CURRICULUM – 2005 (C – 05)
(Under MPEC System 2006-07)
Government Institute of Electronics
Secunderabad, A.P.
The State Board of Technical Education and Training, Department of Technical Education and Board of Governors of Government Institute of Electronics, Secunderabad have framed the following MPEC rules for the institute and the revised Curriculum to be effective from the academic year 2006- ’07. The Government Institute of Electronics, Secunderabad is receiving World Bank funds under Technical Education Quality Improvement (TEQIP) scheme which envisages academic autonomy for the institute which is subsequently granted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. The curriculum of the institute is revised involving experts drawn from Industry, higher institutes of learning and subject experts of the institute and is already approved in the year 2005 under code name C-05 and is adopted along with MPEC rules.The revision of curriculum will be under taken for every five years.
Government Institute of Electronics, East Maredpally, Secunderabad was established by Government of Andhra Pradesh in the year 1981 by shifting the Model Special Diploma Technician courses (MDT) which were introduced with Russian collaboration in 1976 hitherto running at Government Polytechnic, Masabtank, Hyderabad. The institute ever since its inception started making big strides in the field of Technician education.
The Government Institute of Electronics, East Maredpally, Secunderabad offers following five Special Diploma Programmes of three and half years duration under Multi Point Entry & Credit (MPEC) System.
1)Special Diploma in Electronics with specialization in Computer Engineering
2)Special Diploma in Electronics with specialization in Communication Engineering
3)Special Diploma in Electronics with specialization in Industrial Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
4)Special Diploma in Electronics with specialization in Television & Sound Engineering
5)Special Diploma in Electronics with specialization in Bio-Medical Engineering
The MPEC system permits exit at various levels during the course of study. Though based on semester pattern, the system does not insist on rigidity of subjects to be studied. A student can choose subjects to be studied in each semester to the maximum of ten subjects, subject to the conditions of prerequisites. Students of higher qualifications (Intermediate vocational, 12th std, B.Sc, Diploma) can avail exemptions and complete the Special Diploma Program in shorter span. Similarly fast paced learners opted for more number of courses/subjects complete the Program in shorter span. Similarly, for students of lower intellectual capability, it allows lower pace of learning providing longer duration (maximum of 7 years) without adversely affecting his certificates.
In MPECS each course (subject) is studied independently and carries specific Credit Points. Result is declared for each course (subject) separately and the credit for the course (subject) is earned on passing. The special Diploma Programme consists of 231 credits. On an average, each semester allows 31-36 credits for class room/ laboratory studies.
1.Duration of the PROGRAMMES:
a)The Special Diploma Programmes in Electronics with five specializations offered at Govt.Institute of Electronics, Secunderabad, shall be of three and half years duration consisting of 6 (Six) semesters of institutional instruction spread over 3 years followed by six months (seventh semester) of Industrial training.
b)However, fast paced learners and/or students with higher qualifications have the option to complete the Program in shorter span.
2. Medium of Instruction: The medium of instruction and examination shall be in English.
All candidates desirous of seeking admission into the institute should appear at the Common Entrance Examination for Polytechnics (CEEP) conducted by the State Board of Technical Education and Training, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
Eligibility criteria to appear for CEEP:
a)Candidates who have passed or appeared SSC or its equivalent examination are eligible to appear for CEEP. The selection of candidates shall be made through CEEP admission procedure conducted by SBTET, A.P. in accordance with the reservations rules stipulated by Government of Andhra Pradesh from time to time. The candidates who appeared CEEP before declaration of results should produce their pass certificate at the time of admissions.
b)The candidates having higher educational qualifications such as Intermediate, Intermediate Vocational, diploma, B.Sc etc., desirous of seeking admission into the Special Diploma Programmes are also eligible to appear CEEP and their admission is based on their CEEP ranks. However, such candidates are entitled for exemption of some subjects to be granted by Examination committee of the institute leading to earlier completion of Special Diploma programmes under newly adopted system MULTI POINT ENTRY & CREDIT SYSTEM (MPECS).
4.Course: Under this system all subjects are termed as courses. A course here means a subject.
Every course (subject) is allotted certain number of credits. The calculation of credits is as follows.
One Theory Period / week/ semester is equal to 1 Credit.
Two Practical Periods / week /semester are equal to 1 Credit.
Three Drawing Periods / week / semester are equal to 1.5 Credits.
Example: If a theory subject, say Mathematics is allotted five periods per week in a semester, that subject is equal to five (5) credits. If a practical subject, say physics lab is allotted three periods per week in a semester, that subject is equal to 1.5 credits
6.Credits Gained Through Exemptions:
The candidates with higher qualifications will gain credits for the subjects for which exemption was granted. .Exemptions, if any will be granted to the students who claim to have studied certain course(s) of special diploma programmes in their higher qualification (higher than X class) after determining equivalency of such course(s).
