Safeguarding Adults

Multi-Agency Training Programme 2015-2016


This multi-agency training programme has been developed by the Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Workforce Subgroup on behalf of the Doncaster Safeguarding Adults Board.

The Safeguarding Adults Workforce Development Subgroup aims to provide high quality training in a safe and reflective environment and offer opportunities for all participants to support their own personal and professional development.

The aim of the multi-agency training is to enable staff to work effectively both within their own agency and across organisational boundaries. Training people together forms the foundation of any partnership working and helps participants learning from other agencies to widen learning of the implementation of Safeguarding Adults across agencies.

The training programme aims to deliver courses for all workers and volunteers who may work with an adult at risk of or experiencing abuse and neglect in any setting. There are different levels to access depending on the role and responsibilities of staff. Each course gives a detail of the aims and learning outcomes for the course, the level it is aimed at and who it is for. These are outlined in the content of the courses within this programme.

The training programme for 2015-2016 aims to provide all staff and volunteers with the right level of training based on their role they provide within their organisation. It also includes the necessary training to incorporate the Care Act legislation and guidance and the introduction to Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP), both elements have a significant impact on the delivery of Safeguarding Adult services.

Each course also aims to achieve the competencies under the local competency from work for Safeguarding Adults.

If you have any questions or want to discuss specific training needs, please contact the Safeguarding Adults Workforce Subgroup via the Safeguarding Adults Learning and Development Manager on 01302 737754 or .

What you can expect from the Safeguarding Adults Training courses

We try to ensure that all courses are offered to a wide range of organisations to offer a multi-disciplinary approach to training that promotes knowledge and understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each person and other partners. Please note these are very practice-based courses so participants will be expected to engage in group discussions and practical exercises.

The courses will improve performance and effectiveness in organisations by contributing to the development of a competent workforce.

What the Trainers expectations are from delegates

Attendees are expected to take responsibility for their own learning and therefore are expected to behave professionally. Any concerns relating to the level of engagement or inappropriate responses to the material that are not considered to be professional behaviour will be challenged by the trainer and if necessary, discussed with the relevant line manager.

All attendees must observe any health and safety information provided at training event.

Protecting Vulnerable Adults E-Learning Course / Course Content:
At the end of the module you will be able to:
1.  Describe how safeguarding issues impact upon your job role and your personal life
2.  Recognise vulnerable adults and children
3.  Demonstrate knowledge about what is meant by abuse and safeguarding
4.  Identify the signs and indicators of abuse
5.  Demonstrate awareness of what to do if you have a concern
Safeguarding Adults E-Learning Course / This course is available through Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council e-learning platform Learning Pool.
To access this courses please visit the website:
Course Content:
1.  Demonstrate awareness of what Safeguarding Adults is and your role.
2.  Recognise an adult potentially in need of Safeguarding and take appropriate action.
3.  Be able to follow procedures for making a ‘Safeguarding Adults Concern’.
4.  Demonstrate dignity and respect when working with individuals.
5.  Have knowledge of policy, procedures and legislation that supports Safeguarding Adults activity.
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) E-Learning course / Course Content:
1. Understand what the DoLS is and who they apply to.
2. Understand the context for DoLS and who does what during the process
3. Identify the six types of assessment required before a DoL can be authorised, the process of review, and how to recognise an unathorised DoL
4. Explore more examples of where DoLS does and does not apply.
Mental Capacity Awareness E-Learning course / Course Content:
1. Understand the function of the Mental Capacity Act.
2. Understand what the Code of Practice is and who it supports.
3. Understand about the aims and values of each Principle.
4. Identify the various roles and responsibilities involved in the Mental Capacity Act.
5. Understand how personal info is protected and shared.

Classroom based Courses

For internal staff dates and bookings can be accessed through the HR Portal.

For external agencies dates will be added on to the Learning and Development calendar that is sent out to all agencies. You can also request training dates and bookings via emailing .

