Psychology | Wiley | Personality Mix, D___Name:
Instructions: Go to my teacher site and click on the “Personality Mix” link. You’ll need to enter in your school username and password to access the mix. This program allows you to click through slides at your own pace. Your job is to take notes (fill in blanks), watch video clips, and respond to any prompts. Note: Teachers can see who is in the mix and for how long; you will lose points if you are not doing the mix properly.
Introduction to Personality Psychology
- We’re similar in countless ways, yet there’s little doubt we’re all unique; different from every other individual on the planet
- Personality psychology aims to account for the ______
- How do personalities emerge?
- To what extent can they ______?
- What is the interplay between biology, culture, parenting, etc.?
- Pick two individuals from the admin team and explain where you think their personalities would register on the Personality Assessment Survey—Owl, Koala, Peacock, Lion; qualify if they’d be low, moderate, or extremely high.
- We practice informal personality psychology on a daily basis
- In politics and elsewhere, ______on observers; our judgments of personalities carry enormous weight
- Experts say we’re not very good at understanding other people’s personalities
- They urge us to be more cautious and open-minded before judging others
- They remind us that personality development is complex and personalities are malleable—many experience some significant changes over time
Defining Personality
- Personality psychology is a popular and growing field, but we do not have a standard definition for the term; here are some definitions that are often used:
- The collective perceptions, emotions, cognitions, motivations, and actions of the individual that interact with various environmental situations.
- The psychological forces that make people uniquely themselves.
- The various styles of behavior that different organisms habitually reflect.
- The visible aspect of one’s character as it impresses others.
- The characteristic manner in which one ______.
An Ancient Answer to Personality Psychology
- Hippocrates (460-377 BCE, Ancient Greece)
- Personality traits were the ______
- Yellow bile: associated with a quick-tempered disposition
- Blood: connected with sanguine, warm, cheerful temperament
- Phlegm: linked with sluggish and cool disposition
- Black bile: associated with melancholic, thoughtful temperament
- Diseases were a result of a lack of balance in body fluids
Biology and Personality
- Scientists have long hoped to match specific genes with traits, but it’s ______
- Genes interact with the environment; genes work in groups; neuroplasticity complicates things further, changing the structure of our brains
- Easiest way to hunt for biological drivers of personality is ______(same DNA)
- Even those raised apart tend to share 2x as many personality traits as nontwin siblings
- Today, scientists estimate that ______% of contributions to personality traits could be traced to DNA
- Summarize the twin study video:
- One successful study of biology and personality variants of the AVPR1a gene have been found to be more associated with ______behavior
- Higher levels of the hormone connected to the gene reinforce warm feeling of doing good; lower levels make people more selfish
- Many other studies are inconclusive, but there is consensus on the following:
- Nurture influences and can change “nature” (______)
- Whether a specific gene is present is not as important as if gene has been ______
- People can be similar for different reasons; one case being more genetically based than another
- We’re similar to our siblings about ______% of the time; various theories have been used to explain:
- [Darwinian] ______: competition leads to specialization
- ______: environment may be very different depending on when a child is born and what the family is experiencing at that time
- ______: misleading labels a family ascribes to a sibling becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy for a child to be “different”
- Summarize the birth order video:
Trait Theory
- Trait: aspect of personality considered reasonably ______
- Trait theorists attempt to describe personality and ______
- Trait personality tests are frequently used in the workplace
- Shortcoming: doesn’t investigate origins of personality or how people can change for the better
Trait Theory: ______(1916-1997)
- Focused on relationship between two personality dimensions: introversion-extroversion and emotional stability-instability
Trait Theory: The Five-Factor Model
- ______research finds that these five factors appear to define personality structure
- Position along dimensions tends to be established by ______
- Factors make up the OCEAN of human personality: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism
Psychoanalytic Approach: Freud (1856-1939)
- Personality characteristics are mostly a ______part of the mind
- A healthy personality requires a balance between the id and the superego, which naturally conflict:
- ______attempts to satisfy animal urges while superego preaches patience and restraint
- If id is too strong, person will be rude, selfish, etc.
- If ______is too strong, person may be worried, nervous, full of guilt/anxiety
- Example: Study for test or hang out with friends?
- Id (as ______principle) may urge you to socialize
- ______(as ______principle) may warn you to study
- Healthy ______(as ______principle) concludes you should study now and after you do well on the test, you will be able to spend time with friends and feel good about yourself
- Personality evolves through ______
- If children encounter conflicts in particular stages and they aren’t resolved, child may become “______” and develop unhealthy personality traits
- Key idea: adult personality is a reflection of contents of the unconscious
- Shortcoming: ______or empirical
- But psychologists all ______with Freud that childhood events plant seeds for adult personality
Psychoanalytic Approach: Erikson (1902-1994)
- Converted Freud’s psychosexual stages to ______
- Personality can go one way or the other at each stage, which represent a time of crisis in our lives
- Read through each stage in Erikson’s breakdown that is applicable to you; which way did your personality go at each step? Give a reason for your choice.
- Pick one older person who is in or has been through a particular stage. How are they doing?
Behavioral/Social Learning Theory
- John B. Watson (1878-1958) and B. F. Skinner (1904-1990) urged psychologists to get out of subjective mind
- Viewed observable behavior as key to understanding personality
- Key idea: people change if their environment changes; ______, reinforcements/punishments, and conditioning
- Shortcoming: doesn’t explain the ______of inner human experience
Bobo Doll Experiment (1960s)
- One of the most famous behavioral experiments
- ______
- Fits with studies that show abusive adults were likely to have witnessed abuse as child
- Key idea: much of our personality is learned
- Summarize information from the Bobo Doll Experiment video that was not indicated in the slide above: