MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 6th July, 2015 in the School Hall, Abbey Woods Academy, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield, Wallingford, Oxon.

PRESENT : Councillor K. Hall Chairman

Councillor E. Croft

Councillor J. Eccles

Councillor D. Eldridge

Councillor Ms. J. Garvey

Councillor Mrs. A. Jones

Councillor S. Scott-Ely

Councillor Mrs. R. Stockford

Councillor F. Workman

1. Items raised by Members of the Public

a) Wey Road, Berinsfield. Residents from Wey Road attended the meeting to ask for the Parish Council’s assistance to try to resolve parking problems in Wey Road. Vehicles are being parked close to the entrance to paths at rear of properties and this causes problems for residents when trying to put their wheelie bins out for collection. The Chairman, Councillor Hall, informed the residents that the Parish Council would contact SOHA Housing about this matter as paths to the rear of the properties and the car parking area was in their ownership.

b) Mr. James Bromhead from Pigeon Land Promotions attended the meeting. He introduced himself and explained that he wished to gain an understanding of what is happening in Berinsfield.

c) Shops at the junction of Chiltern Close and Fane Drive. Councillor Eccles informed the meeting that a car appeared to have been abandoned at the rear of the shops. District Councillor John Cotton had previously informed the Parish Council that he would make enquiries at the District Council with regard to this site and the abandoned enforcement action, but no further information has been received to date.

d) Parking on grass verges. The Parish Council was informed that the vehicle owned by John O’Connor contractors was again parked on the grass verge. The Chairman, Councillor Hall, informed the meeting that the vehicle was usually parked on the road in Fane Drive, but sometimes this caused an obstruction to other road users.

e) Russell Jackson Close. The Parish Council was informed that there was a problem with rats in Russell Jackson Close, possibly coming through from the fields at the rear. The Parish Council will investigate this matter.

2. Declarations of Interest. There were no declarations of interest.

3. To approve and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 1st June 2015.

a) It was noted that Councillor J. Eccles had given his apologies for the meeting on 1st June and this had not been noted in the Minutes.

Subject to noting the apologies of Councillor J. Eccles, the Minutes of the meeting of Berinsfield Parish Council held on 1st June, 2015 were APPROVED by the Council.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes.

a) Request for additional seats in the village. A site meeting between the Chairman, Councillor Eldridge and the Clerk will be arranged in order to ascertain where seats could be provided.

5. Minutes of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group meeting held on 18th May, 2015 The Minutes of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group meeting held on 18th May were approved by the Parish Council at its meeting held on 1st June, 2015.

6. Report from Councillor Scott-Ely, Chairman of the Berinsfield Neighbourhood Development Plan and Order(s) Steering Group.

Pre-submission consultation. Councillor Scott-Ely informed the meeting that the consultation period had run until 3rd July and that responses had been received from statutory consultees as well as from residents of Berinsfield and Dorchester on Thames.

South Oxfordshire District Council will make a formal response when it has been signed off, but the Interim Planning Policy Team Leader from South Oxfordshire District Council has indicated that he will contact Councillor Scott-Ely, Chairman of the Berinsfield Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group to arrange a meeting to discuss how the Berinsfield Neighbourhood Development Plan could feed into the South Oxfordshire Local Plan.

Locality. The Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group has been awarded technical support from Locality. The consultant appointed to assist the Steering Group will review the evidence base to assess whether the Steering Group has the evidence to back up what has been achieved to date.

Green Belt Review. There is still no news on the Green Belt Study.

Questionnaire to be circulated at the Village Fete. Copies of a draft questionnaire that the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group would like to circulate to residents at the Village Fete, were distributed to Members of the Parish Council. The Parish Council reviewed the questions and considered that the information that would be obtained from the consultation would be beneficial to the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group. The Parish Council felt that in order to encourage residents to participate in the consultation small prizes should be awarded. It was therefore AGREED that the draft questionnaire as circulated at the Parish Council meeting should be approved and circulated for completion by residents at the Village Fete and that four prizes of £25.00 each should offered as a way of encouraging participation in the consultation. Each completed questionnaire will be numbered and a raffle ticket bearing the same number will be entered into a draw to select the four participants to receive the £25.00 cheques.

