EDF 1005 Field Experience Guidelines [15 hours][1]
This is a Florida Department of Education required course. As a pre-service teacher trainee, you must complete two separate 15 hour field experiences for a total of 30 hours. Your first 15 hours field experience is in EDF 1005 – Introduction to Education. The second 15 hour field experience is in EDG 2701 – Exploring Diverse Populations. These are two separate and unique field experiences. You may not substitute hours you’ve completed for one class for required hours in the other class. Failure to complete two separate field experiences will result in an “F” for the class that was not completed.
In this field experience you will begin to explore the teaching profession and the culture of education. This will be accomplished through the specific assignments that are described below. The graded assignments will be included in your teaching portfolio.
To successfully complete this field experience, you must:
- Identify one classroom and teacherthat you would like to observe and give the principal and/or teacher a copy of the letter of introduction that I have provided.
- Complete any requirements that the school has for allowing you access to the school/classroom.
- Develop a schedule with the teacher for observations.
- Complete the assignments and create your portfolio.
EDF 1005 Introduction to Education Field Experience Assignments
Assignment 1 : Interview [1 hour]40 points
The student will identify three teachers to interview to determine: “What are the reasons that people choose to teach?”
Assignment 2: School Structure/Culture [2 hours]
20 points
The student will collect information about the school structure and culture through interviews with school staff and online searches of school and state education databases
Assignment 3: Observation [2 hours]
40 points
The student will observe the classroom environment and the teaching and learning process. Specifically, the observation will focus on classroom demographics (i.e. student diversity), the physical environment, classroom management techniques, curricula and teaching methods.
Assignment 4: Fieldwork [10 hours]
100 points
The student will participate in at least 10 hours of fieldwork related to assisting in the classroom or tutoring.
Field Experience Assignment #1
Teacher Interview
40 pts.
The purpose of this activity is to provide you with an opportunity to examine the teaching profession from the perspective of inservice teachers. In doing so, you will be able to examine your own reasons for considering a teaching career.
- You must interview three [3] teachers with varying years of experience. Using the interview guide that you created in the first class, you will interview each teacher about his/her reasons for entering the teaching profession, and more importantly, for staying.
- Write a brief report [2-3 pages] to compare and contrast the responses from the three teachers.
- In your report, discuss your reasons for considering a teaching career and how your reasons compare/contrast with those of the three teachers.
This assignment will be graded as follows:
- Evidence of interviews using interview guide: 10 pts
- Written conclusions – compare/contrast responses: 10 pts
- Discussion of your reasons: 10 pts.
- Grammar, spelling, punctuation: 5 pts
- Adherence to format guidelines in syllabus: 5
- Total: 40 pts
**Complete the “Self-Rating” column of the following rubric and any comments that you wish to make and attach it to the front of your paper before you submit it for a grade.
Field Experience Assignment 1
Grading Rubric
Name: ______
Points / Self Rating / Professor’s PointsInterview [10]
Written conclusions [10]
Discussion of reasons [10]
Grammar, spelling, punctuation [5]
Format guidelines [5]
Total [40]
Professor’s Comments:
Assignment 2
School Structure/Culture
20 points
The purpose of this activity is to acquaint you with school structure and the culture of staff and administration.
- You will gather information to answer the questions below by talking to administrators, teachers, support staff, and parents and by conducting an internet search of school and state department of education websites.
- Answer the following questions:
- Describe the surrounding community demographics…ethnic makeup, average income, population, etc.
- How many students are in the school? How many girls? How many boys? How many black, white, Hispanic, Asian, multiethnic students?
- How many teachers? Administrators? What are the educational backgrounds of the staff and administrators?
- What kinds of programs are offered? I.e. gifted, early intervention/at-risk, special education, ESOL?
- What are the administrative levels in the school?
- What roles, besides teaching, do teachers have?
- How is governance handled in the school? I.e. shared with teachers? With parents? Only with assistant principals?
- Does the school engage in parent outreach activities? What kind? Some examples are School Advisory Committee (SAC), classroom or school volunteer activities, parent training, PTSA, booster clubs. Describe the activities.
- How does the school facilitate communication for parents who don’t speak English? Provide and example.
- What school reform issues does the school deal with? Some examples are technology (available to teachers and students), dress code, school rules, academic standards (such as FCAT and No Child Left Behind)
- What kind of training/inservice opportunities do teachers have? Some may be mandatory such as ESOL and reading training.
When you have collected answers to the above questions, you should have a good picture of the school structure and culture. You may present the information in a bulleted format provided that you include enough information in your bullets. In a 1 page summary, reflect on the culture of the school. Some (but not all) issues that you may wish to consider are: Does it appear to be a good place to work? Are parents welcomed as important members of the educational team? Would you like to work in this school? Do the teachers and staff make you feel welcome? Do the students seem happy to be there?
