Peppermill Lake District Board Meeting
Saturday, July 12, 2003 – 10:15 AM, Parker Lake Lodge
Call to order by Jim Abbs – 10:15 AM -- Attended by Jim Abbs, Barb Anderson, Bob Hannan, Jay Crawford, Bill Pegler & Al Sebastiani (+ 8 Visitors)
Approval of agenda: Motion to approve agenda by Bill Pegler, Unanimously approved
Secretary’s report: Minutes of Lake District Board Meeting – June 14, 2003, Motion to approve minutes by Bob Hannan, Unanimously approved
Treasurer’s Report: Presented, Unanimously approved - Report Filed
Lake Level / Landing Report - The committee recommendation to the board is to follow the suggestion of Chris Murphy that lake citizens regarding the need for a lake level adjustment determine popular opinion. This would involve a formal survey process done by other than the Lake District organization. Any action taken upon submission of summarized information showing a strong consensus to Chris Murphy and the DNR is unclear. Recent citizen comments have been equivocal on the lakes level. Most other lakes in the area are experiencing historic low water levels.
Fisheries Committee – The committee reportsScott Ironsides indicates there is a possibility of large bass stocking for the lake. Fish size will be larger than fingerlings.
Eurasian watermilfoil treatment review – Josh Britton and Deb Konkle’s survey determined location and timing of Peppermill Lake’s treatment. Notification of treatment by post cards, although allowed in the past, does not meet requirement of NR107. The regulation requires that upon obtaining the treatment permit, a copy be sent to all riparian owners. Indication by newsletter will inform that over the course of the summer, treatments will occur using the chemical(s) indicated in the permit. At the time of application, signs will be posted. 24-D labeling currently indicates 21 waiting period (for the 100#/acre application) for gardening use, other than lawns, of treated water. The 45-day recommendation on indicated a cautious attitude possibly due to greater than 100# approved application.
Harvesting Report – Deb Konkle, Buzz Sorge, and Josh Britton did a lake tour. Deb reduced the harvesting of 9.9 acres originally desired to approximately 5.7 acres. The harvester is at the landing and cutting will likely begin on Monday. Cost will be unaffected due to the minimum charge is not affected by acres harvested.
Plant Control Alternative Discussion – Chemical use for control of Eurasian water milfoil and lily pad reduction in lieu of a combination of chemicals and mechanical harvesting led to no recommendation. Assessment of this year’s process will be done later.
Lake District Budget Hearing & Annual Meeting
- Scheduled for Saturday, August 30 (Labor Day weekend)
- Meeting notice mailed, signs posted, and newspaper posting in Adams County Times and Rural Rambler
- Voting procedure and eligibility will remain with the addition of a conditional ballot given to anyone contesting their eligibility. Those ballots will be counted only in the event of tie vote.
- Discussion of annual budget with proposal being sent with announcement as required.
Nominations for open commissioner position will accepted by mail or at the annual meeting.
New business - Reesa Evans, Adams County Land Conservationist, asked volunteers to assist with data gathering. Implementation Grants following development of Lake Management Plan for Peppermill Lake available. Bill Pegler, Jim Abbs, Barb Anderson, and Donna Coleman volunteered. Adams County will handle administration of grants, such as those available for Shoreland Restoration, etc. They will schedule a meeting in August at Adams County office.
Adjourn - Motion to by Barb Anderson, Unanimously Approved - Adjourned 11:30 AM
Respectfully submitted – Barbara Anderson, Secretary