Dear School Principal/School Head/Teacher-in-Charge:
The Department of Education (DepEd), with support from Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH) and United Nations Children’s Fund(UNICEF), is conducting a survey for the Technical Support to Multigrade Program in Philippine Education (MPPE) Project Component 1: Multigrade Program Review.
Part of the MultigradeProgramReviewis the administration of a survey questionnairesoliciting feedback from implementers and stakeholders of the MPPE. The data generated from this survey will be used as inputs to policy formulation, program improvement and scaling up for adoption in other areas. Rest assured that the survey will not be used in any way to evaluate personnel performance.
Pleasecomplete the questionnaire by either filling out the needed information or by putting a check mark in appropriate spaces. Note that there are items in which you may have one or more answers. In such cases, you can check as many options as applicable. In cases where your answer is different from the given options (“others”), please specify your answer.
Your responses are very important to DepEd in its efforts to improve the MPPE,so please read the instructions carefully. All information asked are about the MULTIGRADE PROGRAM in your school. Please be reminded to answer all items as completely and as accurately as you can. Please do not leave any item blank.Use additional sheets if necessary. Attach reports for statistical information already available.
When you have completed the survey form, please return, either by posted mail/courier delivery service, email or through fax to the following on or before 9 June 2017:
Your cooperation in completing this questionnaire is greatly appreciated.
TS-MPPE Project Team
1.1.Complete Name of School(official name that is in EBEIS)
1.2. School ID
1.3. Complete Address:(street, barangay, municipality/city, province)
School Division:
1.4. Name of School Head
1.5. Contact Number/Mobile
1.6. Email Address
1.7.Official Title/Designation of
School Head at current post(e.g. Teacher-in-Charge,head teacher, principal, cluster head)
1.8. Number of Years in the Position
Position / Number of Years / From Year ___ to Year ___
Cluster Head
Head Teacher
1.9. Educational Background of School Head
⧠ Bachelor Degree ⧠ Masteral Degree ⧠ Doctoral Degree ⧠ Others ______
1.10. Age of School Head
⧠ Below 30 ⧠ 31-40 ⧠ 41-50 ⧠ 51-60 ⧠ 60 and above
1.11. Urban/Rural Setting of the School. Check one box only.
Highly urbanized city area
Municipal or town center
Outside the town center / Rural area
Others (please describe)
1.12. Type of community where school is located(Checkall that apply.)
Industrial communityAgricultural community
Fishing community
Island community
Upland community / Indigenous community
Muslim community
Resettlement community
Mining community
Others(please describe) ______
1.13. Types of learners accommodated by the schoolin School Year 2016-2017(Check all that apply.)
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Children with disabilities
Chronically-ill children
Formally assessed “gifted” children
Indigenous peoples
Muslim children
Indigent (4Ps Beneficiaries)
Displaced/homeless children
Child laborers
Street children
Children in armed conflict areas
Disaster-affected children
Over-aged children
Children in far-flung remote areas
Wasted or malnourished children
Abused children
Children in conflict with the law
Abandoned children
Others (please specify) ______
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1.14. Language/s (e.g., mother tongue) spoken by pupils in your school.Identify top three.
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Bikol (Naga)
Others (pleasespecify)
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1.15. Type of School:Central
- Pure Multigrade School
- Monograde/Single-grade Class School
- Multigrade School with Single-grade class/es
- Pure Multigrade School
- Monograde/Single-grade Class School
- Multigrade School with Single-grade class/es
Annex/Satellite / For Multigrade Schools and schools with Multigrade classes, specify grade combinations. (tick all appropriate combinations).
