
Alan Frost, Botany Bay, Black Inc., 2012, 294 p.

Anne Philipps, The enigma of colonialism: an interpretation of British policy in West Africa, James Currey, 1989, 192 p.

Anthony Sattin, Lifting the veil - British society in Egypt 1768 – 1956, J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd, 1988, 288 p.

Anthony Sattin, Young Lawrence: A portrait of the legend as a young man, John Murray, 2015, 336 p.

Antony Wild, The East India Company: trade and conquest from 1600, HarperCollins Illustrated, 2000, 192 p.

Ashley Jackson, The British Empire: a very short introduction, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013, 143 p.

Carrie Gibson, Empire's crossroads: a new history of the Caribbean, Pan, 2015, 456 p.

Charles Douglas-Home, Evelyn Baring: The last Proconsul, HarperCollins Distribution Services, 1978, 356 p.

Christopher Bayly, Tim Harper, Forgotten wars: the end of Britain's Asian Empire, Allen Lane, 2007, 704 p.

Clive Aslet, The age of Empire: Britain's imperial architecture, Aurum Press Ltd, 2015, 192 p.

David Butler, Mountbatten: the last viceroy, Simon and Schuster, 1986, 295 p.

David Dilks, The Great Dominion: Winston Churchill in Canada 1900-1954, Thomas Allen & Son, 2005, 512 p.

David Gilmour, Curzon, Papermac, 1995, 704 p.

David Gilmour, The ruling caste: imperial lives in the Victorian Raj, Pimlico, 2007, 416 p.

David Scott, Leviathan: the rise of Britain as a world power, William Collins, 2014, 544 p.

Fabrice Bensimon, L’Empire britannique, coll. «Que sais-je?», Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 2014, 128 p.

Harry Holcroft, The slave route: from Africa to America, ACC Art Books, 1999, 88 p.

Henri Grimal, De l’Empire britannique au Commonwealth, coll. «U», Armand Colin, Paris, 1999, 416 p.

Herbert Speyer, La constitution juridique de l’Empire britannique, UlanPress, 2012, 362 p.

Hew Strachan, 1914 – joinnow! : l’entrée en guerre de l’Empire britannique, Snoeck, 2014, 160 p.

J.W. Fortescue, Sir John Fortescue's a triumph of banners: the British Army and the war in Canada and the United States of America 1812-14, Leonaur, 2016, 192 p.

Jacques Weber, Le siècle d’Albion – l’Empire britannique au XIXe siècle, Les Indes savantes, Paris, 2011, 747 p.

Jeremy Paxman, Empire: What ruling the world did to the British, Viking Australia, 2011, 356 p.

Jerry Brotton, This Orient isle: Elizabethan England and the Islamic world, Allen Lane, 2016, 384 p.

Jim Masselos, Beato's Delhi: 1857 and beyond, SAB, 2011.

John Cowan, Canada's Governors-General: Lord Monck to General, York Publishing, 1965.

John Darwin, Unfinished Empire: the global expansion of Britain, Penguin, 2013, 496 p.

John Keay, The spice route: A History, John Murray, 2006, 304 p.

Jonathan Dimbleby, The last Governor: Chris Patten and the handover of Hong Kong, Sphere, 1998, 576 p.

Justin D. Livingstone,Livingstone's 'lives': a metabiography of a Victorian icon, coll. “Studies in Imperialism”, Manchester University Press, 2014, 320 p.

LanverMak, The British in Egypt: community, crime and crises 1882-1922, International Library of Historical Studies, I.B. Tauris, 2012, 344 p.

Martin J. Bayly, Taming the Imperial imagination: colonial knowledge, international relations, and the Anglo-Afghan encounter, 1808-1878, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016, 352 p.

Matthew Parker, The sugar barons, Windmill Books, 2012, 480 p.

Maya Jasanoff, Liberty's exiles: the loss of America and the remaking of the British Empire, HarperPress, 2011, 416 p.

Michael Barthorp, Blood red desert sand: the British invasions of Egypt and the Sudan 1882-98, revised edition, Cassell, 2002.

Nathaniel Filbrick, Bunker hill: A city, a siege, a revolution, Doubleday, 2013, 416 p.

Neil Faulkner, Lawrence of Arabia's war: The Arabs, the British and the remaking of the Middle East in WWI, Yale University Press, 2016, 480 p.

Neil Parsons, King Khama, Emperor Joe, and the great white Queen: Victorian Britain through African eyes, University of Chicago Press, 1998, 378 p.

Pamela Mountbatten, India Hicks, India remembered: a personal account of the Mountbattens during the transfer of power, Pavilion Books, 2007, 240 p.

Pankaj Mishra, From the ruins of Empire: the revolt against the West and the remaking of Asia, Penguin, 2013, 368 p.

Peter Charles Newman, Empire of the Bay: illustrated History of the Hudson Bay Company, Viking, 1989, 224 p.

Peter J. Baxter, Rhodesia: last outpost of the British Empire 1890 – 1980, Galago Publishing Pty Ltd, 2010, 576 p.

