August 21-22, 2013

Dallas, DoubleTree near the Galleria

- Summary of Motions-

Agenda Item 36 and 38 – TCR Update— Jim Medford (WRI) motioned and Keith Tynes (ETEC) seconded to approve the CWG recommendation on TCRs. The motion passed with no opposition and 9 abstentions; Calpine, NextEra Energy, Golden Spread, Duke Energy, Layfayette Utilities system, NRG, Kelson Energy, AEP, and Shell Energy.


August 21-22, 2013

Dallas, DoubleTree near the Galleria

- Minutes –

Agenda Items 1-4, Administrative Items

Call to Order

Tyler Wolford (CUS) called the meeting to order at 1:32 p.m. CDT.

Attendance & Administrative Items

Erin Jester (SPP) recorded attendance and confirmed quorum was met. See Appendix1: Attendance.

Review of Agenda

Tyler Wolford reviewed the agenda with the group. There were no changes to the agenda.

CWG Effectiveness

Tyler and Jim Gunnell (SPP) provided some comments and suggestions for the group on how to maintain effectiveness and more productively communicate during the meetings.

Agenda Items 5a-b, Consent Agenda

For Consent Action (Approval Items)

Tyler Wolford presented the items set for consent approval by group.

July, 2013CWG Meeting Minutes

July CWG meeting minutes were approved by the group.

July, 2013 JWG Meeting Minutes

July JWG meeting minutes were approved by the group.

Agenda Items 6-8, Integrated Marketplace Updates

Program Update

Sam Ellis (SPP) provided the Integrated Marketplace Program update. Sam provided a high-level look at the Program Critical Path, a summary of tower and workstream status, and a view of the current and past System Heat Maps; the pastHeat Maps sequence illustrates progress through testing phases over the last 6 months.

Readiness and Outreach

Jim Gunnell and Erin Jester (SPP) provided an update on Member Outreach and Market Participant Readiness efforts. A member of the group discussed the possibility of entering multiple issues in a single RMS ticket. Don Martin (SPP) explained that entering more than one issue in an RMS ticket makes it difficult for SPP to track submitted issues. However, if appropriate, RMS tickets can be linked. The group discussed the TCR Go/No-Go criteria in detail. TCR metric, TCR-05 was specifically discussed and the group requested the Readiness team take another look at how the metric is measured. This analysis will be included in ongoing metric analysis. A gap analysis is underway of all Readiness metrics to ensure they are complete and sufficient as the Program moves toward TCR Go-Live and Parallel Operations. The Readiness team will schedule a call to review any revisions to the TCR metrics. The group requested the Readiness team provide more detail on MP participation slides in future reports.

Action Item:SPP staff to review the measurement criteria for TCR Metric, TCR-05: TCR Market Trials Participation and revise to ensure sufficient measurement of MP participation.

Action Item: SPP staff to post the TCR Go-Live Criteria with a completed status column and implement plans to update each criterion’s status on a weekly basis.

Action Item: SPP staff to review the posted SMT Go/No-Go criteria and update where needed.

Action Item:SPP staff to provide a more detailed report (a roll-up view) of Readiness per MP in future Readiness Presentations (focused on Target Mass MPs).

Action Item:SPP staff to finalize the Readiness Certification Letter and provide to MPs by September3, 2013.

Action Item:SPP staff to provide more details on non-participating MPs and the impact in future Readiness presentations to the CWG and MOPC (focused on Target Mass MPs).

Action Item:SPP staff to determine if Program executive staff should perform targeted outreach to MPs who are not participating.

Market Trials (SMT, Parallel Operations)

Casey Cathey (SPP) and Philip Bruich (SPP) provided an update on Structured Market Trials and Parallel Operations. The group discussed SPP’s concern regarding MP participation in the Scenario Tracking process. The group felt SPP should continue with the posting of MP participation status to iDashboard and reporting on MPs who are not participating during the CWG and weekly SMT calls. Group discussion was held regarding concern that MPs will not able to upload their own meter data until October 1. Specifically, the group felt this does not provide enough time for MP testing in advance of the TCR Go-Live. The group would like to see how Settlement results will be reflected in the TCR data.

Action Item: SPP staff to publish information about iDashboard to the CWG.

Action Item: SPP staff to schedule net conference to review plans for Parallel Operations.

Action Item: SPP staff to review the ICCP handbook and ensure the RRDO, RRDS, and RRDU SCADA points are covered.

Agenda Item 9, Q&A


The group participated in a Q&A session.

Agenda Items 10-32, Written Reports

The group was given the opportunity to provide feedback, ask questions, and/or discuss information reviewed in the written reports. Written reports provided for advance review included:

10.Consolidated Status Report

11.CBASC Update (Presentation)

12.ICCP for Marketplace, ICCP Architecture

13.ICCP Readiness Update (Report)

14.Internal Readiness Update (Presentation)

15.Market Monitoring Data Depository

16.Market Monitoring Data Depository MIPO Review (Presentation)

17.Market Participant Outreach

18.Market Trials

19.Marketplace Portal

20.Markets Systems



23.Regulatory & Compliance

24.Regulatory Update (Presentation)




28.Transmission Congestion Rights

Non-Marketplace Status Reports

29.Crediting Stack Analysis Process

30.Credit Stacking Analysis (Presentation)

Other Reports

31.Marketplace Inquiries

32.Program Testing Gantt

Agenda Items 33-36, 38Integrated Marketplace Program Updates Cont.