K and Grade I K, Grade I and II
Grades I and II Grades I, II, III and IV
Grades III and IV Grades I, II, III, IV and V
Grades V and VI Grades I, II, III, IV, V and VI
Grades I, II and III Grades II and III
Grades IV, V and VI Grades IV and V
Grades II, III and IV Grades III, IV, and V
Other combination (please specify) ______
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1.16. Number of MultigradeTeachers
School Year / Male / Female / Total2012-2013
PART 2.TEACHING-LEARNING RESOURCES AND FACILITIESfor Multigrade Pupils (From SY 2012-2013 to SY 2016-2017)
2.1.Teaching resourcesavailable and being used by teachers for multigrade instruction. In each box (columns 1-5), write if Yes or No orN/A for not applicable orN/I for No Idea. For column 6, indicate source,e.g.,DepEd, NGO, LGU, teacher. If the materials are available (column 1), kindly provide the needed information for columns 2 to 6.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6Available / Utilized / Adequate[1] number for all teachers / Complete[2] Set / Aligned with the Special Requirements of Multigradein YOUR Context(e.g., IP, conflict area, pupils with special needs) / Provider
Minimum Learning Competencies-Multigrade
Budget of Work (BoW)
Multigrade Teach-Learn Package
Teachers’ Guide/Manual
Session Guides
Lesson Plan
Others (Please specify)
2.2. Learning resourcesavailable and being used by students and teachers for multigrade instruction. In each box (columns 1-5), write if Yes orNo orN/A for not applicable orN/I for No Idea. For column 7, indicate source,e.g., DepEd, NGO, LGU, teacher. If the materials are available (column 1), kindly provide the needed information for columns 2, 3, 4, and 5.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7Available / Available in what language (please specify) / Utilized / Adequate number for all students / Complete Set / Aligned with the Special Requirements of Multigrade in YOUR Context (e.g., IP, conflict area, pupils with special needs) / Provider
Visual aids (e.g., photographs, posters, flashcards)
Audio materials (e.g., songs, audio books)
Multimedia materials(e.g.,video presentation/ clips, video games)
Self-learning materials (e.g., modules, etc)
Activity sheets/worksheet
Multi-level materials
Science kit or equipment
Others (please specify)
2.2.1. Are there innovative and/or unconventional learning resources that teacher/s make and utilize for multigrade instruction? ⧠Yes ⧠No If yes, please enumerate below:
2.2.2. Are there indigenous learning resources (e.g., real objects, indigenous supplementary materials, community members as resource persons) that teachers utilize for multigrade instruction? ⧠Yes ⧠ No If Yes,please enumerate below:
2.3. Challenges related to multigradeteaching-learning resources. (Check all that apply.)
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No materials provided
Incomplete multigrade materials
Late distribution of materials
Insufficient supply of materials
Lack of supplementary materials
Outdated materials
Language of materials is not suitable (i.e., in English or not in mother tongue)
Failure to produce learning materials
Inappropriateness of materials provided
Requires access to other inputs not available (e.g., computer facilities, electricity, internet)
Incomplete Teacher Guides/manuals
Others (please specify) ______
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2.4.Learning facilitiesavailable and being used by students and teacher/s for multigrade instruction.In columns 1 and 2, write if Yes or No orN/A for not applicable or N/I for No Idea. In column 3, indicate source (e.g.,DepEd, NGO, LGU, teacher).
1Available / 2
Utilized / 3
Internet/ electronic resources / Computer
LCD Projector
Mobile devices, (e.g., iPad, etc)
Virtual library
Online educational games
Others (please specify)
Audio/visual equipment (e.g., CD/DVD player, speaker, etc)
Reading Corner
Learning Corner
Group work tables
Boards (aside from traditional chalkboard)
Movable dividers
Learning Areas (kiosk)
Others (please specify)
2.5. Challenges related to multigrade school facilities.Describe the general state of facilities provided for multigrade pupils. Put a (√) check under the appropriate column/s.
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Facilities / Insufficient / Damaged/dilapidated / Unavailable- Classrooms
- Desks
- Chairs
- Electricity
- Ventilation
- Lighting
- Water supply
- Handwashing areas
- Common toilets/restrooms
- Boy’s toilets/restrooms
- Girl’s toilets/restrooms
- Teacher’s toilets/restrooms
- Principal’s toilet/restroom
- Library
- Computers
- Internet
- Computer room
- Audio Visual/Media Center
- Office of the Principal
- Faculty Room
- PTA Office
- Parents’ waiting area
- Canteen/Cafeteria
- Medical clinic
- Bulletin Boards
- Gymnasium /covered court
- Stage
- Multi-purpose hall
- Orchard/garden area
- Outdoor space
- Trash cans
- Gate / Fence
- Others (please specify)
PART 3. CURRICULAR AND CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES[in consultation with teachers]in Multigrade Classes(From SY 2012-2013 to SY 2016-2017)
3.1. Does your school follow the K to 12 curriculum? Please put a check in the appropriate box.
⧠Yes(proceed to 3.1.1.)⧠No (proceed to 3.1.2.)
