Algebra 2 Concepts Syllabus
Mr. Malec & Mr. Crawford
Room 227
Phone: Mr. Malec: (636) 464-4429 ext. 4949
Mr. Crawford: (636) 464-4429 ext. 4552
Contact Times: M-F Mr. Malec: Mr. Crawford, Room 238:
7:00 - 7:15 am 7:00 - 7:15 am
4th Hour Prep (10:11 - 10:58am) 7th Hour Prep (1:43 – 2:30pm)
2:30-3:00 pm 2:30 - 4:00 pm
Algebra 2 Concepts will focus on the aspects of Algebra that are stressed by the ACT, Compass Test, and CCSS, specifically equations, graphing, and the use of basic algebraic ideas in problem solving.
Concepts Covered
Semester 1 Semester 2
Spring Training (basic skills) Factoring
Equations and inequalities Quadratic Functions
Linear Equations and Functions Rational Equations and Functions
Systems of Linear Equalities Trigonometric Ratios and Functions
Fractions Probability and Statistics
Polynomials and Polynomial Functions Powers, Roots, and Radicals
Exponential Functions
Textbook – We will have a class set.
Calculator – A scientific one is fine; Graphing calculators are acceptable, but not needed.
Semester Grade 90% - Composed of Tests, Quizzes, and Participation
Tests 45%
Quizzes 22.5%
Participation 22.5% (includes homework, class work, etc)
Final 10%
Re-Take Policy
Each student gets two test Re-Takes during each semester to be given at the teacher’s discretion.
1) You must request to re-take the test within two days of receiving your grade.
2) You must fill out the re-take form, and have it signed by a parent/guardian.
3) A review assignment (agreed upon by the instructor and student) must be completed to prepare for the Re-Take. If the assignment is not completed, you will not re-take the test.
1) We will have some type of assignment/activity every day. Because we are running class as a “flipped classroom” this year, students will have almost the entire hour to work on assignments. As for grades, at least half of every assignment is graded based on effort. This means that simply making an honest effort is worth at least 50% of your homework grade.
2) Make-ups for excused absences will be allowed per school policy. Students will have the same number of days that they were absent to make up work. I do not accept late work for a unit that has been completed (after we’ve taken the test for that unit).
Classroom Expectations
1. Respect your classmates, their property, my property, and yourself.
2. Come to class willing to learn and try.
3. Make an effort in everything that you do.
4. Communicate properly with your classmates and myself.
At this point, you know how to behave in school. Any issues are dealt with on an individual basis.
Classroom Policies:
Phone- Phones are to be out of sight during class. If you are on your phone during class, consequences will be administered according to school policy. #PutYourPhoneAway #TalkToAnotherHumanBeing
Chromebook – The only reason to use the chromebook in class is to review lessons, or get ahead on future lessons.
Restroom- Please use the restroom during your passing time between classes.
Food and Beverage- Please do not bring food into the classroom (This rule is because of students with allergies, not because I enjoy being a jerk). Beverages are allowed as long as the container has a lid.
Absences and Extra Help
We are always here by 7:00am, and on most days will be here at 6:45am. There is plenty of opportunity to get extra help so please take advantage of it. Do not use being absent as an excuse to fall behind. If you have an excused absence (illness, etc), check the absent bin for any work missed.