Meeting of the Governing Body of Bickerton Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School
Monday 14th November 2016
Governors Present:Claire Carman (CC)Chair
Nigel Briers (NB)Vice Chair
Paul Sweetnam (PS)Headteacher
Sarah Barlow (SB)
Tom Wright (TW)
Suzanne Smith (SS)
Canon Ian Davenport (ID)
Also in attendance:Tracy WeaverClerk
Section 1
- Conduct of FGB Meeting – Code of Conduct
A Code of Conduct using an NGA model was approved and signed by the Chair of Governors. The following governors signed a declaration to confirm that they agree to follow the code: NB, CC, SB, TW, SS and ID.
- Apologies and Additional A.O.B Item
Stella Tudor (ST) – apology accepted
Craig Hughes (CC) – apology noted
There were no items of AOB declared.
- Conflict of Interest
None were declared.
- Membership
a)There are no changes to membership of the governing body.
b)All Governor DBS checks have been completed.
Section 2
- Part One Minutes and matters arising from them
a)The minutes dated 20th June 2016 were approved.
b)The minutes contained some minor typing errors which the governors have given approval for PS and CC to correct.
c)Approval was given for CC to sign the minutes after typing corrections have been made.
Section 3
- Head Teacher’s Report
The Head Teacher’s Report was accepted with thanks.
Question from Governors:How will you evaluate the new common whole-school plans, PLODS?
Answer:The head, deputy and subject leaders, will be able to identify clearly the planned learning in any subject and see planned progression across the whole school. They will facilitate triangulation with focused learning walks and scrutiny of work, conversations with staff and children and lesson observations. The impact of the planning format will be clear from the work in children’s books and the learning in lessons.
Question from Governors: How are you going to group children into classes next year?
Answer: Several scenarios have already been created. Although the freedom for movement is restricted, the class structures look fine. A large intake is anticipated and this has been taken into consideration in the scenarios.
- Chair of Governors Report
There was nothing to report.
- Directors Report
A short discussion was held about tootoot. Sarah Barlow talked about the use of the safeguarding platform, tootoot in her school. Schools are currently being offered a funded six month trial of the software. The governors are satisfied that our current safeguarding procedures are very effective.
Section 4
- Recommendations from committees needing FGB consideration
There were no recommendations to be considered.
- Policies needing FGB approval which have not been adopted in committees.
There were no policies requiring approval.
- Reports from Governors with Responsibility
a)Safeguarding – No report this term, however, SB and CC to meet with PS in January.
b)Health and Safety – Claire Carman reported her findings from the health and safety ‘walkabout’ undertaken on the 7th November 2016 at the E & GP meeting held on the same day.
c)Special Educational Needs and Inclusion – No report available, however NB will arrange a meeting with the SENCO towards Christmas.
Question from Governors: How do children get assessed for Special Educational Needs and if a need is identified, does it attract additional funding?
Answer: There are no hard and fast rules or tests. It is generally specific learning difficulties e.g. speech and language. Only pupils that have a ‘statement’ of special educational needs or aEHCP (Education Health Care Plan) receive additional funding.
d)Pupil Premium – No report available. SB and CC will meet with PS to discuss both Pupil Premium and Safeguarding in January. Reports will be made following this meeting.
e)Governor Training – Craig Hughes to complete an analysis of the Governor Skills Questionnaires recently completed by all governors.
- Planning Documents
a)Holiday Dates - approval was given for Paul Sweetnam and Claire Carman to set our holiday dates using on CWAC dates for the autumn term half term break.
- Finance
a)To agree arrangements for the purchase of services to the school (i.e. ChESS/external provider), including the appointment of clerk to governors - Tracy Weaver is due to start a Clerks Development Programme at Edge Hill University later this month. A discussion was held to decide whether to purchase the clerking service through ChESS or to appoint Tracy. During the past year the standard of service we have received from the LA clerk has been below our expectations e.g. the minutes for the meeting held in June were not received until two weeks ago. The governors approved the appointment of Tracy Weaver as Clerk to Governors for 2016-2017 subject to the following terms:-
- Tracy must declare any conflict of interest at the start of all meetings.
- The governors may ask Tracy Weaver to leave a meeting if matters arise that involve her or if her presence would cause a breach of confidentiality. In such circumstances the Chair will appoint a governor to undertake the minutes.
- If clarification is required regarding any part of the minutes, Tracy must refer to the Chair of Governors not the Head Teacher.
- It is not a legal requirement for the Clerk to be independent (not a member of the school staff).
b)To receive information on the use and impact of Pupil Premium–This information has been discussed in the Performance Committee.
c)Sports Grant–all funding for sport is coded to a ‘sports grant’ suffix so that expenditure is transparent. This is reviewed at each Finance Committee meeting.
d)SFVS–our submission date is 31/12/16. Claire Carman to spend a day with Tracy Weaver to scrutinise the financial procedures. Governors to meet to review the questionnaire.
e)Unofficial School Funds Audit – the accounts and audit certificates were accepted.
Section 5
- A.O.B
- What has this Governors Meeting achieved for the children?
- PLODS will impact on children’s progress and experience at school.
- A discussion about the tootoot safeguarding platform revealed that our current procedures provide very good safeguarding protection.
- Improve the cleanliness of the school.
- Term dates.
- What has this Governors Meeting achieved for the parents?
- PLODS will inform parents about what their children are doing.
- A discussion about the tootoot safeguarding platform revealed that our current procedures provide very good safeguarding protection.
- Improve the cleanliness of the school.
- Term dates.
- Provide an opportunity for parents to meet governors at parents’ evenings.
- Date and time of next meeting
13th March 2017 @ 18.00
Part 1 Actions
Action / By Whom / By whenAll governors to sign the Code of Conduct / Craig Hughes / 23rd December 2016
Governors to show Tracy Weaver copy of DBS certificate / Claire Carman / 23rd December 2016
Check legal requirements for Clerk to Governors – does it have to be an independent person (not member of school staff)? / Claire Carman / 23rd December 2016
Governor with SEN responsibility (NB) to meet with SENCO and produce a report / Nigel Briers / 23rd December 2016
Head Teacher (PS), Chair of Governors (CC) and governor with safeguarding responsibility (SB) to meet to assess the use and impact of Pupil Premium and discuss safeguarding / Paul Sweetnam, Claire Carman and Sarah Barlow / 6th February 2017
All governors to complete a Governor Skills Questionnaire and submit to Craig Hughes / Canon Ian Davenport / 17th November 2016
Craig Hughes to undertake a training need analysis of governors following an audit of the Governor Skills Questionnaires / Craig Hughes / 30th November 2016
Governors to attend parents’ evenings on 16/11/16 and 22/11/16 / Claire Carman and Suzanne Smith
Tom Wright and Sarah Barlow
Craig Hughes? / 16th March 2016
22nd March 2016
Signed: Claire Carman
Dated: 16/11/2016