3.1.1. If Yes, are there topics/competencies in the K to 12 curriculum that are NOTcovered per grade level? ⧠Yes ⧠ No Ifyes, kindly enumerate those topics/competencies that are not coveredpergrade level.
Grade Level / Topics that are NOT coveredKindergarten
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
3.1.2. If No, what curriculum does your school use? Please identify or describe:
3.2. Does the curriculum meet the learning needs of the following types of multigrade learners in your school? (Check all that apply.)
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Children with disabilitie
Chronically-ill children
Formally assessed “gifted” children
Indigenous peoples
Muslim children
Indigent (4Ps Beneficiaries)
Displaced/homeless children
Child laborers
Street children
Children in armed conflict areas
Disaster-affected children
Over-aged children
Children in far-flung remote areas
Wasted or malnourished children
Abused children
Children in conflict with the law
Abandoned children
Others (please specify) ______
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3.3. What co-curricular activitiesare implemented for multigrade pupils? Please enumerate:
3.3.1. Are the co-curricular activities implementedrelevant to the type of multigradelearners in your school? ⧠ Yes ⧠No
3.4. Does your school adapt/localize the curriculum to suit multigrade situations?
3.4.1. If Yes, describe how.
3.4.2. If No, explain why not.
3.5. Are the textbooksprovided to the school appropriate for multigrade classes?
⧠ Yes⧠No
3.5.1. If No, why not?
3.6. Challenges related to curriculum implementation in a multigrade setting(Check all that apply.)
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Difficulty in class programming/ scheduling under K to 12
Difficulty in reconciling/aligning competencies
Different languages or mediumof instruction/learning
Differences in curriculum
Time allotment differences (Grades34)
Incomplete Teacher Guides/manuals
Others (please specify) ______
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PART 4. CLASSROOM ORGANIZATIONin Multigrade Classes[in consultation with teachers](From SY 2012-2013 to SY2016-2017)
4.1. Does your school follow a particular floor plan or classroom layout(i.e., physical space/set-up) in arranging multigrade classrooms? ⧠Yes ⧠No
4.1.1. If Yes, what floor plan is most effective for a multigrade class? Please describebelow or attach an additional sheetwith a sketch of the floor plan.
4.2. Time Allotment per Learning Area in SY 2016-2017. Pleasewrite the timetable per multigrade class below or attach the timetableif already available.
Grade Levels / Day / Time / Subject4.3. Challenges teachers face in managing multigradeclassrooms and/or organizing students(Check all that apply.)
Lack of training in multigrade classroom management
Negative attitude/perception of teachers
Classroom management style not suitable for multigrade setting
Negative attitude and behavior of students
Poor teacher-student relationship
Low student attendance/participation
Lack of space/facilities to execute grouping
Poor learning environment not suitable for multigrade setting
Others (please specify) ______
4.4. Multigrade organizational/grouping approaches/strategies.Check if they are utilized by teachers and specify the subject and time allotment. Please refer to the brief description of each approach/strategy if the term is not familiar to you.
Multigrade Approaches/Strategies / Utilized by Teachers(check if yes) / List Subjects used / Time Spent
Subject staggering(Subjects are staggered on a timetable. Groups learn different subjects at the same period (e.g., in a multigrade of three grade levels, Group 1 and 2 work independently on Arts while Group 3 is being taught by the teacher in English.)
Common timetable (Students of various grade levels learn the same subject at the same time with different work program (e.g., for the first period, the combined class learn Science, then for the next period, they all learn Mathematics.)
Subject integration(Subjects that can be integrated, (e.g., Filipino and AralingPanlipunan/EdukasyonsaPagpapakatao or English and Science, are presented by the teachers at the same time to all grade levels.)