7. County Councillor’s Report. County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale had prepared reports for June and July 2015. The June report had not been received in time to be considered by the Parish Council at its meeting on 1st June and therefore the Parish Council noted the contents of both reports. The Parish Council noted in particular that the Local Transport Plan 2015-2031 would be considered by the OCC Cabinet in July. Comments had been submitted for inclusion in the Local Transport Plan 2015-2031 about the need for a cycleway from Berinsfield to Oxford.

8. Casual Vacancies on Berinsfield Parish Council. Following the co-option of Councillor Mrs. A. Jones, there are still three vacancies for Parish Councillors. It was AGREED that the vacancies should be advertised with a view to inviting applications from eligible people who wish to be considered to be co-opted Members of Berinsfield Parish Council.

9. To consider planning applications and decisions received to date.

a) Planning Decision.

Amended Details. Application reference P15/S0039/HH. Amendment No. 1, dated

22nd May, 2015. Proposed part garage conversion and single storey rear extension to provide ancillary accommodation to existing dwelling (as amended by plans received 21/05/15, incorporating a monopitch roof sloping down to a lower level along the boundary). 26 Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield. The Parish Council noted that planning permission has been granted.

b) Planning Application P15/S1639/FUL. Erection of a four-bedroom chalet style dwelling. Land north of A 415 and west of Berinsfield Burcot (within the parish of Berinsfield). The Parish Council noted that the application had been withdrawn by the applicant.

10. Correspondence and Items for Information.

a) Request for Cricket Nets on the Recreation Ground, Berinsfield. A request for cricket nets to be provided on the recreation ground was considered by the Parish Council. The Council were very much in favour of cricket being played on the recreation ground and details of mobile cricket nets that are available for purchase were displayed at the meeting. The Chairman asked if the request could be deferred until the next meeting in order that an approach could be made to a local sports club that is closing to enquire if they wish to sell their cricket nets.

b) South Oxfordshire & Vale of White Horse District Councils. Joint Homelessness Strategy 2015 -2020. Consultation 16th June – 14th July, 2015. The Parish Council noted that the consultation was currently taking place and also noted that comments could be submitted via the website. www.sothoxon.gov.uk/homelessnessstrategy

c) South Oxfordshire District Council Community Infrastructure Levy Schedule Examination. The Council noted that the examination will be held on Wednesday 29th July 2015 at 9.30 am at Benson Parish Hall. The closing date for responses is 13th July, 2015. The Parish Council had previously responded to the CIL Draft charging Schedule public consultation document stating that there should be one CIL charge of £150.00 across the District and not a lower rate of £85.00 for Berinsfield and Didcot. The Parish Council agreed not to submit another response to the Examiner, but it was AGREED that six seats should be booked for Parish Council Members at the examination.

d) PAGE The information provided by the PAGE Group which was included in the agenda was noted by the Parish Council. Councillor Scott-Ely, Chairman of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group informed the meeting that Oxfordshire County Council, as one of the statutory consultees for the Neighbourhood Development Plan, had stated that all land around Bernsfield contains gravel but it is of poor quality, therefore Oxfordshire County Council will not be objecting to development as detailed in the Neighbourhood Development Plan.

e) Broadband The Parish Council noted the information contained in the agenda regarding the two fibre-enabled cabinets in the village have gone live and the postcodes that could now request an upgrade to fibre-enabled broadband from a range of Internet Service Providers. In most cases this means that residents can select a product offering download speeds above 24 Mb/s following infrastructure upgrades made via the Better broadband for Oxfordshire programme. The link to check availability and which company can supply the new broadband service is :-


f) Transfer of land from South Oxfordshire District Council to Berinsfield Parish Council. The Parish Council noted the information provided with the supplementary agenda regarding the proposed transfer of land from South Oxfordshire District Council. This is in accordance with the offer accepted by the Parish Council at its meeting on 6th December 2010 The Parish Council considered that it would be beneficial to meet with Officers from South Oxfordshire District Council to discuss the matter in more detail, including the possibility of a new tree survey and transferring the land in one tranche rather than splitting the transfers into two tranches. It was AGREED that a meeting should be arranged with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Clerk of Berinsfield Parish Council and Officers from South Oxfordshire District Council to discuss the transfer process in more detail.