Peter Snow, When Britain burned the White House: the 1814 invasion of Washington, John Murray, 2013, 320 p.

Peter Wende, Das britische Empire – Geschichte eines Weltreichs, C.H. Beck, München, 2012, 366 p.

Pramod K. Nayar, Colonial voices: The discourses of Empire, John Wiley & Sons, 2012, 272 p.

PramoodKapur, Witness to life and freedom: Margaret Bourke - White in India and Pakistan, Roli Books, 2013, 144 p.

Priscilla Napier, Barbarian eye: Lord Napier in China, 1834 - the prelude to Hong Kong, Brassey’s, 1995, 250 p.

R.G. Moyles, Imperial Dreams and Colonial Realities: British Views of Canada, 1880-1914, University of Toronto Press, 1988, 278 p.

RamachandraGuha, Gandhi beforeIndia, Penguin, 2014, 688 p.

Ramachandra Guha, India after Gandhi: the history of the world's largest democracy, Reprints edition, Pan, 2008, 870 p.

Richard Davis, Trevor Harris, Philippe Vervaecke, La décolonisation britannique – perspectives sur la fin d’un empire (1919-1984), Editions Fahrenheit, 2012, 200 p.

RosaneRocher, What life was like in the jewel in the Crown: British India, 1600-1905, Time Life UK, 2000, 168 p.

Russell Braddon, Thomas Baines and the North Australian Expedition, HarperCollins Publishers Ltd, 1987, 160 p.

Shiona Airlie, Reginald Johnston: Chinese Mandarin (Scots' Lives Series): tutor and advisor to the last Emperor of China, NMSE Publishing, 2001, 104 p.

Stephanie Williams, Running the show: the extraordinary stories of the men who governed the British Empire, Viking, 2011, 512 p.

Stuart Reid, Armies of the East India Company 1750-1850 (Men-at-Arms), Osprey Publishing, 2009, 48 p.

Susan Clair Imbarrato, Women writing home, 1700-1920: female correspondence across the British Empire, Routledge, 2006, 2166 p.

Taline Ter Minassian, Reginald Teague-Jones - au service secret de l'Empire britannique, Grasset, Paris, 2012, 468 p.

The colonial overlords, 1850-1900, coll. “History of the World”, Time Life UK, 1991, 176 p.

Wade Davis, Into the silence: the Great War, Mallory and the conquest of Everest, Vintage, 2012, 672 p.

Grace, Richard J., 1940- Opium and empire : the lives and careers of William Jardine and James MathesonMontreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2014

Janin, Hunt, 1940- India-China opium trade in the nineteenth centuryJefferson, N.C. : McFarland, [2014]

Van Dyke, Paul Arthur Merchants of Canton and Macao : success and failure in eighteenth-century Chinese trade Hong Kong : HKU Press, 2016

Van Dyke, Paul ArthurThe Canton trade : life and enterprise on the China coast, 1700-1845 Hong Kong University Press, 2007

Hillemann, Ulrike AsianEmpire and British knowledge Palgrave Macmillan, 2009

Beinart, William Environment and empire Oxford University Press, 2010

Crosby, Alfred W. Ecological imperialism : the biological expansion of Europe, 900-1900 Cambridge University Press, 2004

Grove, Richard H. Green imperialism : colonial expansion, tropical island Edens, and the origins of environmentalism, 1600-1860 Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995

Miller, David Philip Visions of empire : voyages, botany, and representations of nature Cambridge University Press, 2010