1. An Intermediate candidate who has passed two year intermediate course with Maths, Physics and chemistry as optional subjects may be eligible for exemption from studying subjects like Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in the Special Diploma.
2. In case of vocational intermediate, relevant credits will be given extra to regular inter mediate candidates.
3. A degree holder like B.Sc (Electronics) can avail credit gain through exemptions for all subjects for which the student is eligible.
Thus, the candidates earn credits for the exempted subjects which will be counted for award of Special Diploma.
Important Note:
Credits gained through exemptions will not be taken in to consideration for the calculation of CMA and award of class.
All the courses (subjects) of the Special Diploma programmes are classified in to four categories, namely,
Foundation courses,
Core courses,
Applied courses and
Diversified Courses.
Every student must select a minimum number of courses (subjects) from each category of courses namely, Foundation, Core, Applied and Diversified Courses. No student is allowed to take a course with out completing the pre requisite course. (Refer table on page 10 &11)
(a) FOUNDATION Courses: Foundation courses are those, which are to be taken by the students who have passed the 10th class. The candidates with higher qualifications will be granted exemption of taking a few of these courses. Approximately 20% of the total credit requirement of the Diploma program is to be allotted for these foundation courses.
(b). CORE COURSES: These are courses of foundation of different programmes and are bridge courses between the pure science courses and applied courses. The candidates with higher qualifications like vocational and applied sciences will be granted exemption of taking a few of these courses. Approximately 30% of the total credit requirement of the Diploma program is to be allotted for these core courses.
(c). APPLIED COURSES: These are the professional level terminal courses through which the desired knowledge and skills are intended to be developed in the students to perform his / her job in the chosen field of engineering and technology and hence a maximum of 40% weightage has been given for these applied courses.
(d).DIVERSIFIED/ADVANCED COURSES: It is envisaged that the training provided through all the foundation, core and applied courses would provide broad base for performing the job function in the selected discipline. But the purpose of including the diversified courses is to provide an opportunity for some more knowledge in detail in specific areas in the same or related discipline and 10% weightage has been given for these courses.
All the courses (subjects) are given a four-digit code. The first digit represents the semester and remaining three digits represent the four categories of Course as follows.
Classification of CourseS Series
Foundation Courses100
Core Courses200
Applied Courses300
Diversified Courses400
Courses like English, Mathematics etc., offered in I semester will fall under 1100 series and their numbers will be 1101, 1102, etc.
The foundation and core courses will have TV code appended before the four-digit code.
For example, English-I in I semester is TV-1101.
The Applied Courses, Diversified Courses will have Applied programme code appended before the four-digit code. For Example,
- A subject code in Computer Engg. programme will be CP-Four digit code
- A subject code in Communication Engg. programme will be CN-Four digit code
- A subject code in Industrial Electronics Engg. programme will be IE-Four digit code
- A subject code in Television& Sound Engg. programme will be TV-Four digit code
- A subject code in Bio-Medical Engg. programme will be BM-Four digit code
Every Candidate shall put up 75% of the attendance in each semester to enable the candidate to appear in the end examination of that semester. How ever, on medical grounds 10% of the attendance can be condoned. In such cases the student shall apply to the Principal for condonation with medical proof. The candidates condoned of shortage of attendance will have to pay prescribed condonation fee with in the dates specified failing which the candidates will not be allowed to take the examination.
However, if a candidate chooses more number of courses than specified in a semester, then course wise attendance for such number of courses is considered.
a). Internal assessment for theory courses:
Every theory course will have three internal assessment tests each for 20 marks. The candidates will be awarded average of the best two internal assessments.
b). Practical and Drawing Courses:
Every Practical and Drawing course will have 40 Internal marks
Practical and drawing Sessional marks are awarded on the basis of continuous evaluation.
iii. Each practical is valued for tenmarks and the total is reduced to 40 marks.
c) Industrial Training
In seventh semester, the students will have to undergo Industrial Training which will carry credits.
The training assessment shall be done and marks be awarded in the following manner.
Industry assessment: 180 marks
Institute assessment : 70 marks
Logbook: 20 marks
Project Report: 20 marks
Viva-Voce/Seminar: 30 marks
Total: 250 marks.
The assessment at the industry level will be done by a minimum of 2 examiners, one from the industry and one from the institute in two different spells.
The assessment at the institute level will be done by a minimum of 3 examiners including HOD.
At the time of reporting in the institute for the 1st semester and at the time of beginning of subsequent semesters, depending on the programme chosen at the time of admission (CP/CN/IE/BM/TV) the students need to register for the courses (subjects) they under take to study by applying in the prescribed Proforma which also includes application form for examination registration by paying an amount of Rs 15/- per credit. At a time, a student can register so many numbers of courses such that the total number of credits of all courses put together is between 31 to 44 (This allows fast learner to choose more number of courses for study).
