Iterative Solution of Linear Equations

Preface to the existing class notes

At the risk of mixing notation a little I want to discuss the general form of iterative methods a general level. We are trying to solve a linear system Ax=b, in a situation where cost of direct solution for matrix A is prohibitive. One approach starts by writing A as the sum of two matrices A=E+F. With E chosen so that a linear system in the form Ey=c can be solved easily by direct means. Now we rearrange the original linear equation to the form:

Ex = b - Fx

Introduce a series of approximations to the solution x starting with an initial guess x(0) and proceeding to the latest available approximation x(j). The next approximation is obtained from the equation:

E x(j+1) = b - F x(j)


x(j+1) = E-1 (b - F x(j)).

Understand that we never actually generate the inverse of E, just solve the equation for x(j+1).

To understand convergence properties of this iteration introduce the residual r(j) = b - A x(j). Using this definition and the definition of the iteration, we get the useful expression:

r(j+1) = FE-1 r(j),


r(j) = (FE-1)j r(j).

If you know something about linear algebra this tells you that the absolute values of eigenvalues of FE-1 should be less than one.

Another approach is to choose a matrix M such that the product of M-1 and A is close to the identity matrix and the solution of an equation like My=c can be obtained without too much effort. The revised problem can be cast either in the form

M-1Ax = M-1b


AM-1 y = b where x =

Beginning of normal ME540 Notes

a)  Introduction

i)  Procedure – general

1)  Assume initial values for the variable field

2)  Use the nodal finite difference equations one at a time or in groups to obtain an improved value for the variables. Repeat the procedure until a converged solution is obtained.

ii)  Advantages

Iterative methods are used because:

Requires less computer storage.

Is reasonably computational fast.

There is, however, no guarantee that a converged solution can be obtained.

iii)  Symbols to be used

exact solution of differential equation

exact solution of finite difference equations

computer solution to finite difference equations

iv)  Convergence

The solution is said to be converged when


where j is an index for the iteration number.

b)  Procedure – details

i)  Rearrange coefficient matrix

Solution required H

Modify H matrix by taking each equation and dividing it by diagonal coefficient to form a “C” matrix


New Expression

The C Matrix will have all its diagonal elements with the value 1.

ii) Iterative set of equations

initial value of variable

for calculation


Introduce identity matrix, I

Add to both sides of


Transpose and let on the right hand

side be

Thus or

The iterative equation can be expressed as

C = I - B

Introduce a lower (L) and upper (U) matrix

This is known as the Jacobi method


Iterative equation for node 5

iii)  Error propagation and convergence

1)  Error propagation


Introduce computational error



Back substitute to obtain

Indicating that errors are propagated in an identical manner

To the propagation of

2)  Convergence



Convergence checks

L2 Norm

Limit (with machine accuracy)

Other tests






Will the iterative solution selected converge?

Error propagation

To answer this question we look at the characteristics roots of

the B matrix.

Latent root of “B” matrix

vector such that the equality is satisfied


Non-trivial solution

Expand as a polynomial

The characteristic root are the ’s


Maximum root is called the spectral radius of the matrix

The polynomial will converge to zero if:


Original expression (page 74 of class notes)

if <1 B < 1


so general expression



exact solution

so solution converges if

Limit i.e. < 1

c)  Influence of search pattern

i)  Jacobi

You go through the complete grid pattern with

very slow convergence

ii)  Gauss Seidel Method

The new values of

Where the equations are listed in the order of search.

The L and the U depend of the search pattern.

Rewrite expression

Note standard equation

So U is the “B” matrix for the Gauss Seidel method.

i.e. the latent roots of (I – L)-1 U must be less than 1.

Also the error propagation is

Example assume Dx = Dy


Equations for Gauss Seidel

Node 1

Node 5

Change the search pattern

Node 1

Node 5

iii)  Extrapolated Liebmann method


Multiply that change by (over-under relaxation factor)


Note If we have the Gauss Seidel method.

Example Use original search pattern.

Node 3

Node 6

iv)  Other important characteristics of the “C” Matrix

1)  Property “A”


·  Differential equation does not have mixed derivative terms.

·  The region is subdivided using a rectangular grid pattern.

And the nodes are labelled in an alternating fashion.

Black Nodes

White Nodes

The matrix will have property “A” if

Consistent ordering

If one has consistent ordering the values of the

Variable field at iteration (j+1) is independent of

Search pattern used.

Simple test: Five point approximation of -

Matrix (“C”) has property A.

1.  Select a search pattern.

2.  Move node by node through the grid following

the selected search pattern. Look at the four surrounding

nodes. If they are not already connected to the node,

draw an arrow from it with the head of the arrow located at

the surrounding node.

3.  Move around a rectangle created by the grid lines. If you

find two arrows going with you and two arrows going

against you, the search pattern has consistent ordering.

If three arrows are with you and one against (or 3 against

and 1 with you) you do not have consistent ordering.

If the “C” matrix is consistent and has property “A”

a relationship can be found between eigenvalues

of the “B” matrix for the Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and

the over-under relaxation method.

Poisson Equation

Square grid

known on all boundaries

Spectral radius for Jacobi method


If 10 x 10 mesh P = 10 q = 10

For the Gauss Seidel method


4 x 4


10 x 10

Asympototic rate of convergence




For normal convergence

Using equation [A]

Larger slower convergence

Smaller faster convergence

Note It is assumed that j is very large.

Asympototic rate of convergence


Look at examples


4 x 4 10 x 10

Jacobi 0.346 0.051

Gauss-Seidel 0.695 0.105

Gauss-Seidel method converges twice as fast as the Jacobi


Note The smaller the large CR i.e. the faster the


v)  Optimum over-under relaxation factor

It has been shown that for an interior node

with the smallest root of



4 x 4

10 x 10

For large values of P and q

100 x 100

What happens if you do not have only interior nodes or node

with property “A” and consistent ordering?


Implementation run program with (Gauss Seidel)








Figure 1 Influence of relaxation factor on number iterations to converge