Caine, Barbara : Bombay to Bloomsbury

Robinson, Francis :Islam,South Asia, and the West

Rajan, Balachandra: Under Western eyes

Allen, Richard : Literature and nation

Das, Santanu : L'Inde dans la Grande Guerre

Negotiating India in the nineteenth century media

McBratney, John : Imperial subjects, imperial space

Francis, Andrew : Culture and commerce in Conrad's Asian fiction

Colonialism in Joseph Conrad's heart of darkness

Colonialism in Chinua Achebe's things fall apart

Kucich, John : Imperial masochism

Hogan, Patrick Colm : Empire and poetic voice

Cheng, Vincent John : Joyce, race, and empire

Brantlinger, Patrick : Rule of darkness

Ng~ug~iwaThiong'o : Weep Not, Child

Orwell, George : Burmese Days

Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan) : A passage to India

Roy, Tirthankar : The East India Company

Michell, George : Voyage enInde

Conrad, Joseph : Heart of darkness

Long, Robert Emmet : The films of Merchant Ivory

Warner, Marina : Queen Victoria's sketchbook

Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer : Heat and dust

Pocock, Tom : Nelson and his world

Barley, Nigel : Der Löwevon Singapur

East zone: Antonio Beato, Felice Beato e Adolfo Farsari

Abbott, Elizabeth : Sugar

Beckert, Sven : Empire of Cotton

Fauque, Claude : Les routes de l'esclavage

Reynolds, Glenn : Colonial cinema in Africa

Parkes, Fanny : Begums, thugs and white mughals

Worswick, Clark : Last Empire : photography in British India, 1855-1911

Leask, Nigel : British romantic writers and the East

Boehmer, Elleke : Indian arrivals, 1870-1915

Andrews, Kenneth R. : Trade, plunder and Settlement

Dalziel, Nigel : The Penguin historical atlas of the British Empire

Marshall, Peter James : Oxford history of the British Empire

Shaw, Alan George Lewers : Convicts and the colonies

Sabine, Noel : The British colonial empire

Ford, Patrick : The criminal history of the British Empire

Grimal, Henri : De l'Empire britannique au Commonwealth

Wunderlich, Curt : Das Empire

Chapman, James : Projecting empire : imperialism and popular cinema

Phillips, Richard : Sex, politics and empire

Porter, Bernard : Empire and superempire

Rose, Andreas :Zwischen Empire und Kontinent

Fitzsimons, Matthew Anthony : Empire by treaty

Grieveson, Lee : Film and the end of empire

Dodson, Michael S. : Orientalism, empire and national culture

Yelin, Louise : From the margins of Empire : Christina Stead, Doris Lessing, Nadine Gordimer

Chowdhry, Prem : Colonial India and the making of empire cinema

Dockter, Warren : Churchill and the Islamic world

David, Deirdre : Rule Britannia

McKenzie, Precious : The right sort of woman : Victorian travel writers and the fitness of an Empire

Kitson, Peter J. : Romantic literature, race, and colonial encounter

Hagiioannu, Andrew : The man who would be Kipling

Islam and the European Empires

Courcy, Anne de : The fishing fleet : husband-hunting in the Raj

Makdisi, Saree : Making England western

Porter, Bernard : The lion's share : a history of British imperialism 1850 to the present

Low, Gail : White skins/black masks

Gikandi, Simon : Maps of Englishness

Ferguson, Moira : Colonialism and gender relations from Mary Wollstonecraft to Jamaica Kincaid

Rushby, Kevin : Children of Kali

Burton, David : The Raj at Table

Viswanathan, Gauri : Masks of conquest : literary study and British rule in India

Tunzelmann, Alex von : Indian summer : the secret history of the end of an Empire

Allen, Charles : Plain tales from the Raj

Connor, Stephen B. : Mountbatten's samurai

Weller, Jac : Wellington in India

Chartrand, René : Émigré and foreign troops in British service

Chartrand, René : British troops in the West Indies

Keay, John : The honourable Company

Lovell, Julia : The Opium War

Keneally, Thomas : The Commonwealth of thieves

Churchill, Winston Sir : La guerre du Malakand

Churchill, Winston Sir : La guerre du fleuve

Bensimon, Fabrice : L'empire britannique

Bainville, Jacques : L'Angleterre et l'Empire Britannique

Davis, Richard : La décolonisationbritannique

Bunker, Nick : An empire on the edge

Willis, Sam : The struggle for sea power

O'Shaughnessy, Andrew : The men who lost America

Thompson, J. Lee : A wider Patriotism : Alfred Milner and the British Empire

Fisher, John : Curzon and British imperialism in the Middle East, 1916-1919

Roberts, Brian : Cecil Rhodes

Leonard, Dick : The great rivalry: Gladstone and Disraeli

Jenkins, Roy : Gladstone

Hillemann, Ulrike : Asian Empire and British Knowledge

Carroll, John M. : Edge of Empires

Munn, Christopher : Anglo-China : Chinese people and British rule in Hong Kong, 1841-1880

Bickers, Robert : The scramble for China

Chilton, Lisa : Agents of Empire : British female migration to Canada and Australia, 1860s-1930

Judd, Dennis : The Boer war

Schreuder, Deryck M. : Australia's empire

Clendinnen, Inga : Dancing with strangers: true history of the meeting of the British first fleet and the aboriginal Australians, 1788

Trainor, Luke : British imperialism and Australian nationalism

Belich, James : Making peoples : a history of the New Zealanders to 1900

Gentry, Kynan : History, heritage, and colonialism

Alexander, Alison : Tasmania's convicts

Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan) : A passage to India.

Picnic at Hanging Rock [Film] / screenplay by Cliff Green ; from the novel by Joan Lindsay ; dir. by Peter Weir

Elizabeth [Film] London : Illuminations, 2003

Up from slavery [Film] / dir. by Kevin R. Hershberger

Marshall, Nancy Rose : James Tissot

Mannings, David : Sir Joshua Reynolds

Egerton, Judy : George Stubbs, painter

Churchill, Winston Sir, 1874- 196 : La guerre du fleuve

Nutting, Anthony : No end of a lesson : the story of Suez

Burnaby, Fred, 1842-1885 : A ride to Khiva : travels and adventures in Central Asia

Searight, Sarah : The British in the Middle East

Paul, E. Jaiwant, 1928- : The unforgettable Maharajas : one hundred and fifty years of photography

Falconer, John : The Waterhouse albums : central Indian provinces

Holmes, Richard : Sahib : the British soldier in India, 1750-1914

Rathbone, Julian : The mutiny