Introduction to TCR

Ty Mitchell (SPP) provided an introductory level presentation to interested CWG attendees.

TCR Contingency Plan Update

Scott Smith (SPP) provided an update on the TCR contingency plan. The group discussed how the document could become more official. Some CWG members expressed a desire to file the document so it may be included in the Tariff. The group also discussed including the TCR Contingency Plan as an attachment to the Reversion plan.

Action Item: SPP staff to research option to file the TCR Contingency Plan in order to include it in the SPP Tariff.

Action Item: SPP to research whether the Reversion plan should address TCR Contingency situations.

Operational Model Validation Process

Casey Cathey provided an overview of the operational model validation process.

TCR Update

Charles Cates, Debbie James, Catherine Mooney provided an in-depth TCR presentation. The group held significant discussion regarding MP confidence in the TCR Market go-live. The group noted specific topics they would like SPP to address:

  • Provide a view of end-to-end process
  • Provide more details on open issues/defects as they relate to TCR systems
  • Provide a contingency plan/assessment of impacts in the event we delay the TCR Market Go-Live date
  • Provide Revenue Adequacy Analysis
  • Overview of manual inputs and workarounds involved in processes
  • Overview of progress towards March 1, 2014 go-live

The CWG discussed the possibility and options for the SPP MMU and other technical staff to perform additional analysis using a larger sample data set. The group agreed one month of data would be sufficient.

Jim Medford (WRI) motioned and Keith Tynes (ETEC) seconded to approve the CWG recommendation on TCRs. The motion passed with no opposition and 9 abstentions; Calpine, NextEra Energy, Golden Spread, Duke Energy, Layfayette Utilities system, NRG, Kelson Energy, AEP, and Shell Energy.

Action Item: SPP staff to schedule a call with the TCR Liaisons to determine the details of the MMU/technical team analysis to raise confidence in the overall TCR processes in advance of the 10/18 go-live date. SPP staff should develop the plan for the technical team review/analysis and present it to the CWG and TCR Liaisons.

Action Item: SPP staff to provide an update on progress toward meeting the Market Go-Live date during the September CWG meeting.

Agenda Item 37 and 39, Q&A


The group participated in a Q&A session.

Agenda Items 40-41, Action Item Review
CWG Closure Pending

The following closure pending action items were postponed to an email review following the meeting.

Item / Meeting / Action Item / Updates / Status
464 / 3/14/2013 / SPP staff to publish a workflow diagram to show how mitigated offers will work in Day-Ahead and RTBM. / Update 8/12/2013. Training materials are available online and should provide the information needed. A copy has been provided in the August materials - additional #40 AI 464. / Closure Pending
491 / 7/25/2013 / SPP staff to research appropriateness of aligning the certification dates with Tariff language related to the go-live date. / Update 8/12/2013: There is nothing in the Tariff about go-live other than the requested effective date for the Tariff of 3/1/2014 / Closure Pending
494 / 7/25/2013 / SPP staff to determine if the Go-Live Team requires a simple majority or a unanimous vote. / Update 8/12/2013: Unanimous vote / Closure Pending
495 / 7/25/2013 / SPP staff to research options to provide a testing environment during Parallel Operations. / Update 8/12/2013: SPP will reserve time for MP testing, the Parallel Ops calendar will be used to communicate the windows / Closure Pending
496 / 7/24/2013 / TCR staff to provide additional TCR training in the August and September timeframe. This training should include business assumptions and the end-to-end process for ARR and TCR. / Update 8/12/2013: Training has been scheduled / Closure Pending
497 / 7/24/2013 / SPP staff to send a TCR Readiness focused survey to CWG members only, TCR Liaisons and Market Trials liaisons to obtain Market Participant concerns and thoughts on moving forward with TCR Go-Live. / Update 8/12/2013: Done / Closure Pending
498 / 7/24/2013 / SPP staff to request Market Participants send historical peak load to the TCR team through the RMS. / Update 8/16/2013: Done / Closure Pending
502 / 7/24/2013 / SPP staff to consider how to handle Market Participant testing that does not fall within the parameters laid out for Parallel Operations, e.g., RTBM tolerances. / Update 8/15/2013: Addressed through updates to the Parallel Ops calendar. / Closure Pending
503 / 7/24/2013 / SPP staff to discuss Known Issues Log (KIL) items that SPP has specified must be fixed for Integrated Marketplace Go-Live, which participants may not have sufficient time to test, and consider establishing a time for participant testing earlier in Parallel Operations. / Update 8/15/2013: Addressed through updates to the Parallel Ops calendar. / Closure Pending
The following new action items were recorded during the meeting.
Item / Meeting / Action Item / Updates / Status
504 / 8/21/2013 / SPP staff to review the measurement criteria for TCR Metric, TCR-05: TCR Market Trials Participation and revise to ensure sufficient measurement of MP participation. / New
505 / 8/21/2013 / SPP staff to post the TCR Go-Live Criteria with a completed status column and implement plans to update each criterion’s status on a weekly basis. / New
506 / 8/21/2013 / SPP staff to review the posted SMT Go/No-Go criteria and update where needed. / New
507 / 8/21/2013 / SPP staff to provide a more detailed report (a roll-up view) of Readiness per MP in future Readiness Presentations (focused on Target Mass MPs). / New
508 / 8/21/2013 / SPP staff to finalize the Readiness Certification Letter and provide to MPs by September 3, 2013. / New
509 / 8/21/2013 / SPP staff to provide more details on non-participating MPs and the impact in future Readiness presentations to the CWG and MOPC (focused on Target Mass MPs). / New
510 / 8/21/2013 / SPP staff to determine if Program executive staff should perform targeted outreach to MPs who are not participating. / New
511 / 8/21/2013 / SPP staff to publish information about iDashboard to the CWG. / New
512 / 8/21/2013 / SPP staff to schedule net conference to review plans for Parallel Operations. / New
513 / 8/21/2013 / SPP staff to review the ICCP handbook and ensure the RRDO, RRDS, and RRDU SCADA points are covered. / New
514 / 8/21/2013 / SPP staff to research option to file the TCR Contingency Plan in order to include it in the SPP Tariff. / New
515 / 8/21/2013 / SPP to research whether the Reversion plan should address TCR Contingency situations. / New
516 / 8/21/2013 / SPP staff to schedule a call with the TCR Liaisons to determine the details of the MMU/technical team analysis to raise confidence in the overall TCR processes in advance of the 10/18 go-live date. SPP staff should develop the plan for the technical team review/analysis and present it to the CWG and TCR Liaisons. / New
517 / 8/21/2013 / SPP staff to provide an update on progress toward meeting the Market Go-Live date during the September CWG meeting. / New

