Charlton Horethorne C of E Primary School
Friends of the School Association (FSA)
Minutes for meeting dated 6 November 2017 (AGM & Business meeting)
Tess Horn (Outgoing Chair)
Adie Oura (Incoming Chair)
Sarah Lacey - part meeting (Outgoing Treasurer)
Andrea Power (Incoming Treasurer)
Juliet Churchward (Outgoing Secretary)
Helen Bagwell (Incoming Secretary)
Rachel Butters (Outgoing Co-Secretary)
Liz Haskett – part meeting
Katherine Davis – part meeting
Kirstie Lynch
Victoria Holt
Mrs Watkins
Mrs Carr
Mrs Sherrard
The following are notes and actions agreed from the above meeting, they are not necessarily in the order discussed.
Item No. / Discussion/ Action / Person Agreeing to Action1 / New Committee
Tess welcomed everyone to the meeting as outgoing Chair. The new committee was voted in as follows:
Chairman: Adie Oura (nominated by Tess Horn)
Treasurer: Andrea Power (nominated by Katherine Davis)
Secretary: Helen Bagwell (nominated by Juliet Churchward)
Adie & Helen explained that the FSA has not been active so far this term, so now was an opportunity to re-focus, encourage new parents to get involved, and ensure that everything possible can be done to provide whatever is needed for the benefit of the children.
2 / Treasurers Report year ending 30/09/17
Sarah presented a summary of the accounts for the financial year ending 30/09/17.
Income = £4,160
Expenses = £3,187
Total bank balance at 30/09/17 = £4,193
A breakdown of the income and expenses was given and is circulated with these minutes.
The current bank balance is virtually unchanged at approximately £4,193.
The accounts need to be signed off by the Chairman. All present agreed they were happy with the accounts, subject to seeing the breakdown circulated. Any queries should be made to the Treasurer by Monday 13th November. The annual return will then be made to the Charity Commission.
Transparency of the accounts is an important principle and in addition to the accounts being submitted to the Charity Commission and therefore displayed on their website, the accounts can be viewed by anyone on request. / Adie
Andrea P
3 / Coffee & Cake
Victoria & Tess agreed to take responsibility for organising after school Coffee & Cake, with the aim of holding one every half-term. Mel Oura had also offered to help. Volunteers to set up/serve/clear away, and donations of cakes are always welcome.
The next Coffee & Cake will be on Wednesday 6th December in the hall after school. All are welcome and notices will be put up in school and by the carpark. Helen offered to get the second-hand uniform out and to sell the remaining stock of school Christmas cards. / Victoria
4 / Christmas Activities
Theatre production: It was agreed the FSA would pay for the Treehouse Theatre to come in to school with an interactive performance of Snow White at a cost of approximately £400. It is better value than travelling to a pantomime and went well last year.
Father Christmas: It was agreed to buy books for presents for the children, as usual, for the Christmas party. Likely cost approximately £60. Helen agreed to order the books and arrange a date for volunteers to wrap & label. The staff agreed to organise Father Christmas and a present for him would be provided by the FSA e.g. chocolates.
Pass the parcel: There was discussion about the best way to organise this for the Christmas party, with the suggestion of the prizes being for the class rather than the child. It was agreed the staff would decide what would work best and let the FSA know what they need.
Christmas Lunch: Nick & Victoria Holt have agreed to prepare the Christmas Lunch as usual, on Wed 20th December. Volunteers will be needed on the day, and possibly the day before to help with peeling & chopping veg. Please let Victoria know if you can help on either day.
School Play: It was agreed to serve tea/coffee & mince pies both evenings, and to raffle a Christmas hamper each night. Contributions for hampers, and mincepies will be requested nearer the time. Kate Baker had agreed to wrap the hampers again.
End of term refreshments: It was agreed to re-start the end of term refreshments before everyone leaves for holiday. Tea/coffee & mincepies will be served in the hall from 2.30pm after the church service. Volunteers will be welcome.
Christingles: The staff agreed to ask Sarah Godfrey what she is planning for Christingle. Last year they were made in school, and the FSA provided some of the materials. Rachel Butters agreed to ask the community support contact at Morrisons if they would supply what is needed (oranges, sweets etc) / Mrs Vaughan
5 / New projector for Ladybird class
Mrs Carr explained how much the projector is used in class, and how the current one is too expensive to mend. A new projector similar to the one in Bee class will cost around £2,000 and it has been suggested that a capital grant from the Diocese may be requested which will cover 90% of the cost. It was agreed that the FSA would fund the 10% balance of £200-£300. / Mrs Carr
6 / Quiet Garden Project
Helen explained that the FSA has been granted £500 from the DT9 Community Fund, and £50 from Castle Gardens for this project. Mrs Watkins explained the need for a quiet, reflective area for the children, which could be used at break times and as an outdoor learning area, and would reflect the Christian values of the school. She would like to involve the children in developing ideas for the area and managing the area when it is finished.
The first stage will be to remove the raised beds and anything else that is broken or no longer needed (one raised bed will be moved to the Ladybird play area, and we will seek homes for the others for a donation). Then some hard landscaping work would be needed to prepare the area before the final stage of turning it into a quiet/reflective area e.g. seating, planting, quiet games, decoration. Tim Bagwell had offered to work with a team of parents to do the clearing and hard landscaping, and it is hoped that much of the materials can be sought as donations or at trade price to leave as much of the funding as possible for use on the final stage. Helen agreed to find a date for the clearing work to begin, and to chase up the Community Fund for the cheque! / Helen
7 / AOB
Mrs Holt has requested a new guillotine for Dragonfly class, which is likely to be under £100. It was agreed the FSA would fund this. / Mrs Holt
8 / Date of next meeting
Friday 19th January after school in the hall (if wet it will be in a classroom).