City of Happy Valley

Design Review Board Minutes

March 23, 2015

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City of Happy Valley

Design Review Board Minutes

Monday, March 23, 2015

Board Members Present: Staff Members Present:

Chair, Tarnovsky Michael Walter, Economic &

Board Member, Higgins Community Development Director

Board Member, Nelson Steve Koper, Senior Planner

Board Member, Grady Cheryl Whitehead, Planning Assistant

Vice Chair Williams

Board Member – Walton

Board Member, Tiley

Others Present:

(See attached sign-in sheet)


Chair Tarnovsky called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. Roll call was taken




1.  Minutes Dated 2-2-15

Board Member Higgins made a motion to approve minutes dated February 2, 2015. Board Member Grady seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes from Board Member Tarnovsky, Higgins, Nelson & Grady. The motion was passed with a unanimous vote.

2.  Minutes Dated 2-9-15

Board Member Nelson made a motion to approve minutes dated February 9, 2015. Board Member Grady seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes from Board Member Tarnovsky, Higgins, Nelson & Grady. The motion was passed with a unanimous vote.


The applicant’s proposal is to develop an area to accommodate up to 30 food carts, associated seating area and restroom facilities, a 51-stall parking lot, drive aisles/maneuvering areas, bicycle parking, solar apparatus and associated landscaped/hardscaped areas.

Chair Tarnovsky read the hearing script in to the record. She asked Board Members for any Declarations of Exparte Contact, Bias or Conflict of Interest.


Chair Tarnovsky asked the audience if there are any challenges to any Board Members Exparte Contact, Bias or Conflict of Interest.


Steve Koper, Senior Planner, gave the following staff report:

·  Application for a mobile food unit

·  Approximately one acre zoned Village Commercial

·  Located at 145th & Sunnyside Road

·  Applicant provided a revised site plan for 30 food carts

·  Parking was increased to 57 spaces with a caveat of no “on street parking” allowed

·  Staff also recommends that the hours be held 10am-8pm, Monday thru Friday and 10am-5pm Sunday

·  This site was rezoned in 2013

·  The applicant is responsible to provide turning signage to limit access on Princeton Village

·  Staff recommends approval of the application subject to the conditions of approval

·  DKS is also here to answer any traffic related questions

·  Staff exhibit B was received by the deadline plus additional documentation received after the deadline was added to the record

Valerie Hunter

15350 SE Monner Rd

Happy Valley, OR 97086

Ms. Hunter made the following comments:

·  Gave a power point presentation

·  30 food carts with a eating and play areas

·  The site will have a gated entrance and locked at night

·  There will be a stone pillar with a rod iron gate to prevent car access

·  This site will not be like Cartlandia or any sites in SE Portland

·  All hoses etc will not be exposed

·  Showed example of the tables – not typical picnic tables

·  Garbage cans made out of wine barrels

·  Will have flower pots

·  Pavers will be used instead of just gravel

·  Will have a more casual lighting feeling – will create a more calming feel and won’t affect the neighborhood

·  Still in talks with the city and WES regarding the restrooms but looking at using a railroad cart that opens from the side

·  Restrooms will be real bathrooms not pumped portables – will have a sanitary sink and washing system

·  Will have a lot of bike racks

·  The food carts will have skirts around them

·  Everything will be plumbed underground and hooked directly to sanitary sewer and water

·  It will have a different feel than anything we have seen before

·  Want the site to be safe and secure

·  Showed the types of trees and screening that would be used along the parking lot

·  The goal is to keep it clean with a full time maintenance crew

·  Will have security cameras installed

·  Applicant takes pride in this development and plans to be at the site with her own food cart

·  Will have a fenced in kids play area

·  This will be a family friendly, fresh food and more cost effective

·  Trying to make this an attractive site and do the maximums required to make it nice

·  Request that Monday thru Thursday be open 10-8, Friday & Saturday till 9 and negotiate Sunday – shutting down at 5pm each night defeats the purpose and is the rush hour for dinner

·  Is fine with overhead lighting suggest may have overhead lighting in the parking area and dimmer lighting in the dining area

·  Want to have a permanent covered and heated eating area

·  Consider having a clear plastic type securing the eating area as the enclosure

·  Surrounding fencing and screening would be like what is used at the mall

·  Food cart area is surrounded by arborvitae plants

·  Concerned with the hours of operation

o  Would like Monday thru Thursday 10-8

o  Friday and Saturday 10-9 and negotiable on Sunday

o  Feel shutting down at 5:00pm is missing the point and the dinner rush hour

·  The fencing is a 6ft chain link black fencing covered by arborvitae and tall grass for screening

·  Metal trellises could be added to block the site from the neighborhood, if necessary

Public testimony opened at 7:15pm

Stephen Sirkin

15056 SE John Ashley Dr

Clackamas, OR 97015

Mr. Sirkin made the following comments:

·  Is a resident of Happy Valley and lives on the east side away from the site

·  Have listened to the testimony and is impressed with the site plan

·  Don’t see it being supported by the residents

Ted Viramonte

14280 SE Bridgeton St

Clackamas, OR 97015

Mr Viramonte made the following comments:

·  Is certified in community development

·  Is the former mayor of Madras, OR

·  Hearing a lot of fear because change is fearful – any city that doesn’t change and grow, dies

