December 14, 2014 - 9:30 A.M.

Minister: Rev. Stephen Terpstra Organist: Mrs. Phyllis Alferink

Prelude - “Mary, Did You Know?”

Welcome and Announcements


* Call to Worship

* Prayer of Invocation

M: People of God, in whose name is your help?

C: Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.


* Hymn: “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” GPH #328 (1,4,6)

Hymn – “O Holy Night” CH #285 (1)


Names of Jesus Story -- Savior

Hymn – “Joy to the World” CH #270 (vs. 2 - Congregation)

(Three years old children dismiss to Children’s Worship & Sunday School dismissed)


Prayer of Illumination

Scripture Reading: Luke 2:8-14



Prayer of Application

* Hymn “Lamb of God” CH #302

Congregational Prayer

Offering: “Wonderful, Merciful Savior”

(Offering received for General Fund & Borculo Chr. School)

Prayer of Dedication


* Hymn “Hark, the Glad Sound! The Savior Comes” LUYH #60

* Benediction

* Doxology “Now Thank We All Our God” CH #788 (3)

Postlude – “One Small Child”

*If you are able, please stand. (CCLI # 791356)

Welcome to Borculo Christian Reformed Church! We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us today! Please join us for refreshments and fellowship following the service. We would love to meet you! We hope you find our church to be God-centered, where you hear the good news of the gospel, are challenged to live according to God’s Word, and may find good Christian friends. You are most welcome to join us in any of the activities and ministries we offer so that together, we may grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you are visiting, please fill out a green visitor card in the pew rack and place it in the collection plate. We would like to offer you additional information about Jesus Christ and our church. If you have a spiritual need, please feel free to speak with Rev. Terpstra or Rev. Petroelje after the service, or send an email to or . May the Lord bless you!

December 14, 2014

Bethlehem, out of you will come for Me One who will be ruler over Israel. Micah 5:2

O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie! Above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by.

Yet in thy dark street shineth the everlasting Light; the hope and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.

How silently, how silently the wondrous Gift is given! So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of His heaven.

No ear may hear His coming, but in this world of sin, where meek souls will receive Him still, the dear Christ enters in.

Current Prayer Needs: ( *indicates change)

*Jodi Kraai is scheduled to have surgery tomorrow. Pray for the surgeon and healing for Jodi.

*Julius Overway returned to his home on Thursday.

*Ken Haveman is doing much better and is gaining strength. His family is encouraged and would

like to thank the congregation for their prayers.

*Duetta Overway planned to return to the Atrium on Saturday.

*Pam Gruppen is doing well and we pray for continued healing.

*Dan Kloosterman is finished with his treatments and is in remission. Please remember him in your


*Simon Essenburg Pray that the blood transfusions he is receiving are effective.

* Marcella Bosch has been dealing with an illness recently which is making her weak and giving her

impaired vision. She is very grateful that she does not have pain, but she is unable to be out and about

and finds visiting difficult. Your cards and prayers are much appreciated.

Gen Blauwkamp had knee replacement and is at Freedom Inn for rehabilitation and healing.

Bud Blauwkamp is at Freedom Inn for rehabilitation. Pray for healing and return of strength.

Pete Boetsma is at Heritage Health Care. Pray for renewed health and strength.

Pray that the treatments for cancer being received by Arlyn Holstege are effective.

Pray for all of the families that are wrestling with depression, mental conditions, and personal needs

unknown to others. Also remember those who are alone or lonely at this time of the year.

Military Service: Steve and Kim Bloem -- in the Navy stationed in Italy.

Marc and Jill Boeve – are stationed in Tennessee.

Missionary of the month: Miss Deb Schout in Bangladesh. She may be contacted at her e-mail

address: or by a card located in the narthex.

(For changes, contact Pastor Terpstra, Pastor Petroelje, your district elder or Allan & Hermena Vanden Berg.)

