pump / Prof. Ing. Jan Melichar, CSc. / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CLC/SR 34A, CLC/SR 34D, CLC/TC 97, CLC/TC 34Z / Light sources, lights and accessories / Josef Rýmus / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CEN/TC 169 / Lighting / Prof. Ing. Jiří Habel, DrSc. / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CEN/TC 261, CEN/TC 261/SC 4, CEN/TC 261/SC 5 / Wrappings and packaging / Bambousková Magdalena / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CEN/TC 57, CEN/TC 109, CEN/TC 269, CEN/TC 295 / Boilers / Ing. Ivana Petrášová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CEN/TC 230, CEN/TC 308 / Water quality / Ing. Lenka Fremrová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CEN/TC 10, CEN/TC 242 / Elevators, escalators and moving walkways / Ing. Jaroslav Matuška PhD. / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CEN/TC 72, CLC/TC 79 / EPS and security systems / Ing. Petr Koktan / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CEN/TC 38 / Wood and wood based products / Ing. Bohuslava Fořtová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CEN/TC 52, CEN/TC 136/SC 1, CEN/TC 252, CEN/TC 398 / Children´s products / Ing. Libor Dupal / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CEN/TC 212, CEN/TC 321 / Explosives and pyrotechnics / Ing. Eva Štejfová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CEN/TC 352, CEN/TC 386 / Nanotechnology / Ing. David Pešek / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
CEN/TC 207, CEN/TC 207/SC 3 / Furniture / Ing. Bohuslava Fořtová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
?? / Social responsibility / Tomáš Nejedlo / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
c)Please state the technical bodies (e.g. TC or WG)at theinternational level (e.g. ISO/IEC) in whose work national consumer representatives participate, as members of the national delegations or on behalf ofANEC (e.g. in UNECE). If possible, please provide the name of the expert and contact details (email or telephone). Please add more rows as needed.
NOTE: The consumer representatives for all sectors bellow are not direct members of national delegations, but they MONITORthe development at international level, being members of the national mirror committees (see above).
Title of committee / Field of activity / Name of expert / Organisation / Contact details / √ if he or she participates on behalf of ANECISO/TC 10, ISO/TC 10/SC 1, ISO/TC 10/SC 6, ISO/TC 10/SC 10, ISO/TC 145, ISO/TC 145/SC 1, ISO/TC 145/SC 2, ISO/TC 145/SC 3 / Technical Documentation / Josef Rýmus / Czech Consumer Association (SCS) / Cabinet for Standardization (Cabinet) /
tel: +420261263574 / No
ISO/TC 94 / Personal protective equipment / Ing. Miroslava Dostálová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
?? / Electrotechnical regulation, Electrical appliance and electrical hand tools / Josef Rýmus / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
ISO/TC 109, ISO/TC 116, ISO/TC 161 / Gas, Liquid and solid Appliances / Ing. Ivana Petrášová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
ISO/TC 38, ISO/TC 219, ISO/TC 221 / Textile / Ing. Hana Pařilová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
?? / Light sources, lights and accessories / Josef Rýmus / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
ISO/TC 51, ISO/TC 52, ISO/TC 52/SC 4, ISO/TC 52/SC 5, ISO/TC 52/SC 6, ISO/TC 122, ISO/TC 122/SC 3 / Wrappings and packaging / Bambousková Magdalena / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
ISO/TC 11 / Boilers / Ing. Ivana Petrášová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
ISO/TC 147 / Water quality / Ing. Lenka Fremrová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
ISO/TC 178 / Elevators, escalators and moving walkways / Ing. Jaroslav Matuška PhD. / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
ISO/TC 181 / Children´s products / Ing. Libor Dupal / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
?? / Explosives and pyrotechnics / Ing. Eva Štejfová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
ISO/TC 61, ISO/TC 206, ISO/TC 229 / Nanotechnology / Ing. David Pešek / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
ISO/TC 136 / Furniture / Ing. Bohuslava Fořtová / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
?? / Social responsibility / Tomáš Nejedlo / SCS / Cabinet /
tel: +420261263574 / No
2.Hot or emerging topics at the national level
Please indicate – in order of priority if possible – the five most important topics at national level that are related to current standardisation work from a consumer perspective, or could be addressed by the development of new standards. The standardisation can be national, European or international in nature. Please provide a brief justification if possible:
Topic / Justification1 / Safety of services / This not legally defined at EU level (nor at the Czech one). It makes real problems in respect to market surveillance (amusement parks, sport grounds, child playgrounds, etc.); maybe “general service safety directive needed”
2 / Child shoes / European standard needed (mandated under GPSD)
4 / Quality of services related to tourism, postal services etc. / The issue was discussed several years ago; now standardization of services is aske for by EC in Agenda 2020, standardization package etc.
3 / Quality of foodstuffs / Huge problems with quality of food in the CR, particularly with imports (other MS, third countries); question whether standards are the right tool…
5 / -
Contact Address:
Contact Person: Mr. Aleš Jankech
Budějovická 73, 140 00 Praha 4
tel.: +420 261263574
Please return to by 2 April 2012 Name of ANEC/GA member and country: Libor Dupal, the Czech Republic