Our Descendancy from Stephen Hopkins*, Francis Cooke* and George Soule* of the Mayflower (1620)
* Of the Mayflower(1620)
¹ Of the Fortune(1621) ßSee Bumpus/Harlow Family Tree
ª Of the Anne(1623) Š See Sampson/Standish Tree
‡See Churchill/Bryant Tree
†Gravesite Known ® See Rogers/Bradford Tree
ŴSee Warren/Winslow Family Tree
Constance Dudley--m1--*Stephen Hopkins--m2--*Elizabeth Fisher *Francis Cooke--ªHester Mahieu *George Soule--ªMary Beckett ¹Moses Symonson †Henry Cobb William Nelson--ªMartha Ford
______(1583-1613)____| ___(Abt.1580-1644)___|___(1595-1644)______(1582-1663)__|___(1584-1666)______(1590-1679) (1590-1676) (1603-1691) (1596-1679) (1615-1679) (1621-1683)
| | | | | | | |
Deborah Hopkins--Andrew Ring Abraham Samson--Ester Nash Alexander² Standish--Sarah² Alden †Samuel Sturtevant--Mercy Cornish Damaris Hopkins--ªJacob Cooke Robert Latham--Susannah Winslow Ŵ ªHester Cooke--Richard Wright John Soule--Rebecca Simmons John Cobb--Martha Nelson
(c. 1624-1694) (1618-1692) (c.1614-1686) (c.1624-Unk) _(c.1626-1702)___|__(1627-1688)_ (1654-1736) (1657-Unk) __(1627-1669)__|__(1618-1675)____ (1623-1688) (1625-1685) (Bef.1623-1666) (1608-1691) __(c.1632-1707)_|_(1635-1678) __ _(1632-1714)_| (1641-1712)
| | | | | | | | | | | |
*†Constance Hopkins Eleazar Ring--Mary Shaw †Issac Samson--Lydia Standish †Ebenezer Standish--†Hannah Sturtevant †Martha Cooke--†Elkanah CushmanŠ Francis Cooke--†Elizabeth Latham †Adam Wright--Sarah Soule †Rachel Soule--†John Cobb
(c.1607-1677) (1661-1749) (1667-1730) _(1660-1726)_| (1664-1734) __(c.1672-1755)___|___(1672-1759)_ (1659-1722) (1651-1727) (1662-1746) (1665-1730) __(1645-1724)_| (1660-1690) (1663-1727) (1662-1727)
| | | | |> | | | <| |
John Snow--Mary Smalley Mary Ring-- Peleg Samson †Zachariah Standish--†Abigail Whitman †Lt. Josiah Cushman--†Susannah Shurtleff Š †Francis Cooke--Ruth Silvester ® †John Wright--†Mary Lucas® †Moses Standish--†Rachel Cobb
(1638-1692) |_(1647-1703)___ (1700-1747) (1700-Aft 1739) (1698-1770) (1702-1778) ______(1688-1750)___| (1691-1763) ______(1696-1724)_| (1702-1779) _(c.1681-1774)_| (1684-1759) __(1701-1769)__| (1702-1769)
| | | | | | |
Benjamin Small--Rebecca Snow Mary Sampson--Ichabod Bradford® †Hannah Standish--†Elkanah Cushman ®Josiah Holmes--†Ruth Cooke Š†Ruth Sampson--†Adam Wright Š†Philemon Sampson--Rachel Standish
(1665-1721) |_(1676-1753)_ (1724-1823) (1713-1791) (1723-1756) (1721-1803) (1716-1782) (1722-1790) (1733-1771) (1724-1776) _(1720-1756)___| (1726-1809)
| | | | |> | <|
+Ebenezer Woodworth--Rebecca Small(ey) Israel Bradford--Hannah Everson® ®Lucy Bisbee--Ebenezer Cushman Elijah Vickery--Polly Beebe †Francis Holmes--†Lydia Sampson Levi Wright--Betty West Ŵ Ŵ Ezra Wood--Lydia Randall