When booking please provide details of:

·  Your full name

·  Organisation

·  (Payroll number if you work in DMBC)

·  Your job title and role

·  Contact number

·  Details of the course and dates you would like to go on

Confirmation of a place will be made at the time of booking and pre-course information will be emailed approximately 10 working days before the training.

Please do not attend training unless you have received confirmation of your place – if in doubt please contact the number above.

These courses are free to staff working in Health (RdASH, Doncaster and Bassetlaw Foundation Trust) and Social care staff working in Doncaster, however if you are not able to attend after having confirmed a place and do not inform us that you are not able to attend the course, you will be charged a cancellation fee £50 per course.

Safeguarding Adults Basic Awareness (Level 2)
(Delivered by CQM) / Aim:
To develop an overall awareness of Safeguarding Adults, the principles and policies, and appreciate the importance of following best practice.
Target Audience:
Multi-agency: health and social care workers in Doncaster working with adults who may be at risk, volunteers, advocates, housing support etc.
Learning Objectives:
•  Demonstrate awareness of what Safeguarding is and your role in Safeguarding Adults
•  Recognise an adult potentially in need of Safeguarding and take action
•  Be able to follow procedures for making a 'Safeguarding Concern‘
•  Understand the application of Making Safeguarding Personal.
•  Appreciate the importance of dignity and respect when working with individuals
•  Have knowledge of policy, procedures and legislation that supports Safeguarding Adults activity
Expected outcome in practice:
•  Recognising implications of the Care Act 2014 on safeguarding adults practice
•  Identifying possible abuse or risk of abuse
•  Understanding the initial steps to be taken when there is a safeguarding adults concern
•  Understand the principles of Making Safeguarding Personal.
•  Understanding the importance of good documentation and effective information sharing
•  Compliance with the law and local policies
3 hours
Safeguarding Adults Raising a Concern (Level 3)
(Delivered by CQM) / Aim:
To encourage best practice, develop an effective knowledge of Doncaster’s inter-agency safeguarding adults procedure and consider the impact of the Care Act 2014 on safeguarding practice
Target Audience:
Multi-agency health and social care workers in Doncaster working with adults who may be at risk, who have attended Safeguarding Adults Basic Awareness training.
About the course:
This course provides an update on safeguarding adults now that the Care Act 2014 has come into effect: the emphasis on Making Safeguarding Personal, new legal duties and revised policies and processes.
Learning Objectives:
•  Demonstrate awareness of Safeguarding Adults and what your role is
•  Ensure the Making Safeguarding Personal approach is used throughout any concern reported
•  Recognise an adult at risk of abuse or neglect
•  Have knowledge of national legislation, local policy and procedures for Safeguarding Adults
•  Be able to know procedures for reporting Safeguarding Adults concerns
Expected outcome in practice:
•  Recognising implications of the Care Act 2014 on safeguarding adults practice including revised terminology
•  Understanding factors which could place an adult at risk of abuse
•  Understanding the initial steps to be taken when there is a safeguarding adults concern
•  Understanding the importance of good documentation and effective information sharing
•  Compliance with the law and local policies
3 hours
Safeguarding Adults Enquirers Training (level 4)
(Delivered by Safeguarding Adults Learning and Development Manager with support from Adult Social Care/RDASH Lead Safeguarding Adult Practitioners). / Aim:
To provide practitioners from health and social care with key information relating to carrying out Safeguarding Adults investigation work as well as an opportunity to explore their roles and responsibilities within it.
Target Audience:
The training is aimed at those who have, or could have, a role to undertake enquiries within Safeguarding Adults.
About the Course:
Delegates attending this training must have attended Safeguarding Adults Awareness training, Raising Concerns and/or be able to demonstrate experience in working within Safeguarding Adults procedures. People attending this training should be aware of “Care Act 2014”, “Safeguarding Adults” (A.D.S.S. 2005) and the South Yorkshire Safeguarding Policy and Procedures 2015.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
·  Describe legal and other frameworks surrounding Safeguarding Adults work
·  Outline joint and organisational roles and responsibilities for carrying out Safeguarding enquiries
·  Explain the principles, processes and best practice skills involved in undertaking enquiries
