Tue 05/08/2014 01:42
Sent Items
Dear John
I have been asked to write a contribution to the Journal ofNeuroimmune Pharmacology. I have written it about our THC and and CBD data in EAE that is unpublished but it is instyleof part review. Our data indicate that THC has neuroprotective potential in EAE and wish to put itin relation to your trial. Therefore I wish to reproduce some (two)of your figures from the Lancet Neurology CUPIDpaper. I aim to seek permission to do this from thepublisher.I see it is an open access paper and allows reuse, butI think the copyright is with Elsevier. If the copyright is with youthenI need toseek yourpermission and hopeyoucan supportit. I would be happy to include you as a coauthor and attach the first draft.Maybe you have insight on futuretrials but I am guessing for the time being these are unlikely. Please let me know if I am talking rubbish.If you wouldbe able toprovide actualnumbersfor those two figures e.g.an excel sheet. Hope to hear fromyou
John Zajicek <>
Wed 06/08/2014 13:35
Hi Dave,
Good to hear from you. I liked your paper, and don’t feel that I’ve done anything to deserve being an author. As far as I’m concerned, you can reproduce the figure. I’ll ask Sue Ball (via a copy of this e-mail) to send you the data.I don’t think anyone will be doing another trial in the near future.
Obtain Permission - Journal request
Shridhar, Lakshmi Priya (ELS-CHN) <>
Fri 08/08/2014 07:46
To: David Baker;
Dear Prof. David Baker
We hereby grant you permission to reproduce the material detailed below inprint and electronic formatat no charge subject to the following conditions:
1. If any part of the material to be used (for example, figures) has appeared in our publication with credit or acknowledgement to another source, permission must also be sought from that source. If such permission is not obtained then that material may not be included in your publication/copies.
2. Suitable acknowledgement to the source must be made, either as a footnote or in a reference list at the end of your publication, as follows:
“This article was published in Publication title, Vol number, Author(s), Title of article, Page Nos, Copyright Elsevier (or appropriate Society name) (Year).”
3. This permission is granted for non-exclusive world rights in all languages.
4. Reproduction of this material is granted for the purpose for which permission is hereby given, and includes use in any future editions.
Special Terms: No modifications can be made to any Lancet figures/tables and they must be reproduced in full. Special Credit “Reprinted with permission from Elsevier (The Lancet, Year, Vol No, pages)” needs to be added.
Lakshmi Priya
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From: [mailto:
Sent:Thursday, August 07, 2014 3:59 PM
To:Rights and Permissions (ELS)
Subject:Obtain Permission - Journal request
First name: / David
Last name: / Baker
Institute/company: / Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London
Address: / 4 Newark Street
Post/Zip Code: / E1 2AT
City: / London
Country: / United Kingdom
Telephone: / 020 7882 2485
Email: /
Please select the type of publication: / Journal
Journal - Title: / Lancet Neurology
Journal - ISSN: / 14744422
Journal - Volume: / 12
Journal - Issue: / 9
Journal - Year: / 2013
Journal - Pages from: / 857
Journal - Pages to: / 865
Journal - Author: / Zajicek J, Ball S, Wright D, Vickery J, Nunn A, Miller D, Gomez Cano M, McManus D, Mallik S, Hobart J
Journal - Article Title: / Effect of dronabinol on progression in progressive multiple sclerosis (CUPID): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial
I would like to use (please select one of the following options): / Figure(s)
If using figures/tables or illustrations please specify the quantity: / 2 Figures (Figure 2 & Figure in online suppl)
Are you the author of the material?: / No
If not, is the author involved with your project: / No
In what format will you use the material?: / Print and Electronic
Will you be translating the material?: / No
Information about your proposed use: / journal
Proposed use text: / Journal: Journal of Neuro Immune Pharmacology, Publisher:Springer New work title: Neuroprotection in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and progressive multiple sclerosis by cannabis-based cannabinoids Authors: Garth PRYCE Deiter R RIDDALL Gavin GIOVANNONI David Baker
Additional comments/Information: / This is an Open Access Paper There was no link on the paper in Science Direct The lead Authour John Zajicek has seen the intended article and is happy for the reproduction to occur pending approval from Elsevier