CELEBRATING ANNIVERSARIES THIS WEEK: Leon & Phyllis Alferink (today!) & Jeff & Anna Machiela

IN APPRECIATION!! (a card received in the mail this week from a local family)

Dear Borculo CRC: “We just want to say thank you so much for blessing us during this trial we are going through. It has been so awesome to see God use people that we don’t even know to come around us and bless us! We serve a great God and we know He will use this situation to bring glory to Himself. (Is. 41:10)”

“Ade would like to thank the congregation for the cards and good wishes for his 85th birthday. Also, for Pastor Petroelje’s visit, and for the cards from the GEMS and Sunday School and leaders. Thanks be to God for health and strength!”

“We would like to say THANKS to everyone who helped celebrate our 65th wedding anniversary and for the many cards you sent! We were overwhelmed with your love and thoughtfulness. It was a great day – thanks be to God!” Ade & Marie Geurink


The SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM will be presented this morning as part of the morning worship service. (Sunday School will not meet today or the 21st or 28th.)

Choir will be at 3:00 p.m. TODAY. It’s not too late to join us!

Youth Groups/Prayer Partner Christmas Party is this afternoon beginning at 4:30 sharp! Bring your appetites and come for food, fellowship and fun!

The ELDERS will meet this Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

The COUNCIL CHRISTMAS gathering will be this Thursday, Dec. 18 at 8:00 p.m. Bring your favorite Christmas goodies or appetizers to share.

SILENT AUCTION to raise funds for their individual expenses for outings and LIVE IT continues today in the narthex! There are services like baking, babysitting, shoveling snow, or items like cookies or handmade gifts or Christmas gift items! Bidding ends at 11 a.m. NEXT Sunday.

KEENAGERS: This is the week for our Christmas party, Wednesday noon in the church basement. We will have punch at 11:45 and dinner at 12:00. Please sign that you will join us. The cost is only $5 per person.

GEMS & MOM’s this Wed. night at 7:00 p.m.! We are going to play lazer tag. Plan to join us!

Next Sunday morning, you are invited to bring in a dozen goodies to share with others in a time of Christmas fellowship after the AM service. Everyone is invited to join us, whether you bring a goodie or not!

ADVANCED NOTICE: The Fellowship Committee will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 20 at 7:00 p.m.

PROFESSION OF FAITH CLASSES: Talk to Pastor Terpstra if you are interested in making profession of faith or learn more about it. We hope to begin meeting in January, but will have to see what night works best for those attending.

Campers: It's so cold outside, but it is time to sign up for the church camp out already! (Think summer, think warm!) The week will be August 8-15, Week # 9. New families are welcome! The sign-up sheet and forms are in the Narthex. Please sign up on the sign-up sheet, fill out a form, and give the form along with a check for $135.00, (made out to the CRCG) to Phyllis Alferink. These must be in by 12-28-14. Thanks!

NEW NEIGHBOR WELCOME BAGS: There are bags on top of the coat racks that filled and ready for you to give to a new neighbor. The only thing we ask is that you write your name and who or where you will be bringing it on the sheet on the counter in the pantry so only one bag gets delivered to each new neighbor. Thanks for the help! (Local Evangelism Committee)

OUR CHURCH PANTRY: Collecting in DECEMBER: Baking Items: flour, sugar, cake mix, frosting, chocolate chips, brownie mixes, canola oil, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, etc… We also need your COUPONS, so please put them on the table in the pantry. Thanks for your help with keeping the shelves stocked, and for the opportunity to help those in need! If you have any questions about the pantry or the monthly collection list, please see Deb Machiela or Lu Busscher.


As the Advent season and Christmas come again, the Critter Barn would like to offer you an opportunity to celebrate in a unique way. We offer the “Live Nativity” at the Critter Barn, a wonderful opportunity for the whole family. See the posters in the narthex for days and times, and consider taking your little ones to see the Christmas story!

Unity is looking for volunteers to help clean up the construction site at the 48th Avenue campus. We are looking for a clean-up crew of 4-6 individuals who could work any time during the week from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The work consists of sweeping and picking up extra trash. Volunteers are asked to work for 2 hour time frames. Please contact Nick Balcer at the Development Office at 662-4011.