This assignment will be graded as follows:
- Questions answered: 5 pts
- Written conclusions: 5 pts
- Grammar, spelling, punctuation: 5 pts
- Adherence to format guidelines in syllabus: 5
- Total: 20 pts
**Complete the “Self-Rating” column of the following rubric and any comments that you wish to make and attach it to the front of your paper before you submit it for a grade.
Assignment 2
School Structure/Culture
Grading Rubric
Name: ______
Points / Self Rating / Professor’s PointsQuestions answered [5]
Written conclusions [5]
Grammar, spelling, punctuation [5]
Format guidelines [5]
Total [20]
Professor’s Comments:
Assignment 3
Classroom Observation
40 points
The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to identify elements of a positive learning environment as you observe a classroom.
- Review each of the 15 areas listed on the attached form before you arrive in the classroom for your observation.
- As you observe the classroom, the teacher, and the students write responses to the questions in the spaces provided on the form.
- After completing the Observation form, write a 300-500 word report reflecting on what you learned from your observations. Include your answers to the following questions:
- Why is it important to create a positive environment in the classroom?
- What impressed you most about your time in the classroom? Provide examples.
- What did you see in this classroom that you would like to use in your own classroom?
- What, if anything, would you want to change in the learning environment that you observed?
The assignment will be graded as follows:
- Completion of the observation tool – 15 pts
- Reflection paper – 15 pts
- Grammar, spelling, and punctuation – 5 pts
- Format – 5 pts.
- Total – 40 pts.
**Complete the “Self-Rating” column of the following rubric and any comments that you wish to make and attach it to the front of your paper before you submit it for a grade.
Assignment 3
Classroom Observation
Grading Rubric
Name: ______
Points / Self Rating / Professor’s PointsObservation Tool [15]
Reflection paper [15]
Grammar, spelling, punctuation [5]
Format guidelines [5]
Total [40]
Professor’s Comments:
Topic / Observations1. Describe the layout of the room. What do you think is the teacher’s basic philosophy? Support your answer.
2. What information do you see on the bulletin boards in this classroom? How does it support the curriculum?
3. Describe the students in the classroom – culture, race, socio-economic level. How do these factors influence the learning in the classroom?
4. How does the teacher promote a positive learning environment in the classroom? Give specific examples.5. Are lesson outcomes for the day written? What are they? Where are they posted?
6. How does the teacher manage student behavior? What are the rewards for positive behavior? Consequences for disobeying the rules?
7. How does the teacher use direct and indirect teaching?
8. Give examples of the teacher’s use of the pedagogical cycle [lesson, questions, responses]
9. Questioning: During some portion of the direct lesson, record the teacher’s questions. Identify the level of the question and the amount of wait time for each question.
10. Did the teacher’s instructional strategies include: Direct instruction? Cooperative learning? Problems solving?
Provide examples.
11. How was technology used to support and/or enhance instruction?
12. How does the teacher differentiate instruction to accommodate students with disabilities, as well as students who are academically advanced? Use specific examples.
13. What evidence did you see that Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences is acknowledged in the lessons or the classroom. Provide specific examples.
14. What evidence did you see that different learning styles are acknowledged [i.e. visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile]?
15. How does the teacher evaluate learning outcomes? How does the teacher record those outcomes?
Assignment 4
Field Work
100 points
The purpose of this activity is to provide future teachers with the opportunity to become more personally involved in the teaching-learning process.
- This activity requires you to successfully participate in at least 10 hours of a fieldwork experience in the same classroom with the same teacher.
- All guidelines and required paperwork and deadlines must be met to successfully complete this field experience. You must submit a detailed log to document the hours spent in the classroom.
- You will write a brief [2-3 page] summary of your experience and address the questions on the attached form. This written summary will be submitted with your log.
- You must provide contact information for the teacher with whom you will work. This includes the teacher’s name, phone number and email address. The instructor reserves the right to contact the school and the teacher during the semester.
The assignment will be graded as follows:
- Log – 60 pts
- Reflection paper – 30 pts
- Grammar, spelling, and punctuation – 5 pts
- Format – 5 pts.
- Total – 100 pts.
**Complete the “Self-Rating” column of the following rubric and any comments that you wish to make and attach it to the front of your paper before you submit it for a grade.
Assignment 4
Field Experience
Grading Rubric
Name: ______
Points / Self Rating / Professor’s PointsLog [60]
Reflection paper [30]
Grammar, spelling, punctuation [5]
Format guidelines [5]
Total [100]
Professor’s Comments:
Assignment 4 Field Experience Log
Date / TimeIn / Time
Out / Description of activities and teacher’s signature
Assignment 4 Field Experience
Reflections on Your Experience
Complete the following reflection activity after you complete your fieldwork experience.
Respond to the following questions reflecting on your experience in the classroom:
- What did you enjoy most about participating in the field experience?
- What did you enjoy least about participating in the field experience?
- Describe the most rewarding experience you had while participating in the classroom.
- How did this experience change and/or influence your decision to become a teacher?
How did your experience add to your knowledge about good teaching practices
[1] The Field Experience document is based on information provided by the Education Department of Anne Arundel Community College.