Steering Group Meeting
the Chanctonbury Room
Parish Hall, Thakeham Road, Storrington
7.00pm Tuesday 19th November 2013
Present: Storrington & Sullington Parish Councillors – Cllr Anna Worthington-Leese, Cllr Lisa Wheatley,
Cllr Glen Donnelly. Washington Councillors – Cllr Lesley Britt, Cllr Patrick Heeley, Cllr Christine Beglan, Cllr David Horwood. Mr Marcel Hoad, Mrs Madeleine Shaw (Heath Common Residents Association),
Ms Rowena Tyler (Action in rural Sussex), Miss Tracey Mockler (Clerk to Storrington & Sullington Parish Council, Mrs Caroline Read (Deputy Clerk to Storrington & Sullington Parish Council).
Minutes: Mrs Rebecca Luckin (Clerk to Washington Parish Council).
1. Approval of the minutes of the last Steering Group meeting.
The minutes of the meeting of 15th October 2013 were agreed as being a correct record of the meeting and duly signed by the Chairman, Cllr Worthington-Leese.
2. Summary of progress to date
Tracey Mockler advised that she had applied for a grant from Locality of up to £7,000 and that Horsham District Council (HDC) had indicated that a grant of approximately £9,000 could be applied for, once the area for the Neighbourhood Plan had been designated.
Cllr Worthington-Leese reported that a meeting had taken place with Julian Carrington and Philip James of HDC and Cllr Karen Dawe of Thakeham Parish Council regarding the Neighbourhood Plan area and boundaries. HDC were concerned regarding one representation from a member of the public who had expressed concern that an area of development that fell naturally within the Neighbourhood Plan area was in Thakeham Parish. Following discussion at the meeting it was agreed that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) should be drafted and that Thakeham Parish Council would be responsible for the area in question, but only after consultation with Storrington & Sullington and Washington Parish Councils. Subsequent to the meeting a MOU was drafted by the Parish Councils, but HDC wanted it amended. In that MOU Councillors have referred any dispute back to HDC to resolve but Cllr Dawe feels that any dispute should be resolved between the Parish Councils. Thakeham Councillors will discuss the matter at their next Full Council meeting and advise us of the outcome. If the two parish Councils are happy with the MOU it will be adopted.
3. Planning for the Public Meeting – 7.30pm, 21st November 2013 – Rydon School
a) Dry run of presentations, b) discussion and suggestions and c) plans for the evening
Cllr Worthington-Leese will Chair the meeting, welcome the public, make introductions and explain the Neighbourhood Plan process. She will explain the need for expertise guidance through the process and hand over to Rowena Tyler (AirS).
Rowena Tyler ran through her PowerPoint presentation, which will inform the public that this will be their opportunity to shape their parish, decide the future and plan what infrastructure could be gained. A map will demonstrate the area. The examination, referendum and adoption process will be explained. It will form a statutory document that developers must refer to. Rowena will explain the need for public participation, the need for an evidence and audit trail, Housing Need Surveys, review of existing plans and reference to the National Planning Policy Framework and HDC draft local plan. A State of the Parish Report will be produced. Sustainable development is the goal. Once suitable development sites have been identified, AirS will liaise with planning consultants and developers. A pre-submission plan will be drafted, followed by a six week consultation period. Rowena Tyler will explain who Action in rural Sussex are and what they do.
Cllr Horwood suggested that the benefits of a Neighbourhood Plan should be emphasised at the beginning of the presentation. The Parish Councils are aiming for a referendum in 2015 to coincide with general elections. An explanation of costs and grant funding will be provided. Following grants a balance of approximately £8,000 will be divided between the parish councils, pro rata, based on precept received. A split of 82% / 18% has been agreed. The five focus group co-ordinators will be introduced and speak in turn. Councillors agreed that the presentation would provide an effective summary and thorough explanation and thanked Rowena.
Cllr Patrick Heeley – Economy and Business Co-ordinator explained his primary focus, varieties of business to be included and consulted, potential consumers to be identified, the role of industrial and business parks will be discussed, employment needs, information gathering etc. Cllr Heeley would like to encourage business owners, those recently retired from business or those willing to mentor others in the community to join this group.
Cllr Glen Donnelly – Transport and Accessibility Co-ordinator will focus on buses, routes, transport links, trains, taxis, the Community Minibus Scheme, improved access to public rights of way for wheelchair users, hospital transport schemes, cycle routes and car parking. Some material and information will be available from the Community Plan recently completed by Storrington & Sullington Parish Council.
Cllr Christine Beglan – Community Facilities Co-ordinator will focus on the need for surgeries, sports facilities, options for young people, schools, efficient use of library space etc.
Cllr Lisa Wheatley – Environment, Heritage and Local Knowledge Co-ordinator will focus on air quality management, rivers and watercourses, listed buildings and places of interest, open spaces, the South Downs National Park and local historical knowledge. She will be looking for volunteers with historical and local knowledge, enthusiasm and interest in their area.
Cllr Lesley Britt - Planning and Infrastructure Co-ordinator will refer to the National Planning Policy Framework and the Local Development Plan. Development cannot be vetoed, but can be planned for maximum benefit and improved infrastructure. The Community Infrastructure Levy will be explained. New development will bring 25% of contributions if a Neighbourhood Plan is in place and will be available for projects within the plan area.
Presentations will be followed by a short period for questions and an opportunity for members of the public to sign up for focus groups. Co-ordinators will not be prescriptive. Volunteers will be asked to provide their name, contact details and their intended level of involvement. Presentations will take approximately 50 minutes, questions and mingling 20 minutes. The meeting will aim to close at 9.00pm.
Refreshments will be available and have been purchased on a sale or return basis.
Rowena gave advice on the organisation of focus group stations. She will also be available to answer questions.
4. Any other business
Rowena Tyler reminded Councillors that following the meeting, members of the public should be regularly informed of progress. Councillors thanked Caroline Read for her hard work on the PowerPoint presentations. Tracey Mockler will ask Rydon it they have a PA system. The Clerks will begin set up of the meeting from 6.00pm onwards on 21st November.
The meeting closed at 20.35pm
Signed: ...... Date: ......