A candidate who registers over and above eight courses (subjected to a maximum of 44 credits) can defer writing the examination of all of these extra courses or any one of these extra courses to another term. In such a case, the candidate has to intimate in writing within the due date which will be notified. In such cases of deferring the examination, there is no need to register deferred courses again.
The student is permitted to change his/her option (of choosing courses for registration) only once within one week of registration by paying an additional amount of Rs 50. The students with higher qualifications claiming exemptions must pay Rs 15/- per credit within the specified period.
The registration of courses will be allowed without late fee if registered within 1st week and with late fee in next week of notification. A late fee of Rs 100.00 will be levied for late registration. Beyond the last date, the student shall not be allowed to prosecute his/her studies.
Registration beyond the specified date will not be permitted.
No separate application is needed for the end examination from the Regular registered candidates since at the time of registration for semester the examination form is also been submitted. Backlog candidates should register for the examination with in 10 days of declaration of results. Fee once paid, will not be returned or adjusted against future examinations. The fee paid will be forfeited, if the candidate fails to qualify for the examination. The registration fee will be increased at the rate of 10% per annum for each batch of admitted candidates.
Once a student reports to the institution, every student is assigned to a counselor. In consultation with the counselor, the student chooses his/her courses (subjects) after claiming exemptions if any. Once the courses are finalized, the student registers for the selected courses by paying the registration fee @ Rs. 15/- per credit. Any student can change his option once, with in seven days, by paying an amount of Rs 50.00 as withdrawal fee. This change is allowed only once in a semester. Every Student shall register for the number of credits prescribed for each semester applicable to that particular programme. However, student can register more number of credits at his/her desire within the ambit of rules.
1. The fee paid for course withdrawn can be adjusted if any alternate course is taken, but it will not be refunded under any circumstances.
2. The withdrawal should not violate the norms of Credits / semester.
For appearing at end examination, no examination fee is charged from the regular students as the examination fee also included in the registration fee. Every student must apply, in the prescribed application form at the time of registration itself.
Back log Students need to pay examination fee along with the submission of application form for the examination. The examination fee up to three courses is Rs200.For more than three courses; examination fee is collected at the rate of Rs15/- per credit subjected to a minimum of Rs 200.Backlog candidates should register for the examination with in 10 days of declaration of results.
The Examination application form will be made available at the institution, for a cost of
Rs.5.00 per copy. The candidate has to pay an additional amount of Rs 20.00 towards Marks list.
Examination fee once paid is not refundable under any circumstances .Changes in the above rates, if any, will be intimated to the students at appropriate time.
THEORY: The pass mark in theory examination is 35% or 28 / 80 in end examination and 40% marks including Sessional.
PRACTICAL: The pass marks for practical is 50% i.e. 30/60 and Drawing courses is 40% or 24/60 in the end examination and 50% including sessional.
A student can run through all the years of study in Special Diploma Programmes subject to following conditions:
(a). A Candidate shall be permitted to appear for 1st semester examination, provided he/she puts in 75% attendance and paid the examination fee as stated in the rules and the extra courses registered in other semesters if any. (See paragraph on Attendance)
(b). A Candidate shall be allowed to take 2nd semester examination, provided he/she puts in 75% attendance in 2nd semester and the extra courses registered in other semesters if any.
©. A Candidate shall be allowed to take 3rd semester examination, provided he/she has put in the 75% attendance in 3rd semester and the extra courses registered in other semesters if any.
(d). A Candidate shall be allowed to take 4th semester examination, provided he/she puts in 75% attendance in 4th semester and should not have failed in more than four backlog courses (subjects) of 1st, 2nd and 3 rd semesters including the extra courses registered in other semesters i.e. 4th, 5th & 6th , if any, put together.
(e). A Candidate shall be allowed to take 5th semester examination, provided he/she puts in 75% attendance in 5th semester and should have been permitted to appear 4th semester examination.
(f). A Candidate shall be allowed to take 6th semester examination, provided he/she puts in 75% attendance in 6th semester and should not have failed in more than Six backlog courses (subjects) of 1st, 2nd ,3rd , 4th and 5th semester .
(g). A Candidate shall be allowed to undergo internship in the industries provided he/she should not have failed in more than Six backlog subjects of 1st to 5th semester put together .
NB: 1. As a rule, a candidate’s attendance will be condoned to the extent of 10% on valid medical grounds. Attendance percentage after condonation should not be less than 65% so as to become eligible to take the examination.
2. Deferred courses are not counted in the calculation of number of backlog courses.
(a) As mentioned previously, 7th semester is Industrial Training, during which each candidate is entitled for stipend to be paid by the industry as per the rules laid down by the MHRD, Govt. of India from time to time. In case if a candidate does not successfully complete the Industrial Training, he/she will have to repeat the training without any stipend.
(b). Each semester of Intuitional study shall be of 90 working days.