·  Apply Making Safeguarding Personal as described within the South Yorkshire procedures 2015
·  Apply learning to professional practice and identify best practice.
Expected Outcomes in Practice:
·  Use of legal and other frameworks surrounding Safeguarding Adults work to ensure best outcomes for the adult at risk.
·  Understanding roles and responsibilities within the safeguarding enquiry process to ensure best outcomes for the adult at risk.
·  The use of best practice skills involved in undertaking enquiry work to ensure best outcomes for the adult at risk.
·  Understand the Safeguarding Manager’s role in supervision, enquiry stage and role in Outcome Meetings to ensure best outcomes for the adult at risk.
·  Apply learning to professional practice and identify personal and organisational barriers to effective practice to ensure best outcomes for the adult at risk.
2 days
Safeguarding Adults Managers Training (Level 4)
(Delivered by Safeguarding Adults Learning and Development Manager with support from Adult Social Care/RDASH Lead Safeguarding Adult Practitioners). / Aim:
To provide information about the roles and responsibilities of the Safeguarding Manager. It will also provide participants with the opportunity to explore good practice within this role.
Target Audience:
Managers from statutory health and social care services and who manage Safeguarding Adults processes.
Delegates should attend Safeguarding Adults investigators training as well as this course and/or demonstrate significant experience in working within The Care Act 2014 and the South Yorkshire Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
·  Define the roles and responsibilities of a Safeguarding Manager.
·  Describe the criteria used to determine a Safeguarding Adults concern as well decision making.
·  Outline the Safeguarding Manager’s role throughout the Safeguarding Adults procedures and processes.
·  Describe the Safeguarding Manager’s role in supervision, recording and decision making in the investigative stage.
·  Be able to lead by example
Expected Outcomes in Practice:
1.  The criteria used to determine a Safeguarding concern into the safeguarding processes will be correctly applied.
2.  Safeguarding Meetings will be effective and correctly managed.
3.  Outcome meetings will be effectively organised and chaired.
4.  Those involved in the Safeguarding concern (staff/adult at risk/source of harm) should feel supported by the Safeguarding Manager.
5.  Apply learning to professional practice and identify personal and organisational barriers to effective practice to ensure best outcomes for the adult at risk.
1 day
Safeguarding Adults – Making Safeguarding Personal (Level 4)
(Celia Harbottle) / Aims:
To develop skills in conducting safeguarding interviews (including planning and preparation, recording processes, anti-discriminatory practice) and to work within the principles of Making Safeguarding Personal at incorporating Mental Capacity Act where appropriate.
Target Audience:
Safeguarding Managers and safeguarding Adult Enquirers. It is aimed at those workers who may be involved in interviewing adults at risk and alleged source of harm as part of the Safeguarding Adults South Yorkshire Policy and Procedures
About the Course:
This will be achieved via a range of teaching methods with consideration and examination of the following:
·  Consideration of the practical significance of Safeguarding adult’s 6 Principles and the evidence base emerging from Making Safeguarding Personal (with specific regard to supporting Adults at risk to take control and the recognition of their desired outcomes.)
·  Examining the role and skills in planning and preparation for interviewing adults at risk/or their advocate and alleged source of harm.
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
·  Explain the purpose and process of a safeguarding adults interview to an individual who will have no familiarity of the local policy and procedures.
·  Apply the principals and emerging techniques of Making Safeguarding Personal within all face –to- face interviews.
·  Recognise and work with issues of anti-discriminatory practice in the interview process.
·  Encompassing the Principles of the MCA and the role of the IMCA service.
·  Recognise the balance between interview content and the balance/relationship between enquiry and assessment of a person’s needs.
·  Demonstrate the skills of interviewing including reference to Achieving Best Evidence (revised) guidance (establishing rapport, free narrative, questioning and closure) exploring issues around leading questions and closed questions.
·  Engage with people who are reluctant to participate in the safeguarding process and working with those who require clear, communication.
·  Understand when a decision may need to be made to share information with either the police or other agencies to further the enquiry.
·  Demonstrate skills for contemporaneous note taking.