Parish Clerk: Fiona Lowe, Fourwinds, Fore Street, Witheridge, Tiverton EX16 8AH
01884 860839 E-mail: Website:
Dear Councillors, you are duly summoned to attend the 254th Puddington Parish Council Meeting
on Tuesday 2nd January 2018at the earlier time of 7.30pmat the Village Hall,
to which members of the public are invited and welcome to attend.
1)Welcome – Chairman to welcome Cllr Peter Heal, Chairman of MDDC
2)Public Session – To take questions from the Public
3)Apologies – To receive and approve apologies for absence
4)Declarations of Interest
5)Minutes – To consider for approval the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 7th November2017. The minutes having been previously circulated.
6)Correspondence – Please see separate list of correspondence e-mailed to Cllrs for consideration/information.
Decision: 06/11 - Reference 17/01640/PNAG. Prior notification for the erection of agricultural storage buildings at land at NGR 284018 111308 (Coombe Farm), Puddington. Development Acceptance.
Decision:17/11 - Reference 17/01500/FULL.Erection of a replacement dwelling and garage following demolition of existing dwelling at Ash Farm, Puddington, Tiverton.Permitted with Conditions to Discharge.
Decision: 04/12 - Erection of an agricultural storage and livestock building at land at NGR 284451 111211 (Chapple Farm) Puddington. Refused permission.
8)Current Business
a)Review the budget/precept for 2018, including grant applications and update from Clerk regarding cemetery responsibility.
b)Annual Parish Meeting – Date and format to be considered.
9)Councillors Reports – for information
10)Finance- Clerks pay - £95.00
11)Confirm Date of next meeting
- Planning Meeting –Tuesday 6th February 2018 (this will be cancelled if there are no planning applications)
- Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 6th March 2018
Fiona Lowe, Parish Clerk
Correspondence List from 02/11/17 to 22/12/2017 inclusive
- 22/12/17 DALC - Your e-bulletin from Devon ALC
- 21/12/17 Communications: Cabinet Meeting Agenda 4 January 2018
- 21/12/17 Communications: Environment Policy Development Group Agenda 9 January 2018
- 21/12/17 DCC: Season's greetings from Devon County Council
- 20/12/17 Communications: Planning Committee Agenda 3 January 2018
- 20/12/17 DCC: Submission of flood event information to Devon County Council in case of flooding
- 19/12/17 MDDC: Message to all Town/Parish Clerks
- 19/12/17 Press Release: A guide to recycling over the festive period
- 19/12/17 MDDC: Town and Parish Councillor Allowances
- 18/12/17 Press Release: New Waste Transfer Station opens in Mid Devon
- 15/12/17 MDDC: Intimidation in Public Life - recent review published
- 13/12/17 Cllr Judi Binks Newsletter
- 12/12/17 Devon Communities: Western Power Distribution Affordable Warmth
- 08/12/17 MDDC: Residents' Have Your Say Survey
- 07/12/17 Devon Communities Together: If you LOVE Devon, you'll LOVE this update (VERSION 2)
- 06/12/17 Mid Devon District Council Community news and events Update
- 30/11/17 Communications: Agenda for Regulatory Committee 8 January 2018
- 30/11/17 Town and Parish Newsletter November 2017
- 29/11/17 Press Release: Free car parking in run up to Christmas
- 28/11/17 Press Release: MDDC takes action on fly-tippers who think dumping is OK
- 28/11/17 Press Release: Modern slavery week
- 27/11/17 Communications: Scrutiny Committee Agenda
- 24/11/17 Citizens Advice Donation 2018/19
- 23/11/17 DALC: Your latest newsletter from Devon ALC
- 23/11/17 Press Release: Have your say on our services
- 22/11/17 Press Release: Food and garden waste composted separately
- 21/11/17 Communications: Planning Committee - Agenda
- 20/11/17 Smaller Authorities Audit Appointments: Notification of external auditor appointments for the 2017-18 financial year
- 13/11/17 Devon Countryside Access Forum - NEW MEMBERS SOUGHT
- 13/11/17 Press release: Landlord Networking Event is well received!
- 10/11/17 Press Release: MDDC increasing number of clothing banks
- 10/11/17 Press Release: Response regarding planned improvements to J28 of the M5
- 09/11/17 Cllr Judi Binks Update
- 06/11/17 Communications: Agenda for Homes PDG
- 06/11/17 Press Release: Observance of Armistice Day
- 03/11/17 Press Release: Know your meat, even when buying local
- 03/11/17 DALC: Resources from DALC's AGM, Conference and Exhibition 2017
- 02/11/17 Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue: Draft Integrated Risk Management Plan Consultation
- 02/11/17 Cllr Margaret Squires - State of the District debate
- 01/11/17 Press Release: MDDC continues to protect the environment