Phys Ed Faves: Blown in 120 Minutes!

Activities presented by: Brandon Flowers

Twitter: @BflowPE

RoboTag: (Credit Kevin Tillar, @physedreview)
Equipment:R/C car, scooters for each student
Set Up: Charge the R/C car, give a scooter for each student
How to Play:In this insanely simple but fun game, students ride on their scooter trying not to get tagged by the R/C car. If tagged, they perform a re-entry task and continue play.
Modifications:Use at the end of class, when students are tagged they line up. or When students tag the car then they can line up

Warm Up Songs: Thunderstruck (AC/DC), Happy (Pharrell) & Flower (Moby):

(Credit Chris Tuck Bailey Bridge Middle Chesterfield Co, VA)
Thunderstruck: As a warm up we pick two different fitness tasks. (jog in place and burpie) (crab walk position and push up position) Play the song Thunderstruck by AC/DC. Every time you hear the words ‘THUNDER’ you perform the opposite fitness task. Switch it up and do multiple activities throughout the song! Great as an activity break in the classroom!
Happy: Plank position during the verse and then when the chorus comes on, sprint to the opposite side each time Happy is called out.
Flower:Bring Sally up: Push-up position----Bring Sally down, plank position.


Capture the Golden Belt
(Credit: Wayne Flint, Albemarle Co, VA)
Equipment: set of blue belts, set of red belts, 2-5 yellow belts for each team, cones for field set up
Set Up:Set up a CTF field. Create two teams and assign 2-5 players from each team to be the golden belt wearer. Those students wear a yellow belt for their team.
Objective:Be the team with the most players wearing yellow belts at the end of the game.
How to Play:Similar to CTF, the objective is to get as many yellow belts from their opponent's side as possible. Students invade their opponent’s side and trying to steal the yellow belt that their opponents are wearing thus creating a moving target! Once the belt is pulled it must be returned to their side WITHOUT their own belt being pulled in order to be ‘Won’. The student that pulled the yellow belt can either put it on and now becomes the golden belt player or can give to a different teammate. The former yellow belt wearer will then get a belt of their team's’ color and continue to play.

Invade and Conquer

Equipment:-Standard CTF setup but no puppy guard line, objects for each team (flags, animals, balls, etc.)
Setup: Set up a normal CTF field without the puppy guard line
*Give each team the designated objects for each team
Game Objective: to be the team that has placed the most objects into their opponents hoops at the end of the designated time
Game Rules: Students are safe in their territory, offensive students try to run an object through their opponent’s territory and place it their hoop without having their belt pulled
*If student has their belt pulled and they have an object they must: (pick one of these to play)
-Take the object back to their side
-Try to throw it back to their side or to a teammate (defense is allowed)
-Give to the defender
*The team that has the most objects in their opponent’s territory at the end of the time limit, wins!


360 Football

Equipment: Cones, Footballs, Pinnies
Set Up:Create a square with cones in the center on the area. Divide students into 3 Teams
Game Objective: For offensive players to scores as many passes as possible, defensive team is attempting to break up passes or intercept the ball.
Game Rules:Have Team 1 start as QB’s in the center square, Team 2 are the wide receivers and Team 3 are the defenders. QB’s attempt to throw a touchdown to their WR while the defender is guarding them. WR may run in any direction around the center square to create space. Wide Receivers count the number of touchdowns caught in 1 minute time limit! Each interception by defender counts at -1 on the WR’s score. Switch after each minute. Highest score wins!


6 Team Tag

Equipment:Flaghouse 6 Color Pinnies, random equipment for tagging purposes (noodles, bean bags, gator skin balls)
Set Up:Create 6 different types of taggers for a particular student interest. (Jurassic Park/Pokemon, Mario, Star Wars, etc)
Game Objective:To tag as many of the opponents as possible while remaining untagged
How to Play:Each tagging team has their own unique way of tagging the opposite teams. When a player is tagged, they either take a knee and can be saved by a teammate gives a ‘saving tag’ or if they are in a push-up/crab walk position and can tag an opponent.

Phys Ed Faves: Blown Away in 60 Minutes

Activities presented by: Scott Williams





CATAPULT:Description: Fun fitness game between two teams trying to knock down each other’s castles. A school favorite that strengthens the core, gets the heart rate up, and is a blast to play! Teamwork, cooperation, and strategy are involved as well as all three learning domains are addressed.

