Online Resource 3 Interview questions
Assessment of management practices regarding genetic biodiversity in Baltic Sea marine protected areas. Biodiversity and Conservation. Annica Sandström*, Carina Lundmark, Eeva Jansson, Mari Edman and Linda Laikre.*Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences, Luleå University of Technology, .
A. Background information
a. Name?
b. Position?
c. Role in the management of marine protected areas?
d. How long have you worked with marine conservation?
f. Educational background?
B. Regional management
1. How is the work with marine protected areas organized within your organization?
2. What criteria govern (influence) the establishment of marine protected areas? That is, what factors decides that a new area is formed, where, and the geographical boundaries of the new area?
a. Is biological diversity a criterion?
b. How would you define biological diversity?
c. Is genetic diversity a criterion? If so, in what way? Please provide examples.
d. Why is, or is not, the genetic level considered when new marine protected areas are established?
3. Tell about the work to prepare, and revise, management pans for the marine protected areas.
a. How are the management plans formulated?
b. How often are the plans revised?
c. Who are involved in these processes?
d. Is genetic diversity considered in the processes to formulate and revise the plans? If so, in what way? Please provide examples.
e. Why is, or is not, the genetic level considered in the work with the plans?
C. Official framework of policy and regulations
4. What are the (primary) official policies, and regulations, governing the work to establish and manage marine protected areas?
a. Do these documents provide you with guidance on the work with marine protected areas? For instance, what criteria should govern the establishment of new marine protected areas and what are the requirements for management plans?
b. Does the official framework of the rules say anything about how the genetic level should be considered?
D. Network for support, guidance and knowledge
5. In cases of uncertainty (in the work with marine protected areas and the processes that we have talked about earlier), what persons do you consult?
a. Which organizations do these people represent?
b. What are the questions about?
c. How are these people helpful?
6. How would you describe and assess available resources, in terms of knowledge, time and money, in relation to your work tasks related to marine protected areas?
E. Beliefs: view on genetics and marine protected areas
7. What aspect of marine biodiversity do you consider as most important for the marine environment? Why?
8. Do you consider genetic diversity as important for the marine environment? Why/why not?
9. Do you believe that the genetic diversity in the marine environment is threatened?
a. If so, how is it threatened? Degree of threat in relation to other levels of biodiversity?
b. What are the threats towards genetic diversity?
c. Who is responsible for the threats (towards genetic diversity)?
10. How do you think that the issue of genetic diversity should be dealt with in marine management?
a. What priority do you give the issue (of genetic diversity) in relation to other problems that marine management has to deal with?
b. What actors should have responsibility for conserving genetic diversity? State/Region/Municipalities, Public actors/Private actors?
c. What type of policy instruments are the most effective for the conservation of genetic diversity? Regulation/Information/Market-based instruments?
11. What type of management measure do you consider as most efficient for the conservation of genetic diversity in the marine environment?
a. Are marine protected areas an effective management measure for genetic diversity? Why/Why not?
F. Final conclusions
12. Considering the information that you have shared during this interview, would you say that the image that you have provided is representative for your organization?
a. Is there some other person that you think I should talk to?
13. Considering the topic of our conversation, is there something else that you would like to add or talk more about?