·  People are worried about the parking and high school students

·  Cities develop but need to work with the residents to make it look more like the happy valley style

·  From the Clackamas resident point of view it looks like Happy Valley annexed the property for a revenue stream so it’s important for Happy Valley to be a good neighbor and work with the residents

Sharon Levin

14375 SE Oregon Trail Dr

Clackamas, OR 97015

Ms. Levin made the following comments:

·  Concerned about the vendors and staff regarding where they will park

·  Parking is very limited in the area

·  51 parking spaces will not accommodate both guest and employee parking

James Phillips

11800 SE Timber Valley Dr

Clackamas, OR 97015

Mr. Phillips made the following comments:

·  Heard about this issue since he doesn’t live near the site

·  There is no planned permanent building or restaurant

·  Not sure how this is a permitted use if there is no restaurant or existing parking lot

·  The concentration of this site is detrimental to the neighbors

·  The code states that this is not the intent to do this in a small place with no surrounding businesses

·  In Portland there are surrounding offices and buildings to support such a site

·  The parking standards for the parking is inadequate

·  This site will reduce the value of the neighboring lot

·  This site is not designed for this type of design

·  There are no permanent structures so how can you approve this if nothing to approve

Cecelia Smith

14476 SE Princeton Valley Way

Clackamas, OR 97015

Ms Smith made the following comments:

·  Her home looks directly across from the site

·  Need to have a permanent facility for the restrooms – don’t want portable restrooms

·  This does not fit in the area

·  The driveway headlights will come directly into her home

·  It is detrimental to the value of the homes

·  It will be unsightly – visited the Cartlandia site which was given as an example, most are very old and ugly

·  Attended the zone change meeting and was told it would be a bank and not a drive through

·  These are just some of the concerns there are many more

David Tacheny

1701 Broadway St

Vancouver, WA

Mr. Tacheny made the following comments:

·  Have spent 30 years in development and have done several projects in the area

·  Here on behalf of Cecilia Smith

·  Portable toilets are OK for beer gardens or carnivals but not for this

·  The site has open ground grease tanks and no removal plan submitted for the 30 carts

·  It’s against the law to dumb grease down the storm drain

·  Found two open grease dumpsters at Cartlandia

·  The development should not be allowed beer and wine unless OLCC approved

·  Ran five beer gardens in Milwaukie and it had to be fenced off and ID checked

·  Asked if music will be allowed and was given a blank stare from the City

·  How will this site be controlled in the future

·  Criteria should be set for the age of the carts etc

·  The surrounding developments wouldn’t allow this in their parking lots

·  An inadequate fire plan was submitted

·  Not fire lanes

·  30 carts will bring 30 propane tanks which can explode

·  Has an adequate fire plan been signed off on

·  Request that a 12ft high wall be installed to protect the neighbors – please consider this it would be a wonderful addition and permanent division between the neighbors and the site

·  Can’t believe that a 4 year permit for portable units would be approved

·  There is only one way in and out which is thru Princeton Village Way

·  Request that the half street be improved to a full street

·  The food will bring in rodents – there is no way that the City can control this

·  No way to control whether kids buy beer or not

·  There will only be a buffer between a good and bad site

Peter Wight

12350 SE Deerfield Dr

Happy Valley, OR 97086

Mr. Wight made the following comments:

·  This project is a transient outdoor food court

·  Do not think this is the best use for the community – see this as an eye sore

·  Worried about the traffic – will access from 145th and exit thru Princeton Village Way

·  Object to an exit putting commercial traffic onto a residential half street

·  It is wrong as to what this will do to the homeowners

·  This is a difficult lot to development anything commercial on – it is small and awkward

·  The owner should join with the other lot and have something that is better for the community

·  The City should buy the site and develop it as a green space with dog runs and picnic tables

·  The exit and access should be from 145th only and a barrier built to block access onto Princeton Village Way

Kathie Steele

Jodi Epperson

14437 & 14441 SE Bridgeton St

Clackamas, OR 97015

Ms. Steele and Ms. Epperson made the following comments:

·  Submitted written comments

·  The biggest issue is the safety and traffic

·  If heading west on Sunnyside Rd you have to go through a residential area to get to the site – there is no easy west bound access

·  Nothing will mask the smell and noise coming from the site

·  There are a lot of elderly people and children that live in the area – concerned about the traffic

·  The risk of fire with the propane tanks makes me very nervous

·  Maintenance is never really completed the way that it should be

·  Who will police the site to ensure that the CC&R’s are being met

·  This is a really bad fit for the site – makes more sense for this to be on hwy 212

·  This location is not a viable money making site

·  The property is not appropriate – it is too small and has too much traffic

·  Princeton Village is the main route to the site

Julieta Boguenzo

14497 SE Bridgeton St

Clackamas, OR 97015

Ms. Boguenzo made the following comments:

·  The site is one block from her home

·  Currently the street parking is used every day and the townhomes don’t have any available parking space

·  If 30 carts are added it will be crazy

o  Will create more social problems and issues with the kids

o  There is an elementary school two blocks away

o  Not enough parking spaces available

Patricia Hall

14202 SE Princeton Village Way

Clackamas, OR 97015

Ms. Hall made the following comments:

·  Concerned about the rodents due to all of the food