Agenda Item 36 and 38 – TCR Update— Jim Medford (WRI) motioned and Keith Tynes (ETEC) seconded to approve the CWG recommendation on TCRs. The motion passed with no opposition and 9 abstentions; Calpine, NextEra Energy, Golden Spread, Duke Energy, Layfayette Utilities system, NRG, Kelson Energy, AEP, and Shell Energy.

Agenda Items 42-43, Future Meetings

2012/2013 Meetings

Erin Jester covered future meetings with the group through email following the meeting.

a.September 18 – 19 Dallas, Magnolia Downtown

b.October 23 – 24 Dallas, DoubleTree near the Galleria

c.November 13 – 14 Little Rock, SPP Corporate Center

d.December18 – 19 Dallas, DoubleTree near the Galleria

2014 Meetings

This topic was postponed to the September CWG meeting.

Tyler Wolford adjourned the meeting at 3:00 p.m. CDT.

Respectfully Submitted,

Erin Jester

Appendix1: Attendance

First Name / Last Name / Position / 8/21/2013 / 8/22/2013
Aaron / Rome / Member / Midwest Energy / x
Adam / Cochran / Member / Tenaska Power Services / x / x
Amber / Metzker / Member / Xcel Energy / x / x
Brett / Kruse / Member / Calpine / x / x
Brian / Gedrich / Member / NextEra Energy / x / x
Chris / Lyons / Member / Exelon
Eric / Alexander / Member / Grand River Dam Authority / x / x
Erin / Jester / Secretary / SPP
Greg / DePratt / Member / Empire District / x
Jim / Jacoby / Member / AEP / x / x
Jim / Medford / Member / Westar / x / x
Joe Dan / Wilson / Member / Golden Spread / x
John / Seck / Member / KMEA / x / x
Jon / Sunneberg / Member / NPPD / x / x
Keith / Tynes / Member / Tex La Electric Coop of Texas
Deep East Texas Coop
East Texas Electric Coop
Northeast Texas Coop / x / x
Kevin / Carter / Member / Duke Energy
Lee / Anderson / Member / Lincoln Electric / x / x
Mandi / Howell / Member / Western Farmers / x / x
Mark / Worf / Member / Sunflower Electric / x / x
Mike / Mushrush / Member / Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority / x / x
Mike / Lindberg / Member / KBPU / x / x
Mitch / Krysa / Member / KCPL / x / x
Robert / Stillwell / Member / City of Independence / x / x
Ronald / Gary / Member / Lafayette Utilities System
Ryan / Johnson / Member / NRG Energy (NLR, CNWY, LAGN, WMU)
Sanjay / Wankhade / Member / Kelson Energy / x
Shane / Jenson / Member / OPPD / x / x
Shawn / Geil / Member / KEPCO / x / x
Shawn / McBroom / Member / OGE / x / x
Stuart / Bowles / Member / AECC / x / x
Terry / Gates / Vice Chairman / AEP / x / x
Tyler / Wolford / Chairman / City Utilities of Springfield / x / x
Walt / Shumate / Member / Shell Energy / x / x