Donald Matthew Surles

5211 Heatherdawn Court

Katy, TX 77494

H: 281.392.3726

M: 281.630.7655

W: 281.366.1429


Ph.D. Geological Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 2007

- Dissertation title: “Interactions between structures in the Appalachian and Ouachita foreland beneath the Gulf Coastal Plain”

M.S. Geosciences, University of Louisiana - Monroe, Monroe, Louisiana, 2001

- Thesis title: “Description of a large-scale Eocene crevasse splay, Olson property, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana”

B.A. General Geology, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, 1999

Professional Experience

BP America (October 2007-present)

Operations and Development Geologist, Houston, TX — 2008-present

Responsibilities include:

• Picking new-drill bottom-hole locations and determining target depths.

• Generating SOR for new wells.

•Geologic support during drilling (includes picking tops and pay zones, setting TD).

• Assisting in perf-picking meetings.

• Fielding technical inquiries from partners.

Exploration Geologist, Houston, TX — 2007-2008

Responsibilities included:

•Evaluated multiple prospectsfor potential economic and recoverable hydrocarbons.

•Worked several projects through the LT and XX, and were eventually bid and acquired at lease sales.

University of Kentucky (2001-2007)

Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Geological Sciences, Lexington, Kentucky — 2001-2007

Research Assistant duties:

• Geologic mapping in coal-bearing rocks in the Appalachian thrust belt in Alabama, supplemented with correlation of 150+ coal bed methane well logs. Map filed with the United States Geological Survey.

• Stratigraphy and structure of Appalachian thrust belt beneath the Gulf Coastal Plain. This study included extensive interpretation of geophysical well logs and 2D seismic reflection profiles.

• Vitrinite reflectance analysis as part of a project funded by the Petroleum Research Fund

Teaching Assistant duties:

• Three semesters of Sedimentary Geology as lab and class assistant

• One semester each of lower and upper level field methods class as lab assistant

University of Louisiana-Monroe (1999-2001)

Teaching Assistant, Department of Geosciences, Monroe, Louisiana — 1999-2001

Teaching Assistant duties:

• Four semesters of teaching Physical Geology lab, including planning of curriculum

Selected Publications

Surles, M, and Thomas, W.A., 2004, Orthogonal basement fault systems and diachronous Ouachita-Appalachian thrusting around the Black Warrior basin, Alabama and Mississippi: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, no. 5, p. 504.

Surles, M., and Thomas, W.A., 2005, Cambrian-Early Mississippian passive margin of southern Laurentia: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, no. 7, p. 143.

Surles, M., 2007, Interactions between structures in the Appalachian and Ouachita foreland beneath the Gulf Coastal Plain: Lexington, University of Kentucky, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, 145 p.


Eric Dixon, Angola Exploration Manager, BP plc, +44 (0) 1932 771976,

Randy Rickford, Eagle Ford Reservoir Management Team Lead, BP America, 281-366-2725,

David Brucker, Wyoming / San Juan NWD Team Lead, BP America, 281-366-0369,

Robert Lieber, Senior PetrophysicistUnconventional Gas Flagship, BP America, 281-366-0508,

William Thomas, Emeritus Professor, University of Kentucky Earth & Environmental Sciences, 859-257-6222,