CALVIN SYMPOSIUM ON WORSHIP - Registration is now open for the annual Calvin Symposium on Worship, January 29-31, 2015, at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary. This year's worship theme is based on 2 Corinthians. The preachers include M. Craig Barnes, Tim Blackmon, Denise Kingdom Grier, Meg Jenista, and Pablo Jimenez. There are excellent rates for students and groups from churches. All worship services are free and open to the public, including the Friday night service (7:00 p.m. in the Covenant Fine Arts Center). See for complete information.

"JOY TO THE WORLD THE LORD IS COME!” What good news we have to share! One can have hope and joy! So many in our community have a difficult time in life and they do not believe there is a reason to hope. City On A Hill ATLAS in Zeeland seeks to provide help for those who are struggling, those who are lonely, hurting emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually and feeling hopeless. ATLAS offers a listening ear, an assessment of the situation, and discernment of how to move forward towards hope and healing. ATLAS serves as an extension of the church. Together we seek to touch our surrounding communities in tangible ways, bringing God's Love and Truth to hurting people. Together we can share the good news of great joy that we celebrate this season and all year long with those in hopeless places. If you would like to learn more about ATLAS, about becoming a mentor or being involved in a journey group please contact Jan at 748-6527 or

Wings of Mercy -- a faith based, nonprofit, volunteer pilot organization, is looking for a part time program manager. This person will oversee and administer the day to day delivery of our mission including pilot recruitment and support, recipient identification and flight coordination. Qualified applicants will have a University degree, 2 to 5 years of experience in the non-profit sector, proven communication skills, and a passion for helping people. Send resume with cover letter to: Wings of Mercy, Attn: Grace Spelde, 100 S. Pine St, Suite 393, Zeeland, MI 49464; Or Fax: 616.748.6093.


Today 10:50 AM Catechism

3:00 PM Voices of Praise Choir

4:30 PM Youth Group & Prayer Partners Christmas Party

Tuesday 1:30 PM Ladies Bible study. (Workers in the vineyard)

8:00 PM Body & Soul

Wednesday 11:45 AM KEENAGER’s Christmas party

7:00 PM Men’s Fellowship

7:00 PM Cadets

7:00 PM GEMS & Mom’s night

8:00 PM Praise Team Practice

Thursday 7:00 PM Elders Meeting

8:00 PM Council Christmas gathering

Saturday 7:30 AM Body & Soul


HOSTS TODAY: Harv & Sherri De Roo Next Sunday: Doug & Ter Sterk

CHRISTMAS DAY HOSTS: Harris & Jane Overway

COFFEE SERVERS TODAY: Andy & Eileen Next Sunday: Jer & Bev Machiela

USHERS TODAY: Dave Huizenga, Floyd Machiela, Jamie Meppelink, Doug Sterk

Next Sunday: Dan Woodwyk, Don Woodwyk, Art Van Order, John Flokstra

CHRISTMAS DAY: Scott Mokma, Michael Mokma, Ken Boeve, Ryan Brunink

NURSERY TODAY: AM: Von Driesenga, Angela Gruppen, Magie Tolsma

PM: Deb Austhof, Gabrielle Hunderman

Next Sunday: AM: Deb Herrud, Sandy Geurink, Sarah Terpstra

PM: Michelle Nienhuis, Kayla Wynia

CHRISTMAS DAY: Tanya Bosch, Anna Terpstra

CHILDREN’S WORSHIP TODAY: Rita Austhof, Katie Hansen. Lesson 34

Next Sunday: Sue Wynia, Kayla Wynia. Lesson 46 & 47

OFFERINGS TODAY: General Fund and Borculo Chr. School PM: Christian Learning Center

Dec. 21: General Fund & Tuition Asst. PM: Guiding Light Ministries

Christmas Day: Borculo CRC Cadets and GEMS

Dec. 28: General Fund & Capital Improvement Fund PM: Back to God Ministries

Pastor’s Prayer Partner: This week: Simon Essenburg Next week: Jer & Bev Machiela

**Letter Writer to Marc & Jill: Rick & Deb Haak

**Letter Writer to Steve & Kim: Kevin & Brenda Hansen