February 22-26


Monday- 1.Read and annotate article “Looking over Your Shoulder” 2. Answer questions and respond to essay prompt. 3. HW: noredink (capitalization)

Tuesday- Fire Drill @ 12:50 QCA

Wednesday- QCA

Thursday- Lockdown Drill (during passing period) 1.Introduce current event debate project. 2. Write novel test essay.

Friday- Continue bias project.


Monday- 1. Dialectical journal. 2. Noredink 3. Begin reading Book 3, chapters 1-5

Tuesday- 1.QCA 2. HW: Continue reading Chapters 1-5

Wednesday-1. FinishQCA. 2. HW: Finish reading Chapters 1-5.

Thursday- Review Current Events Project assignment in Canvas. Begin reading articles and making a list of the ones that interest you.

Friday- 1. Choose partners (English 2). 2. Begin researching your side of the argument. 3. HW: Begin reading Chapters 6-10 of Book Three.

February 16-19


Monday- Inservice

Tuesday- 1. Show 20 minute video clip of OMM. 2. Write compare/contrast essay.

Wednesday- 1. Introduce new MAV words. 2. Finish video. 3. Journal prompt/Exit Ticket: Which character did you expect to look differently based on the details in the novel? Explain.

Thursday- OMM Novel Test

Friday-1. Canvas writing assignment: Write a one-page essay about a time when you had a Lennie moment (someone had to stand up for you) or a George moment (you had to stand up for someone else).

Thursday- OMM Novel Test

February 16-19



Tuesday- 1. Quiz over Chapters 18-21 and discuss answers. 2. Read chapters 22-24.

Wednesday-1.Introduce new MAV words, 4.4.1. 2. Create HLQs for ATOTC. 3. HW: Continue reading Chapters 22-24.

Thursday- 1. Socratic Seminar 2. Homework: Finish reading Chapters 22-24.

Friday- Themes Essays assignment in Canvas

February 8-12


Monday- MAV Quiz 4.3.2.

Tuesday- Finish body biography project.

Wednesday- Present projects.

Thursday-1. Finish presentations. 2. Movie-compare/contrast the film adaptation of Steinbeck’s novel.

Friday- 1. Finish presentations if needed. 2. Continue compare/contrast movie assignment.

February 8-12


Monday- 1. Review answers to Chpts. 7-9 quiz. 2. MAV Quiz

Tuesday- 1. Mid-novel Test 2. Finish reading Chapter 14-17 if needed.

Wednesday-1. Chapters 14-17 quiz & discussion 2. Begin reading Chapters 18-

Thursday-1. Review AP essay scoring guide. 2. Introduce new vocabulary list 4.4.1 3. APMC questions. 4. HW: Read and annotate Chapters 18-21.

Friday-1.Timed Writing 2. HW: Finish reading chapters 18-21

February 1-5


Monday- 1. Quiz over chapters 3 & 4 (open book). 2. Continue character charts (Slim & Candy).

Tuesday- 1. Read aloud and discuss Chapter 5. 2. Begin SAQ (isolation)3. HW: Study for tomorrow’s vocabulary pre-quiz.

Wednesday- 1. Read and discuss Chapter 6. 2. Finish SAQ (isolation) 3. HW: Study for tomorrow’s pre-quiz.

Thursday-1. Vocabulary pre-quiz. 2. Draw characters and begin body biography.

Friday-1. Continue body biography.

February 1-5


Monday-1. Quiz over chapters 7-9. 2. Read and annotate Chapters 10-11. 3. HW: Study for Friday’s vocabulary quiz.

Tuesday- 1. APMC questions. 2. Gallery Walk w/answer rationales 3. Homework: Read and annotate Chapters 12-13 and study for vocabulary quiz.

Wednesday- 1.Quiz over Chapters 10-13. 2 HW: Study for vocabulary quiz.

Thursday-1. Mid-novel Test

Friday- 1. MAV 4.3.2 quiz. Character charts.

January 25-29


Monday- 1. Chapters 1 & 2 quiz. 2. Finish Independent SAQ.

Tuesday- 1. Read first ten pages of Chapter 3 in novel. 2. Homework: Complete MAV 4.3.2 activity in Canvas.

Wednesday- 1. Finish reading and discussing Chapter 3. 2. Update character charts by adding Slim and Candy.

Thursday- 1. Plan and write SAQ:(discrimination). 2. Begin reading Chapter 4.

Friday- 1. Finish reading Chapter 4 and complete reading check questions. 2. Finish character chart from Wednesday.

January 25-29


Monday- 1. Finish reviewing APMC answers. 2. Continue reading and annotating Bk.2. chpts. 1-6. 2nd Period-1. Finish reviewing APMC. 2. Finish Friday’s vocabulary quiz. 3. Continue reading and annotating Bk2. chapters 1-6.

Tuesday- 1. Complete MAV Activity 4.3.2 in Canvas. 2. Finish reading and annotating Bk2. 1-6.

Wednesday- 1. Quiz over Chapters 1-6. Have books out for me to grade annotations. 2. Read chapters 7 & 8.

Thursday- 1. APMC questions 2. Homework: Finish reading and annotating Chapters 7&8.

Friday- Timed Writing Assignment

January 19-22


Tuesday- 1. Finish reading and discussing Chapter 1 of Of Mice and Men. 2. Read Chapter 2 silently. 3. HW: Study for Friday’s vocabulary quiz.

Wednesday- 1. Finish reading Chapter 2. 2. Finish character charts 2.3. HW: study vocabulary

Thursday- 1. Pre-quiz 2. Class Practice SAQ. 3. Plan Independent SAQ

Friday-. 1. MAV Quiz 2. Finish plan sheet for SAQ (Lennie).

January 19-22


Tuesday- 1. Quiz over Chapters 1-4 of ATOTC 2. Read silently Chapters 5 & 6.

3. HW: Study for Friday’s vocabulary quiz.

Wednesday- 1. AP Multiple Choice questions for ATOTC. 2. HW: Study vocabulary and finish reading Chapters 5 & 6.

Thursday- 1. Vocabulary pre-quiz. 2. Quiz over Chapters 5 &6.

Friday- 1.MAV quiz. 2. Homework: Read and annotate Bk 2. chapters 1-6.

January 11-15

Academic EnglishPreAP

Monday- Present college info.

Tuesday- 1. Finish presenting. 2. Novel Anticipation Guide

Wednesday- 1. Revise and edit EOS essays. 2. Make corrections and begin rewriting.

Thursday- 1. Novel/author introduction. 2. Finish writing essay if needed (due tomorrow).

Friday- 1. Read & discuss Chapter 1 of the novel. 2. HW (PreAP): Read Chapters 2, 3, & 4 of ATOTC.

January 5-8 (You will need your laptop for the entire week.)

Academic English & PreAP

Monday- No School

Tuesday- MAV 4.3.1 activity in Canvas

Wednesday-1. Review college research assignment 2. Begin page one of research (due tomorrow).

Thursday-1. Turn in page 1. 2. Complete pages 2 & 3 in class. 3. Begin working on the visual presentation.

Friday- 1. Turn in pages 2 & 3. 2. Write one-page explanation. 3. Complete visual for Monday’s presentation.