

Type of Meeting: (Council/committee, etc)

Big Grassy Elders Advisory Council (regular meeting)
Date / Tuesday March 18/2014
Time / 10:00 a.m.
Location / Big Grassy Esiniiwab Board Room

Meeting Chair or Facilitator:

Facilitator: Joseph R. Duguay/ Daryl Archie Special Assistant to Elders Advisory/Facilitator

Invited/Expected Attendees:

Elders Advisory Council


Opening Prayer: Elder Robert Archie

Call to Order: 10:15

Approval of Minutes: March 04/2014 Meeting of Elders Moved by: Stanley Second: Bessie (carried):

Roll Call: Robert A., , Victoria G., Patsy T., Geraldine A., Stanley J., Bill M, Marlene I., Leonard M., Melvina C., Bella Andy, Roy Tom, Marcel, Susan Archie, Bessie Tom, Albert C., Joe Andy

Reading of Agenda for March 18/2014

Additions to Agenda:


Agenda Items: / Time Allowance
As per request by Council – PPT presentation on the TUS, accompanied by the Knowledge and Use Study (hard copy for Elders)
Suggestion that some Elders visit an operating mine to visual the operation and gain an experiential perspective of a “real time” operation. (Romeo and Jazz to look for an opportunity for this to occur.) Suggestion, when the benefits begin to flow that the Elders hydro bills be paid. (distribution formula) Elders were provided with copies of the “Knowledge and Use Study report”. / 1.5
Time permitting, discuss the job description and interview template for the Elders Assistant (Event Planner) on the New Horizons Grant.
What are the Elders looking for in an Event Planner/Coordinator?
Good reputation in community, good communicator, honest, must have vehicle and current license, good public relations skills, easily approachable, someone who can take direction, computer and design skills, Ojibway language skills preferred. (some experience in planning events) Elder expressed that the group could consider a “translater” if the ideal candidate cannot speak the Ojibway language. (Further discussion required and a long planning process to come) / .10
Reminder to Elders re: Education Investigator presentation at the Band Hall this afternoon 1:00 p.m.
New or Continuing Business: (Includes items deferred from previous meetings) / Time Allowance

Next meeting: Tuesday,April 1, 2014 (Presentation by Jordan Shannon Flood Claim-GPS Technician)

Adjournment: 12:30 p.m.