NOTE: The summative redo project has 2 parts(A and B). You must pass both parts to pass the redo project and pass the trimester.
Part A:You will be making a representation of the entire classification system of one living organism- it may be a plant, an animal, a protist, or a fungi. You have a choice of either making a poster, making a trifold brochure, or a paper.
You are required to provide the following information on the classification of your organism:
1. Domain
- Kingdom
- Phylum
- Class
- Order
- Family
- Genus
- Species
- Scientific name
- Common name
- Habitat/niche
- Food source
- Reproduction
- Endangered or extinct status
- Current population
- And any other unique facts about your organism
- a picture or drawing of your organism
You will be graded on neatness and creativity as well as the required information outlined above. Put some time into this because this is a summative grade for you. PLEASE CITE YOUR RESOURCES!!!! On the back of this sheet I have provided a copy of the rubric that I will use to grade your project. Have fun and show me your creative side!!
- Kingdom and domain (4pts)______
- Phylum (2pts)______
- Class (2pts)______
- Order (2pts)______
- Family (2pts)______
- Genus (2pts)______
- Species (2pts)______
- Scientific name (2pts)______
- Common Name (2pts)______
- Habitat/niche (3pts)______
- Food source (3pts)______
- Reproduction (3pts)______
- Endangered or extinct status/ current population(2)______
- Other interesting facts (4 pts)______
2. THE PROJECT IS CREATIVE-uses lots of color; it looks like a lot of time was put into the project- it is eye catching etc. (10 pts) ______
3. Resources citedin MLA format (5 PTS)______
TOTAL (50 PTS)______
< 25pts- 0 / 26-33pts - 1 / 34-41pts - 2 / 42-50pts. - 3GRADE______
Part B:
Classification Assessment
Task: Organize the pictures provided into 3 kingdoms, describe the kingdoms and justify your decisions. Organize each kingdom into 2 phyla, describe the phyla and justify your decisions.
- Organize and glue all pictures into 3 different “kingdoms” that make sense for grouping
- Name/Label each kingdom creatively
- List 3 facts next to each kingdom based on anatomy that make each “kingdom” unique.
- Completely explain your reasoning – 1 paragraph. Explain using clear trends, patterns, and relationships.
- Divide each kingdom into 2 different phyla.
- Name/Label each phylum creatively. List the members of each phylum by number (see example).
- List 3 facts next to each phylum based on anatomy that make each “phylum” unique.
- Completely explain your reasoning – 1 paragraph per kingdom. Explain using clear trends, patterns, and relationships.
IB Score / Criterion E: processing data / Task Specific Descriptor / Final Score
0 / The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given below. / 0
1 / The student organizes and presents data using simple numerical or diagrammatic forms and draws an obvious conclusion. / Divides 60% of pictures into 3 different “kingdoms” and “phyla” that make sense for grouping and names each kingdom and phyla in a boring way.
List 1 fact based on anatomy that make each “kingdom/phyla” unique.
Explains thought process using vague or missing trends, patterns, and relationships / .8
2 / 1.5
3 / The student organizes and transforms data into numerical and diagrammatic forms and presents it using appropriate communication modes.
The student draws a conclusion consistent with the data. / Divides 80% of pictures into 3 different “kingdoms” and 2 “phyla” that make sense for grouping and names each kingdom/phylum uniquely
List 2 facts based on anatomy that make each “kingdom” and “phyla” unique.
Explains thought process using somewhat clear trends, patterns, and relationships / 2.2
4 / 2.8
5 / The student organizes and transforms data into numerical and diagrammatic forms and presents it logically and clearly, using appropriate communication modes.
The student explains trends, patterns or relationships in the data, comments on the reliability of the data, draws a clear conclusion based on the correct interpretation of the data, and explains it using scientific reasoning. / Divides all pictures into 3 different “kingdoms” and 2 “phyla” that make sense for grouping and names each kingdom/phyla creatively
List 3 facts based on anatomy that make each “kingdom” and “phyla” unique.
Fully explains reasons for groupings, using clear trends, patterns, and relationships. / 3.5
6 / 4