From: Caroline Meyer
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 9:00 pm
Subject: Golden Key Honour Society Minutes 2/15/10
Topics: Better World Books, Kansas State Golden Key Chapter Scholarships, Fundraising Chair position, Service Projects, Regional Summit Update, GRA/GTA Banquet, Fundraising Ideas
Minutes: 55 minutes
ATTENDANCE: Anna Binder, Aaron Friess, Caroline Meyer, Katie Hildebrand, Elias Logan, Nicole Simonsons, Donita Whitney-Bammerlin and 11 Golden Key members.
Meeting Events:
- President Anna Binder called meeting to order. All executive officer members introduced themselves to the members attending the meeting.
- Better World Books Update, it was discussed that this event will take place again before the end of the semester
- Kansas State Chapter of Golden Key Scholarships were discussed, it was noted that the officers will get together to discuss how these scholarships will be distributed and to whom.
- It was noted that the current fundraising chair, Michael Ellis is not longer holding this position for the Kansas State Chapter of Golden Key. President Anna Binder discussed how this position will be filled.
- Service Chair Eli Logan discussed upcoming service projects. The Douglass Center is in need of tutors. Eli brought time slots for members to sign up and help. This project runs from February until the end of April.
- Regional Summit conference was discussed. There are 2 members now attending the event along with some of the officers and Chapter Advisor Donita Whitney-Bammerlin.
- Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant Appreciation Chair, Katie Hildebrand discussed the GRA/GTA Banquet that will take place on Sunday May 2nd 2010. At this banquet Kansas State President Kirk Schulz will be inducted as one of Golden Key’s Honorary Members.
- Members and officers talked about ways to involve past and present Golden Key Honorary members, such as having a monthly newsletter to keep these members informed about the current and upcoming events of the Kansas State Chapter of Golden Key.
- Members and Officers got into small groups to discuss fundraising ideas for the upcoming semester. After discussing ideas for about 10 minutes each group presented their ideas to the whole group.
- President Anna Binder made her closing statements and thanked all members and officers for attending the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Caroline Meyer
Recording Secretary for Kansas State Chapter of Golden Key