Here is something you can use as a guideline on nutrition recommendation. There may be products that we can recommend other the essential what the wellness 101. We are focusing on how to recommend the kits.
Products Recommended / Kits RecommendationEnergyand/or Healthier Alternative to Energy Drinks / Bs, OPCs / Essential/Optimal
Weight Loss / TLS Kit / TLS Kit
Joint/Ligament Flexibility (Carpel Tunnel, Arthritis, RA, Orthopedic, etc) / OPC, Calcium, Omega / Essential kit or Joins kit
Blood Sugar Maintenance / OPC,Multi / Optimal or Essential
Heart Health (Blood Pressure, Cholesterol Levels, Vascular, Clotting, Circulation) / OPC 3,Omega / Essential kit
Respiratory Health (Asthma, Allergies, Sleep Apnea, etc) / OPC-3 / Essential Kit
Digestive Health (Acid Reflux, Ulcers, IBS, Crohn’s, Colitis, etc) / Digestive Health / Digestive Health
Improved Sense of Well-Being (Stress, anxiety, Depression) / Essential Kit / Essential Kit/Optimal
Pain / Inflammation Relief / OPC, Omega 3 / Essential Kit
Foot / Muscle Relief (Gout, Cramping, Restless Leg) / OPC-3, Calcium, Greens / Essential kit
Healthy Immune Function (Colds, Flu, Autoimmune Diseases) / Multi, OPC, Aloe / Essential Kit Or Digestive Health
Skin Health (Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne) / OPC-3, Omega 3 / Essential Kit
Improved Sleep / Calcium & OPC 3 / Essential kit
HP Balance / Greens & Aleo / Aloe & greens
Stress / Stress Kit
Do you take Vitamins or Herbals of any kind? / If don’t send them Jason Barter link. Educated them Gradually.
Are you under the supervision of a Health Professional? / If they are ask if you can talk with their HP or hand the person the label to Doctor to review
Do you take prescription medication? / Research, and ask if you can talk with their HP.
/ /
Acid Reflux / OPC-3, Calcium Plus, ultimate Aloe Drink, Digestive Enzymes
Acne / OPC-3, Ultimate Aloe Drink, Skintelligence, B-Complex, Calcium Plus
Allergies / OPC-3, Ultimate Aloe Drink, ORAC
Anxiety / B-Complex, Calcium Plus, OPC-3, ORAC, Multi-Vitamin, Transitions ACTS
Arthritis / OPC-3, Ultimate Aloe Drink, Isochrome, Vitamin-C, Calcium Plus, Vitamin D, Glucosatrin
Asthma / OPC-3, OTAC, B-Complex, Multi-Vitamin
Athlete's Foot / Ultimate Aloe Drink, Ultimate Aloe Gel, OPC-3, Vitamin-C
Carpal Tunnel / OPC-3, B-Complex, Glucosatrin, ORAC
Cholesterol / Heart Health, B-Complex, OPC-3, Vitamin D
Circulation / OPC-3, Calcium Plus, B-Complex, ORAC
Cold Sore / OPC-3, ORAC, Vitamin C, Ultimate Aloe Drink
Colds and Flu / OPC-3, Ultimate Aloe Drink, Vitamin D, Vitamin C
Colitis / Ultimate Aloe Drink, OPC-3, Digestive Enzymes
Cramps (intestinal) / OPC-3, Ultimate Aloe Drink, Digestive Enzymes
Cramps (muscle) / OPC-3, Calcium Plus, B-Complex
Crohn's Disease / Ultimate Aloe Drink, Digestive Enzymes, OPC-3
Depression / OPC-3, B-Complex, Vitamin D, Co-Q10
Eczema / Ultimate Aloe Drink, OPC-3, Ultimate Aloe Gel
Energy / B-Complex, Mochatonix, Awake, OPC-3, Transitions ACTs
Gout / OPC-3, Ultimate Aloe Drink, B-Complex, Digestive Enzymes
Joint Pain / OPC-3, Calcium Plus, Glucosatrin, Ultimate Aloe Drink
Knee Pain / OPC-3, Multi-Vitamin, Calcium Plus, B-Complex, Vitamin D, Glucosatrin
Low Blood Sugar / Level 90, Isochrome, OPC-3, B-Complex
Osteoarthritis / OPC-3, Calcium Plus, Vitamin D, B-Complex
Psoriasis / Ultimate Aloe Drink, Complete Greens, Digestive Enzymes, Calcium Plus,B-Complex, Vitamin D
Rashes / OPC-3, Ultimate Aloe Drink, Ultimate Aloe Gel
Restless Leg Syndrome / OPC-3, Calcium Plus, B-Complex, Vitamin D
Stress / OPC-3, B-Complex, Vitamin D, Calcium Plus, Transitions ACTS
Ulcers / Ultimate Aloe Drink, Complete Greens, Digestive Enzymes