Subject grouping(All grade levels are taught the same subject for the whole period (e.g., subjects can be grouped based on the medium of instruction such that all students learn subjects that use Filipino or Mother Tongue on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and they learn subjects in English the rest of the days.)
Integrated day (With no fixed timetable, pupils work independently with the freedom to choose what subject to study and when.)
Spiral curriculum (Students of two or more grades are taught together through curriculum alignment and themes/integrated curriculum for topics and desired learning outcomes that overlap (e.g., lower class given the simple topic while the other higher class, the higher and more complex topic.)
Curriculum rotation (Students of different grades learn together the required topic in different order, such that one lower grade topic is learned this year, then the higher grade topic is learned the next year.)
Parallel curriculum (Students share the same themes or subjects but study the syllabus for their grade, with each grade taught in turn.)
Within-grade grouping (Students of the same achievement, ability, interest, etc. are grouped to work on an activity.)
Cross-grade grouping (Students of same or different level of ability are grouped together, with the grouping changing from subject to subject, and activity to activity, depending on the purpose of the teacher.)
Peer tutoring (Student teach another student, formally or informally.)
Others (please specify)
Sources: The Multigrade Training Resource Package (DepEd, 2008) and Teaching the World’s Children: Theory and Practice in Mixed-Grade Classes (Cornish, 2009)
PART 5.INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICESin Multigrade Classes[in consultation with teachers](From SY 2012-2013 to SY 2016-2017)
5.1. Did the teachers receive relevant training on multigrade teaching? ⧠Yes⧠ No
5.1.1. If Yes, check the training program/s provided for the teachers on multigrade instruction in the first column of the table below, then list competencies learned (e.g., differentiated instruction, grouping strategies, developing learning resources) and rate the usefulness.
Training Program(please check if provided) / Training Provider or Organized by
(please specify) / Competency/iesLearned (e.g., differentiated instruction, grouping strategies, developing learning resources) / Usefulness of Training to MG teachers (Write 1 if Very Useful, 2 if Useful, & 3 if less useful
Teacher Induction Program specifically for multigrade teachers
Learning Action Cell sessions focused on multigrade instruction
Summer Training Program forMultigrade Teachers
National Training of Trainors on Differentiated Instruction
National Training on Multigrade Instruction for K to 3
Division-wide Multigrade Training / Curriculum
Instructional Materials
Classroom Management
Region-wide Multigrade Training / Curriculum
Instructional Materials
Classroom Management
Nationwide Multigrade Training / Curriculum
Instructional Materials
Classroom Management
Others (please specify)
5.2. Doteachers adapt or modify their teaching strategies to suit the learning needs of the students in a multigrade class? ⧠Yes ⧠ No
5.2.1. If Yes, how does the school head monitor the adaptation? Please explain.
5.3. Are the teachers familiar with DepEd’sBudget of Work[3] (BoW)? ⧠Yes ⧠ No
5.3.1. If Yes, are the teachers using BoW?
⧠Yes(proceed to question⧠No (proceed to question If Yes, how helpful is it?
Very helpful
Not very helpful
Not helpful at all If No, give reason/s below.
______ If the teachers are not using BoW, what alternative is being used? Please specify or describe.
______ Do multigrade teachers experience challenges in using BoW?
⧠ Yes⧠ None If yes, please specify.
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5.4. Teaching strategies commonly implemented in multigradeclassrooms
Teaching Strategies / Implemented in MG Classrooms?(check if yes) / Subject/s wherein it work/s
(list as many)
Cooperative Group Learning
Field trip
Hands-on/Learn by doing
Journal writing
Peer tutoring
Self-directed Learning
Others (please specify)
5.5. Instructional grouping strategies commonly implemented by multigrade teachers
Teaching Strategies / Implemented in MG Classrooms?(check if yes) / Subject/s wherein it works
(list as many)
Similar ability groups (not necessarily grade groups)
Mixed ability groups
Interest groups
Friendship groups
Peer groups (age or grade)
Source: DepEd’sThe Multigrade Training Resource Package
5.6. Challenges related to multigrade instruction (Check all that apply.)
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Teachers’ lack of training