(1690-Abt.1785) (1697-Aft.1737) (1766-1855) (1767-1823) (1758-1832) |___(1750-1793)______(1761-1821) (1764-1843) (1744-1812) (1749-1835) (1756-1840) |_(1754-1841)______(1762-Unk)_| (c.1763-Unk)
| | | | | | |
Joseph Woodworth--Rebecca Wright Betsey Bradford--Otis Phinney® Asenath Cushman--Daniel Vickery Sampson Holmes--†Bathsheba Bisbee‡ Adam Wright--Rebecca Wood
(1724-1794)___|__ (1728-1816)__ (1803-1882) (1800-1887) (1791-Unk) (1789-Unk) (1789-Unk) |____(1783-1839)______(1784-Unk)_| (c.1793)
| | | | |
+Thomas Davison--Anna Woodworth |> ‡ Prince Churchill Jr--Asenath Vickery †Ira Sampson Holmes--†Rebecca Wood Wright
(1753-1791) |__(1756-Unk)______(c.1804-1871) |___(1811-1890)______(1820-1881) (1819-Unk)
| | ^<| |
James Davison--Ruth Maxwell Š †Henry R. Sampson--†Rebecca P. Churchill †Ezra Phinney--†Sarah Antoinette Holmes
(1788-1850) |__(No Dates)______(1831-1922) |____(1834-1890)______(1845-1918) (1847-1919)
| | |
Gideon Nathaniel Davison--Jane Hatt + †Edgar Rollins Sampson--†Lillian Ma ude Phinney
(1829-1909) |_(1863-1948)______(1871-1936)____| (1865-1947)
| |
Theodore E. Johnson--Tera Nelson †Melissa Irene Davison--†Ray Dexter Sampson ߆Walter Ernest Bumpus--†Annie C. Carr
(1882-1942) (1881-1969) ______(1889-1952)____|_____(1891-1975)______(1868-1928)______| (1872-1936)
| | | | |
†Norman Elwin Johnson--†Ruth Ardis Sampson Arleita Sampson--Fred Rose Ralph Garfield Milne-m1-†Edna Lorraine Sampson-m2-†Everett Aliston Bumpus
______(1915-1990) ____|___(1917-2002)______(c.1929-1986) _(c.1919-)_____|______(1920-1996)______|______(1912-1971)______
| | | | | |
†Cynthia Gale Johnson--†Frank Police John Ritucci--Suzanne Ardis Johnson †Norman Elwin Johnson Jr--Ginger Brooks Brian McArdle--Linda Ruth Milne-m1-George Alexander MacCallum Jr Stephen Dexter Bumpus--Jean Wieliczki Paul Stanton Bumpus--Cynthia Florence Bliss
____(1944-2000) ___|_(1939-1972)_____ (1942-) (1947-) ____(1949-1978)__|__(1949-)_____ (c.1940-) __| (1941-) _____|______(1943-)______(1947-) (1948-) (1951-) (1952-)
| | | | | | | | |
Julie Ann Police Peter Monteiro--Kristen Melissa Police Michelle Ritucci Eri k Ringuette--Robin Johnson Joe-Silveira--Kimberely Johnson Jay Adelman--Paula Beth Milne Todd Alexander MacCallum--Stephanie Flightlin Melissa Appleby--Matthew Scott MacCallum-m1-Lisa Finney Paul Eric Bumpus-Bliss
(1967-) __(c.1969)__|_____(1969-)_ (1987-) ___(1970-)_____|___(1971-)___ (1968-)_|__(1969-)___ (1966-)__|__ (1965-)_ (1969-) (1977-) (1974-) (1981-) (1971-)
| | | | | | | | | | | |
Alexander Mon teiro Olivia Gale Monteiro John Ringuette Justin Ringuette Allie Ringuette Joey Silveira Jared Silveira Justin Adelman Brittany Adelman Hailey Nichelle MacCallum Drew Anne MacCallum Kaitlyn Bliss
(1999-) (2002-) (1997-) (1999-) (2001-) (1997-) (1999-) (1990-) (1994-) (1992-) (2002-) (1992-)