National Certification Examination for Addiction Counselors Level I, II and MAC

The certification program is sponsored by the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors Certification Commission (NCC). The Certification and Examinations for Addiction Counselors Level I, II and Master Addiction Counselor (MAC) are administered for the NCC by the Professional Testing Corporation (PTC).

The Minnesota Association of Resources for Recovery and Chemical Health (MARRCH) is the NAADAC-approved agency in Minnesota for the National Certification Examination for Addiction Counselors.

Administrative Notes

·  The fee for the Level I and II tests is $150.

·  The fee for the MAC test is $170.

·  Payment must be included with the National Certification Examination application and is payable to MARRCH.

Test Dates Application due to MARRCH

June 2-9, 2012 March 23, 2012

September 8-15, 2012 June 29, 2012

December 1-8, 2012 September 21, 2012

Testing Notes

·  Complete the application with ALL information requested. Mark only one response unless otherwise indicated.

·  The PTC will notify candidates approximately five weeks prior to the testing date of their eligibility to take the test.

·  Candidates will need to go to to find a test center in their area.

·  Once candidates receive their Eligibility Notice from PTC they must call Lasergrade Testing at 800-211-2754 to schedule their exam appointment.

·  Candidates can re-schedule their exam appointment within the one week testing period, but are not able to transfer from one testing period to another.

·  Candidates will be notified within six weeks whether or not they have passed the examination. Results will also go the Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy (BBHT), who license alcohol and drug counselors in Minnesota, IF you have provided release authorization on the application.

·  Completed applications and payments should be sent to MARRCH:

1000 Westgate Drive, Suite 252, St. Paul, MN 55114 * 651-290-7462 (p) 651-290-2266 (f)

q Level I - $150 q Level II - $150 q MAC - $170

Payment: q Check (made out to MARRCH) q VISA q Master Card

Credit Card No. ______Exp. Date: ______

Cardholder (print): ______3 Digit Sec. Code: ______

Cardholder Phone: ______Signature: ______