Bath University Guides & Scouts: BUGS

Development Plan (2016-2019)

Compiled by / <INSERT DATE>
Matthew Jackson (Chair 15/16) / March 2016
Ben Mansbridge (Scout Rep 16/17), Jess Martin (Guide Rep 16/17) / May 2016

Introduction and mission statement

We, the Bath University Guides and Scouts, exist to provide the opportunity for Students, both previously involved with Scouting and Guiding and not, to participate in a range of fun activities including camping, adventurous activities, socials and volunteering. We do this by offering anyone the chance to meet students with similar interests and offering connections to the local Districts and Counties that help to enable students to get involved in being a Leader and running local sections. As part of the Student Scout and Guide Organisation (SSAGO) we also offer the chance to participate in national rallies, formal events and competitions.


Committee Handover Training

Training / Attendees / Date completed
Individual Handovers / Chair and Chair elect / 21/04/16
Treasurer and Treasurer elect / 21/04/16
Secretary and Secretary elect / 28/04/16
Quarter Master and Quarter Master elect / 21/04/16
Scout Rep and Scout Rep elect / 20/04/16
Guide Rep and Guide Rep elect / 04/05/16
SSAGO Rep and SSAGO Rep elect / 28/04/16
Outgoing committee meeting / Committee / 20/04/16
Full Committee handover meeting / Committee and Committee elect / 20/04/16
Chair Training / Chair elect / 21/04/16
Finance Training / Chair elect and Guide Rep elect / 26/04/26
BathStudent Training / Chair elect, Secretary elect, Treasurer elect, Scout Rep elect, Quarter Master elect / 28/04/16


Please check the tiers framework document on for more details on what each tier entails and the support you receive.

Please tick which tier your society would like to be in for the next academic year.

Green / Blue / Orange / x

If you are selecting Blue or Orange tier, please select which ribbon/s you will be completing and which 3 specific criteria you will be completing for each ribbon.

Blue Tier - pick 1 ribbon to complete over the year.

Orange Tier - pick 2 ribbons to complete over the year.

Sport & Well-being / Inclusivity
Media / Expansion
Environment & Sustainability / Academic Development & Employability
Community / x / Performance
Campaigning / Collaboration / x

Ribbon 1: Community

Criteria #: / description
1 / Organise, or participate in, a volunteering event that benefits the local community (Be Prepared)
2 / Host off-campus events that promote your society to the local community (Weekly volunteering)
3 / Organise engagement events with local schools/community groups to showcase your society (Weekly Volunteering)

Ribbon 2: Collaboration

Criteria #: / description
1 / Host an event with a society that is not in your area. (Bath SSAGO Ball, with URB and Backstage)
2 / Host an event with a student group that is not in the societies area of the SU (Bath SSAGO Ball, with SSAGO)
3 / Participate in an event with a society from another university. (Autumn SSAGO South West Rally, with SAGUWE)


2015/16(Actual) / 2016/2017(Forecast) / 2017/18(Forecast)
Total Annual Membership / 41 / 45 / 50
Membership Target / Aim / How will this be done? / Are any resources required? / Who will do this?
2016/17 / 45 / Continue to run a great programme to retain older members and recruit heavily at Fresher events. Encourage society members to “find” potential members from their friends/lectures and bring them along / Leaflets and resources at Fresher’s week. We also plan to get a new and updated banner. / Committee
All Members
2017/18 / 50 / See above / No / Committee


The Sponsorship Process

Plans for the next 2 years

Achieved 2015/16 / Forecast 2016/17 / Forecast 2017/18
Scout Association: £100
Girl Guiding: £100 / Scout Association: £100
Girl Guiding: £100 / Scout Association: £100
Girl Guiding: £100

What will funding/sponsorship be spent on?

Recruitment events such as Fresher’s camp as it allows us to get more people into the society and then get them interested in volunteering with the Scout Association and Girlguiding, but also camps and events throughout the year to encourage active membership and continued volunteering.

What potential opportunities could be offered to a sponsor?

BUGS provide a large number of volunteers to Scouting and Guiding and will continue to do so next year.

Fundraising/Community involvement

Raising future funds for the Society


Community involvement plans

Weekly volunteering in Local Scout/Guide groups and involvement with large local events such as Be Prepared.
Hosting a SSAGO Ball in Bath to more closely link to our SSAGO community.


The Students’ Union promotes an inclusive environment which aims to reach out to and engage with all students. How does the society intend to ensure membership from a diverse range of backgrounds and groups are positively engaged with the society?

Non Scouts/Guides are encouraged to join at Fresher events and in the past we have had members come from this background. We are particularly keen to offer a range of activities to cater to all students, but also to ensure where possible that all our events are accessible to all. As Scouting and Guiding are international movements, international inclusivity is at our heart.

Review of this year

Strengths and achievements

What were we good at?

·  Ran an excellent programme of events with good attendance and a mix of members
·  Local volunteering exceeded previous years with record attendance at larger events too.
·  SSAGO participation at an all-time high for BUGS

Weaknesses and issues

What were we bad at?

·  Communicating our successes to the wider university community
·  Following through on good ideas – some things were suggested, positively received and then never came to fruition
·  Bad organisation at Fresher’s week

Opportunities and future developments for the society

What can we do to make ourselves better?

·  Follow through on good ideas
·  Promote ourselves throughout the year via Bath Impact etc.
·  Create a BUGS newsletter to further promote ourselves
·  Better recruitment as Fresher’s week