22 OCTOBER 2012
That theAssistant Mayor:
- Approvesthe Target Priceand appoint Urban Vision Highway Servicesfor the proposed works
- ApprovesUrban Vision design, site supervision and CDMC fees
- Approvesthe quotation and appoint TfGM Urban Traffic Controlfor the signal installation works.
The purpose of this report is to seek authority to accept the Target Price from Urban Vision Highway Services, to carry out junction improvements and carriageway repairs to the A666 Bolton Road/A6044 Agecroft Road Junction, including authority for expenditure on Urban Vision fees.
Funding is secured through a Section 106 Agreement with a Private Developer. Additional contingency funding is approved within Salford City Council’s 2012/2013 Block 3 Transport Capital Programme.
This report seeks approval for:
-the submitted Target Price and the appointment of Urban Vision Highway Services as Principal Contractor to undertake the works
-the submitted price and appointment of TfGM Urban Traffic Control for the signal installation works
-Urban Vision design, site supervision and CDM Coordinator fees.
BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS (Available for public inspection):
Annex 1 - Proposed layout
1.1.A planning application was approved under (00/41605/FUL) for the creation of Agecroft Commerce Park including the erection of a warehouse (Class B8) unit with associated car parking, service yards and access road.
1.2.The developer was Shepborough Development Co Limited.
1.3.A Section 106 Agreement was entered into between Salford City Council and Shepborough Development Co Limited and required that the developer pay a commuted sum totalling £210,000 for the purpose of delivering improvements to the existing junction of A666 Bolton Rd andA6044 Agecroft Rd.
2.1.The scheme is intended to improve the existing pedestrian facilities and junction layout at the A666 Bolton Road/A6044 Agecroft Road Junction. The existing traffic signals will be upgraded to MOVA system to improve the junction capacity. The existing deterioration of the carriageway due to rutting and foundation failure will be rectified as part of the works.
2.2.The scheme (as shown on drawing UV/000139-02-0100-001) comprises:
- site clearance including carriageway plane off and excavation (damaged area only) and removal of existing islands
- construction of new staggered pedestrian islands
- reconstruction of carriageway
- resurfacing of carriageway
- signallingupgradeto MOVA system (Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Actuation).
2.3.Carriageway reconstruction will be limited to the A666 southbound, from the stop line extending northwards for up to 15m in length as required. Resurfacing will also be limited to the A666 southbound, from the stop line extending northwards for up to 50m in length as required.
2.4.The purpose of this report is to secure approval to spend the £210,000 funding to improve the pedestrian facilities at the junction of A666 Bolton Road with Agecroft Road, to deliver the junction improvements.
2.5.The report also seeks approval to directly allocate the contract to Urban Vision Highway Servicesin accordance with the Re-thinking Construction Framework Agreement, subject to a Target Price of £124,973.44.
2.6.The works are planned to start on site as soon as possible after all approvals have been secured, the estimated duration of the works is 5 weeks.
3.1.The scheme will be fundedthroughthe Section 106Agreement to a value of £210,000.
3.2.An additional funding contribution of up to £30,000 will be provided by Salford City Council’s 2012/2013 Block 3 Transport Capital Programme, to maximise the extend of the improvements to the existing carriageway and act as a contingency sum.
3.3.The cost summary of the scheme is as follows:
Project ExpenditureUrban Vision Highway ServicesTarget Price / £124,973.44
Maximum KPI bonus of up to 2.5% of the Target Price,payable to the Contractor upon successful completion of the works and as defined in the Re-thinking Construction Framework Agreement / £3,124.34
UTC Signal Installation / £41,000
UTC Traffic Counts & modelling (cost already incurred) / £1,250
UTC Signal Design (cost already incurred) / £2,750
Urban Vision Design, Site Supervision and CDM Coordinator Fees / £35,200
TotalCost / £208,297.78
Project Funding
Private funding from Section 106 Agreement / £210,000
Additional contingency contribution from Salford City Council’s 2012/2013 Block 3 Transport Capital Programme / £30,000
TotalAvailable Budget / £240,000
3.4.The annual cost of routine maintenance of these improved facilities will not be affected. No additional maintenance costs will therefore be necessary.
4.1.The scheme will improve the pedestrian facilities and junction capacity at this location, and will repair the existing damage on the carriageway.
4.2.It is recommended that approval is given to the Target Cost submission, the appointment of Urban Vision Highway Services under the Rethinking Construction Framework Agreement for the proposed works, Urban Vision design, site supervision and CDM Coordinator fees and to appoint TfGM Urban Traffic Control to undertake the traffic signal installation works.
KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: To promote sustainable transport and to improve pedestrian facilities.
EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND IMPLICATIONS: No equality issues are expected by the implementation of this scheme.
ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Low - All funding has already been provided to Salford City Council by the Private Developer under a Section 106 Agreement.Additional contingency contribution from Salford City Council’s 2012/2013 Block 3 Transport Capital Programme has been secured.
SOURCE OF FUNDING: Private funding through a Section 106 Agreement. Additional contingency contribution from Salford City Council’s 2012/2013 Block 3 Transport Capital Programme.
LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: Provided by Helen Chapman, Legal Officer0161-234 3227
It is considered that the legal implications arising out of this report are limited, as the allocation of the contract to Urban Vision is in accordance with the Rethinking Construction Framework Agreement, and the proposed application of the section 106 monies is inaccordance with the Section 106 Agreement detailed in paragraph 1.3 above.
FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Mat Tanner, Accountant 0161 925 1129
Date consulted: 11/09/2012
Comments: Section 106 funds have been received from planning application00/41605/FULand £210,000 is available to fund the proposed works.
Provision for the contingency costs of the scheme of £30,000 has been made from within the approved Highways Block 3 2012/13 capital programme.
OTHER DIRECTORATES CONSULTED: The Environment & Community SafetyDirectorate has been contacted.
CONTACT OFFICER: Dimitris Kontos Extension No 7767
WARD TO WHICH REPORT RELATES: Pendlebury and Claremont
ED279 25 February 2010