g) Internal Auditor’s Report 2014-15 The Parish Council noted that the internal audit had been completed on 30th June and also the contents of the Internal Auditor’s summary report. The Parish Council thanked the Clerk for preparing the Parish Council’s accounts.

h) Village Fete 11th July, 2015. The Parish Council noted the arrangements for the village fete to be held on 11th July, 2015 on the recreation ground.

i) Planning Policy under the New Government, Tuesday 29th September, 2015 - London It was AGREED that Councillor Scott-Ely should represent the Parish Council at the meeting and that the fee of £225.00 and relevant travelling expenses should be paid by the Parish Council.

j) Subsidised Buses and Dial-a-Ride. The Parish Council noted the dates of the consultation meetings and that details of the proposals and online response form were available on www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/stconsultation. The services in the Berinsfield area that are subsided are the T2 and 97. Councillor Eldridge informed the meeting that he hoped to attend one of the consultation meetings.

k) Sport for Streets. Mrs. J. Logan, Resident Involvement Manager from SOHA Housing had informed the Parish Council that the Sport for Streets project would be back in Berinsfield soon. The Organiser had been trying to obtain further funding to ensure that the young people obtained something from the work he is doing with them rather than running a few sessions then leaving again.

Mrs. Logan also indicated that SOHA housing is not in a position to support any youth work in the Campus Youth Centre due to lack of staff resources. Councillor Workman informed the Parish Council that the Manager from the Sports Centre would be keen to speak to the Parish Council about this matter and it was AGREED that the Clerk should contact him to try and arrange a meeting.

l) Request for double yellow lines – Fane Drive from Green Furlong to lay-by outside Church in Wimblestraw Road. A request has been received from a resident for the double yellow lines to be continued from the top of Green Furlong to the lay-by outside the Church in Wimblestraw Road. It was pointed out that vehicles are parked in Fane Drive outside the front of the Church and this causes problems for people who have to reverse out of the parking bays by the shops. It was AGREED that the Parish Council should contact Oxfordshire County Council to ask for double yellow lines to be installed in this location.

m) Request for site for Funfair. Kerry Hatwell has contacted the Parish Council to ask if there is a site in the village that she could rent to bring her funfair to the village. The Parish Council did not consider that any of the land in its ownership would be suitable and suggested that the request be forwarded to local land owners.

n) Crutch Furlong. The Parish Council has been asked for its assistance in trying to prevent residents parking their vehicles on the grass verges at the entrance to Crutch Furlong. The land is in the ownership of SOHA Housing and therefore the Parish Council will forward the request to them. It was noted that there are large trees on the open spaces at the entrance to the cul-de-sac, but that the vehicles are being parked behind these.

o) British Red Cross Humanitarian Citizen Award 2015. The Parish Council noted that the British Red Cross has asked Mr. John Howell, OBE, MP for his help to discover young people in the constituency whose selfless actions go unsung and who could be nominated for an award. The award scheme is open to anyone aged 25 or under and celebrates the achievements of young people in one of four categories. The categories are first aid, volunteering, community action and fundraising. Nominations can be completed online at www.redcross.org.uk/theaward and are open until 2nd August. The Parish Council will publicise this information on the notice board and website.

11. Statement of Accounts for payment in July. It was AGREED that the statement of accounts for July in the sum of £11,346.78 should be APPROVED

12. Date of next meeting – Monday 3rd August, 2015.

130. Confidential Item

In view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, it is recommended that the public and press be excluded for the consideration of this item.

a) Pavilion Caretaker.