Equipment: 4 mats (2 for each side), 30+ gator skin balls or other soft balls (ammo for catapults), approx 60 targets (30 for each side; foam bricks, bowling pins, etc; the bigger the better) 2 noodles

Preparation: Basketball lines can be used for reference points of game. 2 mats from each side will be 1-2 feet on their side of halfcourt line (teams strategize on where to place their mats, but always 1-2 feet from line). Targets/castles are scattered throughout each team’s side and must be located behind foul line and not against the wall. Each team starts with one noodle.

Rules: The catapults will lie down on the mats with their hands above their head waiting to be loaded with ammo. The knights will defend their castles as well as load the catapults. As soon as a knight loads a catapult, student curls up (c/u) and fires the ball with both hands at the top of the c/u towards the opponents’ buildings, then lays back down to be reloaded. Knights are in constant movement as they must constantly switch between defense and loading. Knights must defend BEHIND the foul line and must retrieve any ball he/she defends and load it into one of their team’s catapults, which keeps them moving most of the round. Knights may carry a MAXIMUM of 2 balls at once. Rounds last 60-120 seconds. When the music stops for 10 seconds, teams rebuild as many buildings as they can as well as switch catapults. Music starts, building stops and return to play. We normally have 1 catapult for every 2 knights and do at least 3 rounds to ensure everyone is a catapult at least once.

Variations:*Add Jester to game. This knight carries a noodle and has same powers as regular knight except the Jester can cross over into the opponents’ territory and use the “sword” to knock over as many castles before he/she is tagged by an opposing knight. If Jester returns safely, he/she must give “sword” to someone else in an effort to provide turns for others. If Jester is tagged, they drop the noodle and return back to their side and continue as a knight, leaving the opponents with an extra noodle. KIDS LOVE THIS PART OF THE GAME!

*Allow catapults to be double loaded (2 balls) if all other catapults are loaded at that time

*Let students decide ratio of catapults to knights. If they want an extra mat, let them have it.

*If Jester returns without being tagged, he/she must give noodle to another teammate to ensure everyone gets a turn.


TIC TAC AGILITY: Description: Awesome high-intensity agility activity played with a partner!

Equipment: Floor tape to make tic tac toe board outlines., 5 same-colored beanbags for each player (each player must have a different color from their partner)

Preparation: Have floor tape “boards” taped before class and tape a small line on each side of board where players will place their beanbags to start the match (10 feet is a good distance, but use any distance you wish).

Rules: Partners work together to create a 4-8 step “handshake” start (think patty cake-ish). Once partners complete handshake, game is on! Each partner runs back to their line and grabs one beanbag, then returns to the board and drops it in an open space. Players repeat this step until someone gets 3 in a row on the board, just like tic tac toe!

Scoring: None needed

Variations: *Rotate partners after every 2-3 games

*To give an advantage to one of the players, they can grab 2 beanbags on their 2nd trip


PEDOMETER TAG: Description: Great instant activity or fitness game that incorporates math concepts.

Equipment:1 pedometer each student

Rules: Everyone is it. When a tag is made, both students compare step count (greater/less than) to see who wins the “face-off.” Winner continues playing while the player with fewer steps “charges up” more steps by doing 20 quick feet in the corner or running one lap around the perimeter of the gym. The first round should be the quickest round so we can get to the modifications below:

Variations: *2nd round during the face-offs the students will now compare the “ones” place value digits of their total step count. 3rd round they compare tens, 4th round hundreds, etc.

*Switch it! Have the winner “awarded” with quick steps in the corner to increase their step count (if your pedometers work that way).

TURNSTYLE (credit SPARK): Description: Awesome high-intensity long rope activity ideally played with a group of 6-10

Equipment: One long jump rope per group

Rules: Two turners turn the rope towards the rest of the group (when rope is at its apex, it falls down towards the group) who start in line. The objective is to have one student run under the rope for each turn and see how many consecutive successful turns your group can achieve before an “empty” turn. Switch turners often.

Scoring: Count by ones or skip count by any number you choose.

Variations: *Rotate on the fly (no stopping the rope) with turners every time a multiple of 10 is reached

*Increase the number of students that run under together (1 the 1st time, 2 the 2nd time, etc.)

*Name your team and record your highest score so next groups/classes can try to beat your high score (students LOVE this!)



Description: Awesome cooperative game that requires teamwork, strategy, and is a hilarious blast! Can also be used as an instant activity.

Equipment: 3-4 noodles for taggers. Tape/cones marking playing area.

Preparation: Use tape or cones to make two rectangles (one inside the other) to form the three zones of the game: jail, tagging, and safe. Basketball/volleyball court lines can be used to establish zones as well.



Rules: Start with approximately half of the class in jail. The helpers start in the safe zone and try to free their classmates from jail by giving them 22 handshakes. The player in jail is responsible for their handshake total as they may not receive all 22 shakes at once. Taggers patrol the area and attempt to tag the helpers as they are assisting those in jail. Helpers report to jail if tagged or if they accidentally step onto the jail line. Taggers must stay outside jail lines and run around the jail area when chasing helpers.

Variations: *Helpers may shake the hands of two different players at the same time.

*Two helpers may shake the hands of one jailed player at the same time.

*Students are instructed to “make it awesome!” by ensuring there is a balance between the jailed and helpers. Ex: If there are too many helpers, students can run into jail and make the game more fun.

*Jail is active! Jailed players should run around the jail area to spots that are not closely guarded by taggers and communicate with the helpers in the safe zone.

Action/Reaction- Partner activity designed for speed, agility and fun!

Two people will lay down facing each other head to head on a baseline. The player who is facing the opposite baseline is the tagger and will be doing the reacting (reactor). The player who is facing away from the baseline is the runner and will be doing the action (actor).

As players lay on their stomach the “actor” will get up quickly and start to run towards the opposite baseline in a straight pathway. As soon as the reactor sees the part actor get up, s/he will react immediately by standing up and chasing. The object is to tag the runner before they get to the opposite end of the gym or other finish line you designate. Switch roles after each round

Variations: *Allow actor up to 2 fakes to keep reactor guessing.

*Allow students to adjust starting spots as needed to provide for a fair match

*Both players start in push-up or abdominal plank position

*To infuse an awesome dynamic balance challenge, place 4 beanbags across the floor in the middle of the pathway. Actor can attempt to “scoop” as many bags as possible while trying to avoid being tagged.

One Direction

Description: Great instant activity tag game that really makes you think on your feet! (Modified from Project Adventure)

Equipment: None

Preparation: Get a partner.

Rules: Runner takes off with a 5 step head start. S/he can only turn right and must go AT LEAST 5 steps in one direction before turning (I tell my students they can only move in cardinal directions, NWES, and cannot travel in a diagonal path (intercardinal directions), such as SW or NE). The round is over when the chaser, who also can turn right only, catches the runner. The chaser must obey the same rules as the runner but does not have to take the same path.

Variations: *Both runner and chaser can only turn left.

*BEST VARIATION-Runner can only turn one way (runner right) while chaser (left) can only turn opposite direction. Tons of fun and thinking with this extension!!

Phys Ed Faves: Blown Away in 60 Minutes

Activities presented by: Andrew Wymer


Hot Spot

Have students get into groups of no less than five. The more the better. Seven to eight players is ideal.

Have students circle up around a large object in the middle (road cone, chair, etc). Students need to make a “power grip” with their neighbor (hold on to each others forearms).

On the go signal players will try to pull the person standing on either side of them towards the object in the middle in an effort to get them to touch it. When that happens, stop and start a new game. If the group breaks apart, stop to rejoin and then continue.


Big Ball Basketball


This is a modification to traditional team basketball using non-traditional equipment.


To score as many times into your team’s hoop in the same fashion as the game of basketball.


Step ups or floor mats (anything that one person on each team can safely stand on.) Hula hoops and oversize inflatable balls.

How to play:

Create teams of three on three or four on four. Try to limit size of teams to ensure maximum inclusion for everyone. Place the step ups or floor mats on each end of the playing area. One person from each team will stand on one while holding the hoop. This person is the human basketball goal.

The rest of the players will play traditional basketball with the oversized ball. The object is to shoot the ball through their team’s hoop.


Players in possession of the ball can dribble or shoot but may not be in possession of the ball for more than three seconds. The person holding the hoop can hold it low or high up and can move the hoop in an attempt to get the ball to go through the hoop. The hoop holder must keep the hoop parallel to the floor at all times.

Defensive players may steal passes and block shots only. Defense cannot steal the dribble. Defense may “goaltend,” meaning when a shot attempt is made the ball can be swatted away at any point. An exception is any defensive person sticking their hand through their opponent’s hoop to block a shot is not allowed.

After a goal has been scored the hoop holder must immediately change jobs with a teammate. The game does not stop to change jobs. Play is continuous.


Wild Goose Chase

Have students partner up